Chapter twenty five - FINAL.

Meet the silence
"Thank you, doctor"
"No problem, stay healthy, mr Lee!"
They said their goodbyes to the doctor who examined Donghae in the ER and walked out of the hospital, holding hands.
"Hyukkie..." Donghae said silently.
"Would you like to move in with me?"
"Hae, don't you try to make fun of me like this."
"But... Hyukkie, I've never been more serious."
All Hyukjae managed to do was stare at Donghae. 
"Seriously? You want me to move into your place?"
   Donghae laughed and nodded and Hyukjae thought that there would never be anything more beautiful to him than hearing Donghae's laughter. He pressed his lips to the younger's in a tender kiss.
"I'll take it as a 'yes', then" Donghae murmured and his lips. Hyukjae couldn't refrain himself. He had to kiss him again.
   Donghae insisted they threw up a welcoming party. Hyukjae's welcoming party, which meant Hyukjae was going to invite all guests. But as soon as he took out a pencil and found a clean sheet of paper to write down all of the people he would like to have fun with, Donghae climbed onto his lap and started to count out,
"Siwon, Kyuhyun and Sungmin-"
"What about Heechul?"
"He's scary!" Donghae said.
"But he's my flatmate! My best friend!" Hyukjae pointed out. "And it was supposed to be my choice of guests, if I remember well," he teased.

Donghae sighed.

"Okay, so Heechul. Let him be." 
"Next, Henry."
"Oh, that's a great idea!"
"Who's Shindong?"
"I think you'd met him, he works at the club. As a bartender" Hyukjae explained.
"But I don't know him well!"
"Don't worry, he is a cool guy. You'll get along" Hyukjae's hand hovered over the paper. "Who else... Oh, I know. Amber, Victoria and Luna. What?" Hyukjae's snapped playfully, seing Donghae's raised eyebrows. "They're waitresses at 'Eclipse' and my good friends."
"I didn't know there would be so many of them" Donghae said and scrunched his face in a lovely way that made Hyukjae peck his nose lightly.
"So that leaves only..."
"Enough, Hyukkie!" Donghae moaned. "I don't have a house this big. We won't fit in!"
"Aish, but- just one more person, okay?" Hyukjae scratched the tip of his nose with the pencil and then wrote 'Junsu'.
"Yeah. He's been my friend since forever!"
Donghae frowned once again. "I don't remember you mentioning him" he said.
Hyukjae chuckled. "Donghae, are you being jealous? You want to start an investigation? Don't worry, I know him too well to like him, you know, like him. And I think I told you the story of us nearly drowning in this inflatable swimming pool of his, when we were four?"
"Oh, it was him?" Donghae mused. "Right. So, that would be it?"
"I was thinking abo-"
"No, Hyukjae! Think about the space!" Donghae started to look exasperated.
"But just one more guest, Donghae, one more."
"Hmm? Okay. But it must be Zhou Mi."
"Doctor Zhou Mi, you mean?"
"Do we know another Zhou Mi?"
"But-" Hyukjae hesitated. "He's creepy. And weird. And odd,"
"But he's the one who helped me" Donghae retorted. "And Henry fancies him, so."
"Aaah, you like playing the cupid?" Hyukjae laughed. "My boy. Okay, so Zhou Mi as well. That makes... Us two, and three, four, five... Eleven people. So thirteen. Are you okay with that?" Hyukjae asked.
"We should manage it. Okay." Donghae said and they proceeded to discuss the menu and drinks.
   Everything was going really well. Everyone was having fun and even Heechul behaved himself. When it struck him that Donghae REALLY could talk, they exchanged a few words and the younder, although unwillingly, had to admit that Heechul wasn't a complete monster and (apart from those moments when Siwon appeared on the horizon) Donghae was actually enjoying their conversation.
   What surprised both hosts was the fact that as soon as Zhou Mi realised that Henry was among the guests, he became all sheepish and mousy, and he started to stammer like mad and it didn't help Hyukjae change his opinion about the young doctor.
"Zhou Mi, what did you want to ask me about then, at the hospital?"
"I told you, it's not important"
"I beg to differ" Hyukjae interjected. "Just tell us!"
"A-ah... I was wondering if you had Henry's number" And Donghae, who really wanted to help his favourite doctor, took his hand immediately and dragged poor Zhou Mi to the kitchen, where Henry was slowly drinking his lemonade, listening to Sungmin chirping about little Mijin, how smart and adorable she was. Henry smiled at the sight of a familliar face and this must have encouraged Zhou Mi a little, because he realxed and Dongae decided it was safe to let them talk a little alone.
   Shindong and the girls working at 'Eclipse' turned out to be really nice towards Donghae and soon they suggested they could take care of the drinks so that Donghae and Hyukjae would make a few rounds between the other guests and chat with everyone. Hyukjae gladly agreed and soon they were engaged in a conversation with Siwon about his works and how he was really confused with Heechul's behaviour.
"You know what" he said, widening his (already big) eyes. "Sometimes he just acts as if he didn't know me. And the next day he can be all seductive and wearing this 'I want to eat you' look. I'm confused." he rubbed his cheek, his expression contemplative.
Hyukjae smirked. That's Kim Heechul we're talking about. So you didn't tell me anything I wouldn't have known by now" he patted Siwon's shoulder with sympathy. "But... Does it mean you're interested in him?" he added louder, seeing from the corner of his eye that Heechul entered the room. 
"Two weeks ago I'd have told you that you'd gone insane to be asking me this question. But with every passing day I feel like sothing was drawing me to him, so I think- yes. I am."
The moment Siwon finished his sentence there was a huge commotion behind him and the next second Heechul was wrapped around the taller guy and he was whispering something to his ear which made Siwon turn scarlat red and when Hyukjae's ears caught a few words like "strip" and " " and something close enough to "I'll be so sore I won't be able to walk", he covereed Donghae's ears with his hands and unceremoniously walked him out the room. He thought he caught a glimpse of Siwon facepalming himself and Heechul placing his fingers dangerously close to Siwon's shirt's hem.
   When the door clicked closed behind them, he let go of Donghae's head and told him he was going to visit the bathroom. Donghae nodded. "I'll be around" he said with an innocent smile.
   When Hyukjae walked out of the bathroom, he found Kyuhyun and Sungmin taking a nap in each other's embraces in the little hallway when Donghae had once told him his story. It all seemed to be so long ago... He smiled at his friends shifting a little, clearly feeling uncomfortable stuffed together in one armchair, but still hugging tightly.
   He went downstairs, where in the living room there were Junsu and Shindong entertaining the girls. Shindong was in the middle of showing some impersonation and Luna and Junsu were already rolling on the floor with laughter, clutching their stomachs. Victoria looked up, spotting him in a doorway and waved to him.
"You seen Donghae?" he asked and Victoria shook her head.
"Oh, I'll try in the kitchen then. Having fun, huh?
She laughed, taking a sip of his drink. "Heechul and Siwon asked to let you know they were deserting us. Seemed pretty eager, to my mind" she chuckled and Hyukjae rolled his eyes.
   Entering the kitchen, he found only Henry and Zhou Mi, who apparently the radio and were just dancing to some ballad, their eyes locked, both unaware of anything occuring behind the door, with faint smiles on their faces. Henry encircled Zhou MI's neck with his arms and the older was hugging the other's waist. Hyukjae made a mental note to congratulate Donghae on managing to hook up another couple. He sighed contently and wondered, where else he could find his boyfriend.
   He checked in the spare bedroom and found the room empty. He knew Donghae was somewhere in the house, but he started feeling anxious. The basement? No, why would Donghae... When his mind started to serve him dark thoughts about what could happen to Donghae, he heard a movement upstairs and then the door closing. Hyukjae rushed in this direction. He passed the silently snoring couple and entered Donghae's bedroom.
  The room looked perfectly usual. It was dark, but Hyukjae could tell there wasn't anyone inside. Or at least he thought so, because a moment later he was pulled into a hug from behind, heard Donghae's voice whispering straight into his ears and a stream of hot air brushing over his neck.
"Found me, huh?"
"Donghae, what-"
"Shhh, Hyukjae. You think I didn't hear what Heechul whispered to Siwon today?" Donghae's lips Hyukjae's neck as he spoke. "You think I don't know what Kyuhyun and Sungmin have been doing for quite some time?"
Hyukjae shivered when Donghae gently bit a crook of his neck.
"I thought you-"
"What did you think, Hyukjae? That I don't have needs?" Donghae turned him around abruptly and Hyukjae smelled the hint of alcohol in Donghae's breath.
"Hae, you are-"
"Shhh..." Donghae repeated, placing his finger on Hyukjae's mouth to shut him up. "I am not drunk. I am just... brave. Just tonight. Your choice, Hyukjae. But I think you'll regret it if you leave the room now.
Hyukjae has made up his mind.
"Hell, I'm not going anywhere" he gasped and locked his lips with Donghae's. They parted for a moment only for Hyukjae to look into Donghae's half-closed eyes, clearly visible in the streetlamp's light.
"I'll make sure you won't be silent. Tonight," he said "and ever again."
~The end~

A/n: Yes, this is the end. My dear readers, that time spent with you and "Meet the silence" was truly wonderful. The word count reached almost 31k! ^^ Thank you all for your lovely comments, every single one of them made my heart melt a little! Thank you for your suggestions regarding the storyline! Thank you for all those friend requests, messages and wall posts! Thank you for your love.
Ania, Ewelina, dziękuję za wsparcie! Ewa, wiem, nie było Ci łatwo (oni wszyscy są tacy sami - i te imiona!) ale cieszę się, że wytrwałaś do końca i przeżyłaś jakoś te wszystkie pojawiające się stopniowo nowe postaci ^^
A dzięki Ani poradziłam sobie z tragicznym rozdziałem 17! I jestem dumna, że też zaczęłaś pisać, bo bez względu na wszystko i tak będę uważała, że Twój fanfik jest lepszy niż MTS :D
And, switching back to English, I think it's a right time to announce that my next fic is going to be SHINee bandfic (with occasional JongKey, 2min and OnChicken xD). But ELFs, don't worry! I'm not abandoning SuJu, oh no! I wasn't going to write a sequel to "Meet the silence", but if you have any ideas about what could possibly happen to our characters in the future, don't hesitate and message me! I might not be able to write two stories at a time, but I'm not saying no :)

Ola (EverlastingShawol)
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90 subs! Guys, you make my day. Kamsahamnida!!! :))


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Chapter 25: back here again for the 2nd time~ n_n I just loveeee this! Hyukjae is truly a gentleman and forever murdering you in my dreams bcs you didnt finished the last chapter properly DD; kidding!

prob gonna back here again for the 3rd time~
Aftan6 #2
Chapter 25: Omg !!! U painted wonderful lovely rainbow in my eunhae/haehyuk heart !!!! Love it !!!
Chapter 25: k, i'm pretty sure i'm reading this for the second or third time, but i just can't help it, it's so cute ^^
and the ending is perfect, I'm usually all for in fics :D but I think this was better here :33
Chapter 25: Rereading this for the 2nd time; it's worth it! I just love everything here. The Hyukhae's moments, the Heehyuk's friendships, the Kyumin, the...everything!

Hyukjae here is so real and overall, this is a beautiful piece of writing!
It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! <3 Fantastic, brilliant, cool! Love that Lee Byul Rin character XD
Ladyghai #6
Chapter 25: Oh my goodness gracious i love this story! It's so cute! :)
ShyNina #7
Chapter 25: this was an awesome story. so sweet and heartwarming. ^_^
So beautiful and cute story but feeling so depressed it's finish already T_T It was really great.. So full of emotions and all.. Just the kind I love the most ♥ Thank you for this awesome story ♥
Aaaaaw, I loved this story <3 It's so cute and beautiful ^^