Chapter nineteen.

Meet the silence


"Hyukjae, wake up!"
"Wake up! NOW!"


"Yah, Hyuk!"
"Just a minu-"
"Okay, okay" grunted Hyukjae. "I'm coming, wait a second."


   Heechul rarely woke Hyukjae up, so when Hyukjae heard him banging his fist on his room's door, he already new that Heechul must have suddenly come up with something either really important, or really, really stupid. And having considered his hyung's current state of mind, clouded by Siwon's presence at his workplace, Hyukjae thought it would rather be the second. He sighed and went into the kitchen, when Heechul was waiting for him, wearing a serious expression. Hyukjae poured himself a glass of mineral water and sat by the table.
"What the hell appeared in that genious brain of yours that you had to wake me up so early?" Hyukjae snapped at his friend.
"Siwon is Donghae's friend, right?" Heechul asked out of the blue.
Oh my, thought Hyukjae. Here we go. So it IS about Siwon.
"Right. So what?"
"And you know Siwon, right?"
"Briefly, but yeah. And?"
"I've got four tickets for tomorrow's movie premiere."
"Hmm. And?" asked Hyukjae.
"Hyuk, we're going on a double date tomorrow."
Hyukjae choked on his water and started coughing, spitting some of it on Heechul.
"Are you insane? Double date? No, thanks. I've had enough of you here."
"I hate you.” Heechul hissed, wiping his face with his sleeve. “He won't agree to go out with me if there's no one else!" he whined.
"And how do you know that?" Hyukjae asked. "Did you ask him? Besides, I think Donghae..."
"I know Donghae is still scared of me! He isn't the first one to be so" Heechul smirked. "But listen. If Siwon is comfortable with both of you, it will be easier for me to approach him. Get it now? I have to convince him that it is not a date, when in fact it will be!" Heechul explained as though he were talking to a four-year-old.
"Seriously, your way of thinking is way beyond my comprehension." said Hyukjae, confused. "How can our presence help you get closer to Siwon? Wouldn't it be better if you could have some time... alone? Only you two, no witnesses?"
"Aisssh, you don't get it! You're dumb, Hyukjae, I know, but believe me. I know what I'm doing. And I promise I'll be careful about what I'm saying to your boyfriend."

   Hyukjae doubted that, but he agreed. The more he thought of it, the better the idea seemed to be. It'd be nice to go for a movie with Donghae, even if there'd be crazy Heechul somewhere near them. He would just have to prevent Heechul speaking to Donghae too much. It also seemed that Donghae hadn't seen Siwon for a while and Hyukjae couldn't take all of Donghae's time for himself, so he texted Donghae asking how he felt anout the idea. Donghaee apparently hesitated for a long time, but he sent his reply, sayind that he'd go.


   D i s a s t e r. It was the word Hyukjae would use if he was asked to describe their escapade to the cinema. When he, Donghae and Siwon met in the large hallway, ten minutes to the beginning of the showing, they still didn't know what movie they were going to see and Heechul was nowhere to be seen. So Hyukjae called him and got to know that Heechul was on his way and he would arrive on time.

   And..... He didn't. Heechul turned up five minutes late. He had to use all of his charms to persuade the usherette that they still could come in. He announced, adding some fluttering, long eyelashes and some pouts, that they had to come in, because he had their tickets and it was their right to see the premiere and he couldn't let his friends be so disappointed, because they waited for this movie too long and simply had to, had to see it. She agreed, having been completely wrapped around Heechul's little finger. So they came in and they took their seats. Fortunately, the movie was only starting.

   When they made themselves comfortable, Heechul taking place on Siwon's left with Hyukjae on his right and then Donghae next to Hyukjae, they turned their gazes towards the screen. And when everything seemed to be okay, it finally became clear what kind of film it was. A bloody corpse appeared out of nowhere and the whole audience jumped in their seats. And then there were zombies, ghosts, blood and other liquids Hyukjae didn't really want to know the name of. The main character turned out to be as stupid as all horror's characters were, first coming to check out the source of every strange sound, acting all brave and heroic, only to scream at the sight of another weird creature they met. And then they were always running away straightly, looking back from time to time, instead of just turning sideways and heading somewhere safe to find some shelter.

   Hyukjae would be able to say he quite enjoyed the hopelessness of the film if Donghae hadn't started shaking on his left the moment this pandemonium started. He was looking anywhere but the screen and his chest was raising and falling rapidly. He was scared to death, every scream of the character making him flinch and scoop closer to Hyukjae, clutching on his arm. Hyukjae hugged him tightly, extremely worried, whispering soothing words from time to time. He suggested leaving the room, but Donghae's whole body went numb and he didn't look like he'd be able to stand up in the dark.

   On the other hand, Heechul was having the greatest time of his life. He was laughing at the fake blood, at poor special effects and generally, he found the film extremely amusing. He didn't pay the slightest attention to his friends. Nor did he care what Siwon was doing, actually. At the edge of their row, Siwon was taking a nap, ignoring Heechul and the noise around him.

   Only after the lights were again did Donghae allow himself to release his grip on Hyukjae's arm, the older stretching his rigid fingers. He helped Donghae stand up, comforting him all the time and assuring that there was nothing to be afraid anymore and that it was only the movie, pure fiction made up by some idiots. Donghae calmed down for a while, only to go pale and trembling once again by the sight of Heechul wiping his tears of laughter away and waking Siwon up. This Sunday evening did nothing to help Donghae overcome his anxiety of meeting Heechul again.

'Come to my place tonight, I don't want to be alone' he signed to Hyukjae with trembling hands. Hyukjae hugged him once again and whispered to is ear, "Of course, Hae. I'll be there for you, don't worry."

   As they left the theatre, they could both hear Heechul complaining about how they were 'no fun, Siwon and them, but he can forgive Siwon for dozing off, because he is so gorgeous, under one condition - Siwon must kiss him on the cheek'. Hyukjae chuckled feeling so sorry for Siwon and not exactly understanding why the tall brunette didn't mind being nagged like that. Donghae, on the other hand, didn't seem to find it funny. At all. Together their went into Hyukjae's car and drove away.


   At Donghae's house, Hyukjae persuaded the younger to take a shower, assuring him three times that there wouldn't be a zombie waiting for him with a gun or whatever, and that he was safe. After a few minutes of sobbing, Donghae finally went into the cubicle and Hyukjae hurried to the kitchen to make Donghae a cup of hot cocoa. He found himself back upstairs just when the bathroom door clicked open and Donghae came out looking much, much better. Not so pale anymore and with no fear in his eyes. They both entered Donghae's room and sat on his bed.

'Stay with me tonight. I'm afraid I'll have a nightmare' Donghae's hands told Hyukjae.
He handed his boyfriend the hot, still steaming mug.
'I am with you, won't go anywhere' Hyukjae signed back.
Donghae smiled. 'Your signing is still so awkward' he smiled.

"I know, drink this, you’ll feel better" said Hyukjae.

   After the younger drank his cocoa, they cuddled on his bed, Hyukjae taking off his socks and a sweater. He felt Donghae's breath steadying as he kept his back with the back of his hand. And when Donghae drifted off to sleep, Hyukjae couldn't help but feel a little, only a little thankful towards Heechul for making their night take this exact course.



A/n: And how do you like our boy's "cinema outing"? Scary Heechul is scary. But also, scary movies are scary! Hyukjae is namja-namja today. Oh, how I wish I could watch a horror with someone like him! @.@ And usual fluff. Fluff overflowing. Next chapter coming tomorrow, comment as usual! <3333

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Chapter 25: back here again for the 2nd time~ n_n I just loveeee this! Hyukjae is truly a gentleman and forever murdering you in my dreams bcs you didnt finished the last chapter properly DD; kidding!

prob gonna back here again for the 3rd time~
Aftan6 #2
Chapter 25: Omg !!! U painted wonderful lovely rainbow in my eunhae/haehyuk heart !!!! Love it !!!
Chapter 25: k, i'm pretty sure i'm reading this for the second or third time, but i just can't help it, it's so cute ^^
and the ending is perfect, I'm usually all for in fics :D but I think this was better here :33
Chapter 25: Rereading this for the 2nd time; it's worth it! I just love everything here. The Hyukhae's moments, the Heehyuk's friendships, the Kyumin, the...everything!

Hyukjae here is so real and overall, this is a beautiful piece of writing!
It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! <3 Fantastic, brilliant, cool! Love that Lee Byul Rin character XD
Ladyghai #6
Chapter 25: Oh my goodness gracious i love this story! It's so cute! :)
ShyNina #7
Chapter 25: this was an awesome story. so sweet and heartwarming. ^_^
So beautiful and cute story but feeling so depressed it's finish already T_T It was really great.. So full of emotions and all.. Just the kind I love the most ♥ Thank you for this awesome story ♥
Aaaaaw, I loved this story <3 It's so cute and beautiful ^^