Chapter nine.

Meet the silence

To: Donghae
Would you like to come to my place today? You'd meet Heechul and Heebum.

=you've got a message=you've got a message=

From: Donghae
Who's Heebum?

   Hyukjae grinned at his cellphone. He remembered that he hadn't mentioned the poor afraid-of-bathrooms cat's name. And apparently, the prospect of meeting more than one new person still terrified Donghae a little, so he reassured the younger that there was nothing to be afraid of.

To: Donghae
It is the cat I told you abot. The one I nearly washed together with my socks :)

=you've got a message=you've got a message=

From: Donghae
Oh, I see :) I guess I have nothing to do today, so I can come. Around 5pm, okay? Is Heechul a scary person?

His heart ached at the last question. Poor Donghae, still so shy and afraid of the world!

To: Donghae
Sometimes he is. He'll probably try to annoy us in some way, but I won't let him do anything to you. Don't worry, see you at 5! ;)

   It was already a week after his concert at 'Eclipse' that Donghae attended. They'd met twice since then. First time at Donghae's, they ate ice cream and watched a comedy. Donghae was a silent wiever, Hyukjae exclaimed every once in a while and laughed loudly. They completed each other, thought Hyukjae, when he came back home. And the second time, Hyukjae took Donghae to the zoo.


    He watched with fascination, as Donghae became as cheerful and innocent as a child, when he was running from one exhibition to another, motioning for Hyukjae to follow him. He enjoyed himself observing little clumsy penguins, majestic giraffes and huge elephants, and Hyukjae enjoyed himself watching Donghae. The younger seemed really amused when they reached the monkeys' exhibition. Donghae jumped and kept pointing from the young gibbon to Hyukjae, clearly happy about something.
"What do you mean? Why are you doing this?" asked Hyukjae bluntly.
Donghae grabed his arm and tugged, repeating the motion, pointing at Hyukjae's and litle monkey's faces.
"You mean I look like... HIM?" Hyukjae asked Donghae, pretending to be offended. He hung his head low.

   The truth was, Hyukjae knew perfectly well that he looked a little like a monkey. Many people had told him before. But he felt like acting hurt to make fun of Donghae. Suddenly the boy did something that made Hyukjae thank Dear God for His generosity.

   Donghae touched Hyukjae's face. He cupped his chin and lifted the older's face so that he could look Hyukjae in the eyes. The latter still acted offended and wouldn't look at his friend. They gazes met after a while and this time Donghae didn't look away. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours for Hyukjae. And then Donghae Hyukjae's cheek gently, comforting him, apologizing. Hyukjae wanted this moment to last forever. He looked at Donghae lovingly. Something in his look, however, must have brought Donghae back to reality, because he winced and took his hand away. The rest of their escapade was a little awkward, but Hyukjae couldn't care less. Finally Donghae made a move and responded for small signs of affection that Hyukjae kept sending to him since that memorable parting in front of Donghae's house.

   Hyukjae could tell that the boy was also openeing more towards other people.

   There was a situation with a saleswomen in a little ice-cream shop, as they exited the zoo and were walking back to Donghae's. There stood a friendly-looking, young and cheerful shopgirl, whose nametag read 'Lee Byul Rin'. She asked Donghae, who came in first:

"Welcome, how can I help you, sir?"
And to Hyukjae's great surprise, Donghae didn't become all shy, but started signing. Of course, she didn't understand him, so she bowed apologetically and he smiled at her, understanding the situation and pointing at Hyukjae, who made an order for both of them. As they were out, Hyukjae beamed at Donghae and exclaimed: "Donghae, you did it! You tried to communicate! Daebak, you deserved my hug!" And being himself, Hyukjae used this opportunity to hug Donghae. Never enough skinship, they say.

-end of flashback-

"Heechul, as soon as I introduce you to Donghae, you'll obediently go to your room and will not ask stupid questions. Do you understand?"

Nod, nod.

"You think I don't see these evil sparks in your eyes? If I hear some stupid joke, or even..." Hyukjae took a deep breath.

"Calm down, Lee Hyukjae! I understood and I am not going to do anything stupid! But you know me, If sometimes something slips out of my mouth..."
Hyukjae glared at him.
"Be quiet. If you scare Donghae, you'll have to deal with me."
Heechul laughed. "Okay, okay, Mr Romeo, relax!"

   Hyukjae was about to snap back at him when he heard a knock on a door. So he hurried towards him and there stood Donghae, holding a paper box, both him and the box soaking wet.

"Is it raining?" asked Hyukjae as a greeting.
Donghae made an expression that clearly told - 'No, I just felt like jumping into the lake.'
"Oh, of course, I call it back" said Hyukjae smiling. "Come in, give me the umbrella, I'll make us some tea so you can warm up, I can also find you a towel and clothes to change into. Wait a second... " he chuckled and made his way towards the door at the end of the entrance room. Donghae was about to take off his damp shoes but the movement behind him caught his attention. He straightened up and saw a men coming out of the room on the right.

"So, here's the famous Donghae-sshi. Welcome!"
Donghae widened his eyes, stiffened and surprised by Heechul's sudden appearance. He bowed his head lightly.

"You probably know who I am. How have you been?" Heechul asked, tilting his head curiously.
"What, did you suddenly become mute or someth-"
"HEECHUL!" Hyukjae, who emerged from the bathroom with a towel in his hands, shouted at his flatmate furiously.
"What? You punk, you wanted me to be nice, so I came out, greeted him, asked how he was doing. I WAS polite! He was the one who didn't answer me!" Heechul shouted back.

    And then it dawned on Hyukjae.
He didn't tell Heechul the most important fact about Donghae. He told him how they spent their time, how Donghae behaved and reacted to what Hyukjae said, but he never mentioned about Donghae being unable to speak.

Congratulations, Lee Hyukjae.
The 'Biggest Idiot of Korea' award goes to you.

    He watched the cruel realisation appear on Donghae's handsome face. The younger looked at Hyukjae with pain in his eyes and suddenly threw the box onto the floor, his heel and run through the front door.

"!" cursed Hyukjae loudly. "And you? WHY did you have to use THIS word? He IS mute! And I didn't tell you!" he threw the towel at Heechul. "And now he hates me! I could as well be dead for him now!" Hyukjae roared and followed Donghae, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Well, not my fault, just like I said" Heechul shrugged and came back into his room.

    After a few seconds, he made his way back to the hallway and picked up the abandoned box. It contained two puffy, damp (due to the rain outside), strawberry cupcakes.

There were letters made with icing on each cupcake. One read 'Hyuk', the other - 'Hae'.
Not excactly knowing why, Heechul suddenly felt guilty.

He sighed, went into the kitchen and put the box into the fridge.



A/n: Here comes little drama.... Beware!
Just kidding, I won't let our boys suffer for a long time. Whoa...All those views (over 1000!), comments and subs... I don't know how to thank you. :)


And, if you were wondering why I gave a name to the girl in an ice-cream shop, here's my explanation. My friend, who is completely not into kpop, is actually very excited about the idea of me writing a fanfick. She is very supportive and encouraging and she asked me if she could have her own character in my story. Her name is a result of me changing my friend's name first into English and then into Korean :)

I will update the next chapter tomorrow and then you'll have to wait a little more, probably till Thursday ;))
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90 subs! Guys, you make my day. Kamsahamnida!!! :))


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Chapter 25: back here again for the 2nd time~ n_n I just loveeee this! Hyukjae is truly a gentleman and forever murdering you in my dreams bcs you didnt finished the last chapter properly DD; kidding!

prob gonna back here again for the 3rd time~
Aftan6 #2
Chapter 25: Omg !!! U painted wonderful lovely rainbow in my eunhae/haehyuk heart !!!! Love it !!!
Chapter 25: k, i'm pretty sure i'm reading this for the second or third time, but i just can't help it, it's so cute ^^
and the ending is perfect, I'm usually all for in fics :D but I think this was better here :33
Chapter 25: Rereading this for the 2nd time; it's worth it! I just love everything here. The Hyukhae's moments, the Heehyuk's friendships, the Kyumin, the...everything!

Hyukjae here is so real and overall, this is a beautiful piece of writing!
It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! <3 Fantastic, brilliant, cool! Love that Lee Byul Rin character XD
Ladyghai #6
Chapter 25: Oh my goodness gracious i love this story! It's so cute! :)
ShyNina #7
Chapter 25: this was an awesome story. so sweet and heartwarming. ^_^
So beautiful and cute story but feeling so depressed it's finish already T_T It was really great.. So full of emotions and all.. Just the kind I love the most ♥ Thank you for this awesome story ♥
Aaaaaw, I loved this story <3 It's so cute and beautiful ^^