Lights Go On Again

The Unwanted Member
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Play: I Like You The Best – B2ST

~Marya's POV~

Yoseob's hand was still around mine as we walked to wherever. I was trying so hard to hide my blush. It was awkward and uncomfortable to hold hands in public like this. I glanced at him, he didn't seem fazed. I pouted. Did I not affect him?


"Stop staring." He side glanced at me and I gasped. Instantly, I averted my gaze and fidgeted with my wig. He chuckled quietly and fixed it right. "We're almost there."


“Where did you say we were going again?”


Yoseob pressed a finger to his lips and winked. “Secret~” He chuckled and tugged my hand. I was a little unsure. What if I was spot by anti-fans? Yoseob most have noticed my worry because he suddenly spun around and smiled at me.


“Stop worrying. You’re going to have so much fun today that you’ll completely forget all about your hardships and Yonghwa Oppa.” He mocked and I rolled my eyes.


“For your information, Yonghwa Oppa and I are very good friends.” I let go of his hands and walked off. It was fun to like this. Yonghwa and I weren’t in any relationship but I had known him for quite awhile, so we were close.


Yoseob scowled and came running back around in front of me. “Hey! Hey! Me. Only look and think about me for today! I won’t tolerate you calling anyone else Oppa!” A pout was on his lips and I smiled.


Perhaps I could a little more. “I suppose, just for today Sunbae.”


His face darkened and I squeaked. In a flash I was running in the opposite direction. “Get back here!” He yelled after me. I squealed and quickly hid behind a tree. He abruptly stopped and looked around.


I in my breath to keep from laughing but it all came out in a snort. I was laughing uncontrollably and Yoseob came walking up while shaking his head. I could tell he was happy I was laughing and to be honest, I felt happy as well.


~Yoseob’s POV~


The feeling I felt when I saw her smiling was indescribable. She was so beautiful when she smiled. Even in her fake wig and glasses. I chuckled and tugged her up.

“Now. For the real fun.” I smiled, just to . I knew, better than anyone that she hated surprises. Once, while she was still our little Coordi we had surprised her with a birthday treat…

“Shut your mouth Dongwoon!” Junhyung growled. We had been hiding in the make-up room for quite some time for Marya. She was running late for some reason. I had hoped it was because she was so overrun with presents and birthday wishes.

But when the door opened, I knew that wasn’t the case. Marya walked in with a serious expression and flipped the lights on.

“Surprise!” The other members shouted, completely unaware to her sour mood. She frowned even more and started unpacking the make-up bags.

“Happy Birthday~” Dongwoon sang. Marya smiled slightly and thanked him. The others wished her a happy birthday and went to finish getting ready. I took this time to walk up to her. “Is everything alright?”

“Of course.” She faked a smile and turned to me. “Sit down Oppa. I’ll do your make-up first.”

I chuckled at the memory. Marya gave me a suspicious look. “What are you laughing about all by yourself?” She narrowed her eyes and lifted her chin a bit, scrutinizing me.

I laughed and looked down at her. “I was remembering when you got mad at us for surprising you on your birthday and when you used to call me Oppa.”

She scowled and I laughed. “Exactly. That’s why you shouldn’t surprise me now and just tell me!” She whined.

I gasped. “Did. You. Just. Whine?!” I pressed a wrist to her forehead and the other on mine. She pushed me away and I nodded. “Just as expected. You have the hots…for me.” I winked and dropped. “Don’t let the flies in~.” I teased and ran off.

“Aish!” She screamed and came running after me. I grunted when she jumped on my back and grabbed my ear.

“Oh! Not the ear! Please not the ear!” I begged with all my might.

She narrowed her eyes but let go of my ear. I sighed

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Chapter 35: Haha

this fic was awsome!

I was a bit irritated in the beginning, cause in the first chapie every sentence started with "I", but I´m so glad I continued reading. Don´t regret noting!
This is definitly on my fav list.
Thx, Author-nim XD

will read crepuscular now.
U did put alot of links of it in this fic so now I´m so curious, yeah~

hugs & kisses
Author-nim, fighting!^^
Chapter 36: One more thing, you captured exactly how scary sesang fans are. I applaud you.
Chapter 36: I loved it, but once again Jongup doesn't get the girl. Can you please make a story where he ends up happily with a girl?
Clochette #4
Chapter 24: Oh my god. You were born one day after me ^^

That's funny ~~
Chapter 36: I love the ending!!
Again..good story, nice plot, wonderful writing, excellent work!
I would love to compliment you more but its almost 1am and I'm sleepyyy..xp
I'll continue on my mission in finishing all your stories when I wake up later today..^^ keep up the good work!
Vann61 #6
Chapter 36: That ending was wonderful, my god~!
Chapter 34: Wo ai ni <333333
Chapter 35: I lovesd everything. It was perfect! Thank you for the amazing story!
ailisu #9
Chapter 34: ^_^ loved the ending!!!!!!
Chapter 34: I still think that the "fans" should be ashamed of themselves, but at least her life is great. awesome story, well worth the read