
A fat girl's first love

Your POV


Sandeul walked me home as usual... I always wondered why Sandeul didn't just go with Oppa instead of following me home and just leaving right away. I felt like I was someone important that had a bodyguard all the time.


"Sandeul, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Anything." He said and continued walking.

"Why do you and Oppa act like i'm someone that needs a bodyguard all the time?" I asked and he froze.

"Why do you ask that?" He asked.

"I feel like you and Oppa don't trust me on my own... I mean you would leave me home alone, but you will never let me walk alone." I said scratching my head.

"We just want to make sure you're safe." He said sincerely staring at me..

"You are freaking me out with that stare... Let's just hurry home then." I said and we walked home.


I pressed in our house pin number and walked inside.

"See you later Sandeul..." I said and bowed and closed the door.


I went straight to my room and just laid down... Thinking about Omma... I started thinking about her more since this morning... Then all of a sudden a chinky eyed guy came into my mind... UGH!!!!! Why is he coming into my head?!? UGH!!!! I need to do some homework... To get that stuck up jerk out of my mind... So I did...


[1 Hour later]


Why is it kinda cold in our apartment? Aish!!! I know its almost winter right now, but seriously, why is there no heat in here yet????


I went into Oppa's room to go grab the hoodie I left in there. It was my favorite hoodie... Actually a gift that Oppa gave me... He really cares for me.... Okay... I entered his room... Now... Where is it? I then spotted it on his desk. I grabbed it quickly causing papers to fall too... I picked all the papers up and one caught my eye... It looked like a drawn out plan... I just took it as a homework assignment... While I was picking up his papers, I noticed that there was a black book under his desk. So I picked it up. It looked mysterious... Big words on it too...




Well, I guess that this book must be oppa's diary or something so I picked it up and put it on his desk. I quickly ran out, but then I noticed Oppa's work shirt was sitting on his bed...

What the.... Doesn't he have work today?!?

I grabbed my bag and my phone and his shirt. Then I walked outside... It was like 7PM so it was kinda dark but there was still sunlight out. I walked towards Oppa's work place, but then I spotted 5 familiar guys and 7 guys.... The 5 were wearing masks... So I couldn't see their faces. But then out of those 7, I saw that chinky eyed guy... OMG!!! What is he doing here?!?! I gotta hurry and go to the coffee shop where Oppa works... So I ran there....


"Annyeong! Welcome what can we do for you?" A girl asked. She looked nice and she was wearing the coffee shop shirt.

"Is my oppa here?" I asked.

"What is his name?" She asked.

"Jung Jinyoung." I said.

"Oh... He was fired a long time ago... He didn't tell you?" She said.

I was shocked... What??? Oppa doesn't work here? Then where is he?

"He didn't tell me... Do you know how long ago he got fired." I asked.

"No... Actually right when I got the job, shortly he was fired... Sorry." She said.

"Okay... Well can you get me a glass of water?" I asked.

"Of course." She said.

"Here you go.." She came back and she put a slice of cake in front of me too.

"My treat... You seem pretty upset. So you can have that one." She said with a smile.

"Thanks... Can I ask for your name?" I asked.

"I'm Kim YuJin... But call me Uee... I just came back from the States a month ago." She said with a smile.

"Okay... I'm Jung ~~~... Just call me ~~~..." I said. I quickly ate the cake and ran out.


I went back home quickly.... When I opened the door quickly, but then a body slammed into me.

"Where did you go?" Jinyoung was home and he was standing in front of me.

Shoot... I wanted to get home before he did...

"I came from your workplace." He tensed up when I said that.



Jinyoung POV


"I came from your workplace" ~~~ said... I tensed up.

Shoot... I hope she didn't figure anything out.

"Yes... And how was it?" I asked.

"It was fine, but you weren't there... Why weren't you there?" She asked.

"I got out of work early." I lied...



Your POV


"I got out of work early..." He said.


"Oh... that would explain things..." I said... And he let out a sigh of relief.

"Why are you sighing Oppa?" I asked getting suspicious.

"Nothing." He said.

"Well... Tomorrow I'll visit you at your workplace." I said and walked off.

"Mwo?!? You can't!!!" He said all of a sudden.

"Wae?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"B-because it's going to be a busy day..." He totally just lied to me.

"It's alright... I'll still go." I said.

"Aniyo!!! You need to stay home." He yelled.

"Oppa, is there something wrong with me going out into the world? You act as it I don't know how to defend myself." I said angry now too.

"No... That's not it!" He yelled and he went to his room before I could continue questioning him.

I just ran to my room furious... Aish... He is totally hiding something from me. Oppa, whatever it is, i'll find out.


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Neomu Kamsahapnida to all of my SUBBERS! I love you guys!


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akaonim #1
Im here like 6 years later but still wanting this to be completed. Please please please tell me you didnt give up on this
anatasia #2
Chapter 27: I like the's interesting..i really hope that you can update it..:))
eunki_kim #3
Chapter 27: Please update soon
Chapter 27: Update soon!
Chapter 27: this an awesome story i remember stumbling upon it a while ago and instantly fell in love so cute yet sad I wish everything turns out well for her :)
Chapter 27: L.Joe oppa ! i love this story please update soon author-nim jjang !
fishyHX #7
Chapter 27: Why woohyun forget her!!!!);
akaonim #8
Chapter 27: L.Joe!!! i wonder wat will happen now