
The Unwanted Member
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Play Song: Safety Zone - DMTN (Dalmatian)

I was in shock when I saw Yoseob on our dorm floor, waiting for us. But it soon passed and I ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. “Sunbae!” He laughed and spun me around before setting me on the ground.

“It’s been awhile.” He noted.

“We’ve just been busy.” I told him.

Yoseob turned to Yongguk and shook hands with him. “I heard about your grandfather. I’m truly sorry.” Yongguk lowered his head. “I hope you don’t mind, but I want to steal Marya away for a bit. It won’t take long.” He smiled and before they could respond I was tugged back into the elevator.

The doors closed and the last thing I saw was my member’s shocked and worried faces. I turned Yoseob and frowned at him. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

“I missed you.” He said and turned to me. My mouth opened to say something but nothing came out. “And I wanted to give you this.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful heart necklace. “Happy birthday.” He placed the gift in my hand and I stared, awed at it.

“Thank you.” I whispered.

“There’s something else.” I looked up and stood frozen when Yoseob kissed my cheek. He leaned back and smiled at me. The elevator dinged and he stepped out. He his lips and his eyes sparkled. “See you soon.”

The doors closed and I weakly leaned against. What…

I placed a hand on my cheek and could still feel his soft lips on it. A blush covered my entire face and I choked on my breath. I couldn’t think right and was just screaming in my head.

I entered the dorms and I saw Himchan look up from the chair. The other members weren’t there and I assumed they were getting ready for bed. “What did Yoseob Sunbaenim want?”

I shook my head. “Just to wish me happy birthday.” I blushed.

Himchan saw and stood up, walking to me. He brushed the back of his fingers against my cheek and I bit my lip. “Do I need to play the role of the protective older brother?”

I chuckled and shook my head. “I think I can handle it.”

With an affectionate smile he rubbed the top of my head and pushed me towards my bedroom. “Get some sleep. We’ve got a lot to do in a few hours.”

“Good night.”



I woke up feeling restrained and soon found out that Junhong had snuck into my room. I chuckled and gently woke him up. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.


I raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled. “You haven’t been in the dorms with us so I’ve missed you more.” He tightly hugged me and snuggled his head in my shoulder. “Your scent helps me sleep.” I softened and rubbed the back of his head.

“It’s time to get up.” I whispered and he rolled away, pouting.

Today we would get our haired colored, again, and film for Power. It would probably be 3am or later before we got back to the dorms and we still had to talk to TS. It was tiring to be an idol.

At the filming there were tattoo artists ready to get started drawing. My artist was a female and we went to a separate room. She showed me the pattern she would be drawing and it would be on my back. I slipped my shirt off and sat in the chair, pulling my hair to the side.

“I really like the silver.” She said, referring to my hair.

I lightly touched it. “Thanks.”

At some point I fell asleep while she drew because about an hour later she woke me up and held up my outfit. It was tan baggy pants with burn holes in it. The shirt had a lot of holes and most of my back was exposed, hence the tattoo.

I quickly slipp

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Chapter 35: Haha

this fic was awsome!

I was a bit irritated in the beginning, cause in the first chapie every sentence started with "I", but I´m so glad I continued reading. Don´t regret noting!
This is definitly on my fav list.
Thx, Author-nim XD

will read crepuscular now.
U did put alot of links of it in this fic so now I´m so curious, yeah~

hugs & kisses
Author-nim, fighting!^^
Chapter 36: One more thing, you captured exactly how scary sesang fans are. I applaud you.
Chapter 36: I loved it, but once again Jongup doesn't get the girl. Can you please make a story where he ends up happily with a girl?
Clochette #4
Chapter 24: Oh my god. You were born one day after me ^^

That's funny ~~
Chapter 36: I love the ending!!
Again..good story, nice plot, wonderful writing, excellent work!
I would love to compliment you more but its almost 1am and I'm sleepyyy..xp
I'll continue on my mission in finishing all your stories when I wake up later today..^^ keep up the good work!
Vann61 #6
Chapter 36: That ending was wonderful, my god~!
Chapter 34: Wo ai ni <333333
Chapter 35: I lovesd everything. It was perfect! Thank you for the amazing story!
ailisu #9
Chapter 34: ^_^ loved the ending!!!!!!
Chapter 34: I still think that the "fans" should be ashamed of themselves, but at least her life is great. awesome story, well worth the read