Chapter twenty.

Meet the silence

   It's already been a month since Hyukjae confessed to Donghae for the second time and since they became a couple. After all this time, Hyukjae had really big difficulties trying to imagine his life without Donghae in it. They spent hours and hours talking (reading signs and signing itself was less of a problem than Hyukjae imagined in the beginning), during which Hyukjae got to know more of Donghae's past, learned about the small fortune that was left to Donghae by his uncle and which allowed the boy to live a decent life, despite the fact that he couldn't work. Hyukjae told Donghae more about his family, about his highschool and university times and his past crushes, which seemed completely silly when he looked back at them. Donghae seemed concerned when he first heard that Hyukjae had been in quite many relationships, but Hyukjae's sweet hugs and kisses made him sure there was nothing to be anxious about.

   Everything in between of them seemed perfect. It was only because of Hyukjae's unstoppable babbling that Donghae's mood turned down sometimes as the older would say something embarassing. But Donghae found out that what he needed to do was to only pout cutely and Hyukjae was already apologizing for his stupidity and panicking about making Donghae sad. What usually followed, was endless pecks and small kisses that sometimes turned into quite passionate and brave make-out sessions, which neither Donghae, nor Hyukjae seemed to mind occuring.

   Hyukjae didn't want to admit it even to himself, but he missed Donghae's voice. They both agreed that Hyukjae wouldn't pressure Donghae and try to make him speak. He was comfortable about his muteness and didn't mind Donghae's silent replies he expressed with his hands. But sometimes Hyukjae woke up in the night, covered in cold sweat, from the nightmare in which Donghae was speaking to him and laughing loudly, they would sing together and gossip about Heechul. In that dream Donghae would call Hyukjae on the phone and tell him that he loved him, and then he would start choking, gasping for air, coughing and Hyukjae would stand still, terrifird, his whole body tense and full of horror. And he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. And then he'd hear a soft thump, a sound of Donghae's body collapsing.


   On the day of their 'monthsary' they agreed to meet at the entrance to their favourite park, because Donghae said he had to go pay the bills and Hyukjae was going to visit a jewelery shop, to buy Donghae something that would seal their relationship. Couple rings were maybe too much, but the shop in the mall he liked to visit selled really beautiful bracelets and Hyukjae thought he'd be able to find something that would suit Donghae. In the end, he purchased a silver bracelet made of tiny, but quite thick rings, with a cute silver little fish attached to it. Nothing too feminine, but still pretty and subtle.

   Stepping out of the shop, he noticed Kyuhyun sitting on the bench in front of the big cake shop. Hyukjae assumed that Sungmin was inside, picking up something to eat for both of them. He stepped up closer and waved to Kyuhyun, who smirked at the sight of him, but got up and shook his hand. Hyukjae felt a little uncomfortable, because he didn't have much opportunity to talk to Kyuhyun before, but he decided to brush it off and joined the guy on the bench.

"What are you doing here?"
Kyuhyun grinned. "Sungmin wanted to eat something cute. I don't exactly know what he meant by that, but I brought him here along with Mijin. They get on really well! Oh, it seems that they're facing a hard choice now" he pointed towards the shop, where Hyukjae noticed his friend, holding the little girl's hand, in front of the glass display case, pointing at various cakes. Hyukjae laughed.
"So, everything is okay? Are you..." he hesitated, "dating?"
Kyuhyun nodded. "Thanks to you and Donghae, yes. Sungmin's cute, caring, well... handsome, and his amazing skills... Have you heard him playing the guitar?” People tell me I'm quite good at singing, but he is perfect at many, many more things! Music, sign language, martial arts, he can do magic tricks and I tell you, you have to see him making pizza one day. He’s a real multi-task" he laughed and paused, eyeing Hyukjae as if he was wondering whether to continue or not "And he sometimes... well, especially when we're alone..." he smirked, "if you know what I mean, he... rocks."

  Hyukjae gasped and his eyes went wide. He pointed first at Kyuhyun, then at Sungmin, who was just paying for whatever he decided to buy, then he made a pretty obscene gesture, putting his index finger in and out of his loosely clenched fist and sent Kyuhyun an asking, disbelieving look. His mouth was half-open, his lips mouthing the “s” word he was too stunned to say aloud. Kyuhyun was now wearing a really amused expression. "Don't tell me you and Donghae haven't done it yet" he said, still smirking.
"What haven't you done, Hyukjae?" asked Sungmin, who finally came out of the cake shop and leaned over him from behind.
Hyukjae's face became all red. "Nothing."
"Don't want, don't tell" said Sungmin "I'll ask Kyu anyway" he added with a vicious smile.
"Ask him, then" he answered back. "I gotta go. See you guys, bye Mijin!" he waved his hand to the girl, who grinned at him, oblivious to Hyukjae’s embarassement.

And he kind of ran away, leaving Kyuhyun chuckling and Sungmin looking at him in confusion.


   On his way to the meeting place Hyukjae bought also a box of chocolates that he knew Donghae simply adored. However, he couldn't focus on anything apart from what Kyuhyun had told him. Their friends got into bed together after like... two weeks of their acquaintance. How about him and Hae? Of course, he wanted Donghae. And before he met him, he was known as a... ually active guy. But the more he wondered about it, the better he knew that Donghae's love changed him. It wasn't as though he didn't feel desire anymore, but he definitely paid more attention to non-phisical aspects of their relationship. He was sure that they'd made this step some day, but he didn't find necessary yet. So, satisfied with his conclusion and the shopping he made, Hyukjae was walking in direction of the park that he knew Donghae will be waiting for him at.

   When he came out of the corner of the street, he saw Donghae standing in a distance, wearnig his favourite checked shirt and skinny jeans that showed his nice silhouette. Hyukjae felt excited about their meeting, watching Donghae pacing around a little nervously, clearly impatient. He felt proud thinking about how much Donghae has changed since their first meeting. Hyoukjae could tell that Donghae showed much more courage. He helped his beloved one open to the world and show him beauty of love again.

  And Hyukjae didn't need to have with Donghae, didn't need to hear his voice, because Donghae's sweet kisses, tight hugs and the loving look in his eyes brought enough pleasure and satisfaction into his life.



A/n: I don't think there are many people who haven't seen Sungmin's amazing pizza skills yet, but if you haven't (or if you have and want to see it again), here's the link! And huge "Awwwww" at Hyuk's thoughts, because thanks to him (ok, it doesn't matter that it is ME who's actually made them up LOL), but thanks to him, I won't have to write and embarrass myself in front of you :) Maybe in my 1549762th fic I'll decide to try it, but for now, the story raiting will stay untouched :PP

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Chapter 25: back here again for the 2nd time~ n_n I just loveeee this! Hyukjae is truly a gentleman and forever murdering you in my dreams bcs you didnt finished the last chapter properly DD; kidding!

prob gonna back here again for the 3rd time~
Aftan6 #2
Chapter 25: Omg !!! U painted wonderful lovely rainbow in my eunhae/haehyuk heart !!!! Love it !!!
Chapter 25: k, i'm pretty sure i'm reading this for the second or third time, but i just can't help it, it's so cute ^^
and the ending is perfect, I'm usually all for in fics :D but I think this was better here :33
Chapter 25: Rereading this for the 2nd time; it's worth it! I just love everything here. The Hyukhae's moments, the Heehyuk's friendships, the Kyumin, the...everything!

Hyukjae here is so real and overall, this is a beautiful piece of writing!
It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! <3 Fantastic, brilliant, cool! Love that Lee Byul Rin character XD
Ladyghai #6
Chapter 25: Oh my goodness gracious i love this story! It's so cute! :)
ShyNina #7
Chapter 25: this was an awesome story. so sweet and heartwarming. ^_^
So beautiful and cute story but feeling so depressed it's finish already T_T It was really great.. So full of emotions and all.. Just the kind I love the most ♥ Thank you for this awesome story ♥
Aaaaaw, I loved this story <3 It's so cute and beautiful ^^