Sandeul finds out

A fat girl's first love




No one POV


You went home and saw Woohyun sitting in front of the building doors and on the stairs... You didn't want to face him, but you knew you had to eventually. You out in your headphones and gathered all of your courage... So you walked up and he looked up at the same time.


"Where were you? I was getting worried." He said.

You ignored his question... Your headphones were in, but no music was playing. So you could hear him. You walked towards the door, but he grabbed your wrist...

"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

You ignored again and went inside of the building... He just stood there shocked.... *Did I do something?* He thought and after a good 5 minutes he went up to your apartment. He knocked and knocked, but you didn't answer of course. You were silently crying.... *Oppa... I need you right now....* You thought.


"Yah! Jung ~~~! Open up! Please... I'm begging you." He pleaded... You still didn't answer the door... You just sat on your bed... Eventually you didn't hear knocking so you went to the door and checked the security camera... It showed that no one was there, but you still didn't open it. You went to go do some homework... You decided to call Sandeul.


"Hello?" He said.

"Oh... Sandeul... Are you at home?" You asked.

"Yes, I am... Waeyo?" He asked...

"Can you look outside my door? I think someone is still there..." I said.

"Jinjjah? I'll look right away!" He replied and hung up.


Sandeul POV


I got the phone call from ~~~ and she sounded scared, yet sad... I wonder what's up... I went outside of my apartment door and looked at ~~~'s door... Yup.. There was someone there alright... Woohyun... That nasty jerk I hate. If he did anything to my ~~~, I am gonna.... Before I could get angry in my mind, I walked up to him. I grabbed his shoulder and made him face me now.


"What the-?!?" Woohyun said in suprise.

His eyes glared at me when he saw my face. I gave him a nice little punch in the face.

"What are you doing here?!?" I asked raising my voice.

"Can I ask you the same?" He said wiping his blood.

"I am her neighbor that visits her often. Why are you here now?" I asked.

"I am her boyfriend! Isn't it normal for a guy to visit his girl?" He asked.

I was speechless... I was shocked... Did he just say that ~~~ was his girl? Did he just say he's ~~~'s boyfriend?

"What are you talking about? Boyfriend? Your girl?!?" I snapped.

"I am her boyfriend! It has been about a month! She didn't tell you? I thought you guys were Best Friends." Woohyun said.

I was speechless.... ~~~ kept this from me?

"Are you two madly in love?" I asked nervously.

"Yup." He said.

"Well, obviously there is something wrong with this relationship." I said.

"What? I just said we are madly in love... How could there be something wrong?" He asked in confusion.

"Obviously there is something wrong, because ~~~ won't let you inside her apartment." I said.

His eyes widened.

Bingo... There is something wrong... But I still hope that ~~~ didn't find out the whole truth.

"Well, the reason I came here was because she told me that someone was outside her door... So I came to rot them out. So if you could, please leave." I said calmly.

"What? No! I won't go until I see ~~~!" He shouted.

"Go while I ask nicely... You can see her tomorrow." I said still trying to be calm.

After a while, and when I saw a while, it was a while... He finally gave in and left... I then knocked on ~~~'s door. She opened it and my heart almost broke when I saw her.


"~~~! What's wrong?!?" I asked taking her into my embrace.

All I could hear was her cries and screams... I decided to drag us in her apartment and lock the door.

"Did that Woohyun jerk do something to you?!?" I asked.

She nodded.

"What did he do?!?" I started getting angry.

"He cheated on me!!!!" She yelled.

I was furious, when I heard those words. That son of a bum!

"Who did he cheat on you with?" I asked.

"That Uee girl." She said softly.

My eyes widened.... Things from the past are happening... I thought about the past once again....

"He's not worth your tears." I said cupping her cheeks.

"But... he took something away from me." ~~~ said.

I looked at her...

"What did he take?" I asked.

"My Purity." She said.

My eyes widened and I stood up right away when she said that.

"WHAT?!?" I shouted.

She stayed silent.

"You let him do that to you?!?" I shouted angrily.

She was still silent.

"Don't tell me nothing else happened." I said calming down a bit.

She nodded.

"What?" I asked.

She finally spoke....

"The result of that.... Led me... To..... Become...."

I waited for the answer. Please don't be what I think... Please... Please... Please.....

"pregnant" She whispered the last part and I felt my heart completely shattering into pieces.


I'm sorry for Sandeul lovers....

And once again... I am sorry for taking so long to update.

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Neomu Kamsahapnida to all of my SUBBERS! I love you guys!


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akaonim #1
Im here like 6 years later but still wanting this to be completed. Please please please tell me you didnt give up on this
anatasia #2
Chapter 27: I like the's interesting..i really hope that you can update it..:))
eunki_kim #3
Chapter 27: Please update soon
Chapter 27: Update soon!
Chapter 27: this an awesome story i remember stumbling upon it a while ago and instantly fell in love so cute yet sad I wish everything turns out well for her :)
Chapter 27: L.Joe oppa ! i love this story please update soon author-nim jjang !
fishyHX #7
Chapter 27: Why woohyun forget her!!!!);
akaonim #8
Chapter 27: L.Joe!!! i wonder wat will happen now