Chapter four.

Meet the silence

   Hyukjae watched carefully as Donghe prepared two mugs, put a tea bag to each and waited for water to boil. He acted as if nobody was here but him.

   Hyuk, you fool, what are you waiting for? You think, that he will suddenly start talking?

   As Donghae continued to ignore his presence, Hyukjae stood up from his stool, went to the hallway, took the notebook and the pencil and came back to the kitchen. He desperatedly needed to talk. And he'd feel stupid without getting any kind of answer, so when Donghae poured hot boiling water to their mugs, he handed him his writing equipement, sat by the table again and started talking, avoiding meeting Donghae's eyes.

"So, erm... What would you like to know about me, is there anything?"
He got a shrug in response.
"Do you mind me being here? Do you want me to leave?"
Donghae seemed to hesitate a little before he slowly shook kis head.
"Really?" Hyukjae nearly jumped in his seat. "That's awesome!"
Donghae took his notebook and started writing, still smiling subtly.
"You know, you have a very nice smile. You look much better smiling than wearing this 'shy/miserable' look." He made a quotation marks in the air, using his fingers.
Donghae raised his head abrubtly and looked straightly into  Hyukjae's eyes, signs of irritation visible in his.
"I mean- don't feel offended, but honestly, you looked so down there at the checkout, that all I wanted was to comfort you and tell you that everything will be okay. This is also the reason why I was looking for you. You looked lost, I wanted to help."
Donghae's expression softened and Hyukjae thought that never before had he realised how much one's face can tell about them. The boy continued writing, so to pass the time Hyukjae went on.
"Well, as you already know, I am Lee Hyukjae. I'm 26 and I rap."
Donghae smirked slightly and added some new words.
"I am quite good, they say" he added with a hint of pride in his voice and felt silent. Donghae gave him his notebook after putting down the last dot.

I want to know why you were so desperate to find me. It is difficult for me to believe that you suddenly wanted to become my friend. It doesn't sound like a good enough reason.

Oh, so you rap? Could have guessed. You talk so fast and so much!

I am 24. I wanted to became a radio DJ but then...

Hyukjae blinked. Radio DJ? Without ability to speak? What the actual hell? He looked at Donghae who pointed to the notebook, signalizing for Hyukjae to continue reading. So he did.

If you want to know my story, I can tell you. Well, not tell, but explain in some other way. You look like an honest guy. I think I can trust you with this. What do you think?

   Hyukjae felt touched knowing that Donghae would reveal his story to him. He glanced at the first question once again. Why you were so desperate to find me... He wondered for a second. And then he knew. And he had to tell the truth, because he hated to lie and despised people who did so. So he cleared his throat and spoke.
"As for the reason for looking for you and me being honest," Hyukjae said, Okay. I'll tell the truth." he took a deep breath. "Actually, the main cause of the whole situation was the way you looked."
Donghae looked dumbstruck. He pointed at himself, a welter of questions he wished to ask visible in his eyes.

"I never lied to you saying that I wanted to be your friend, Donghae. I really meant it. I sincerely wanted to cheer you up. But the truth is," he paused for a moment "that first of all, I find you extremely attractive. You are very, very handsome."

Donghae stared at him, wide-eyed, in disbelief.



"And I'm gay."

A/n: Dun dun dun... Cat's out. Hyukjae likes Donghae, Hyukjae likes Donghae! thank you so, so, soooo much for your subs and comments! I love all of them, gimmie more! ;) Chu~

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90 subs! Guys, you make my day. Kamsahamnida!!! :))


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Chapter 25: back here again for the 2nd time~ n_n I just loveeee this! Hyukjae is truly a gentleman and forever murdering you in my dreams bcs you didnt finished the last chapter properly DD; kidding!

prob gonna back here again for the 3rd time~
Aftan6 #2
Chapter 25: Omg !!! U painted wonderful lovely rainbow in my eunhae/haehyuk heart !!!! Love it !!!
Chapter 25: k, i'm pretty sure i'm reading this for the second or third time, but i just can't help it, it's so cute ^^
and the ending is perfect, I'm usually all for in fics :D but I think this was better here :33
Chapter 25: Rereading this for the 2nd time; it's worth it! I just love everything here. The Hyukhae's moments, the Heehyuk's friendships, the Kyumin, the...everything!

Hyukjae here is so real and overall, this is a beautiful piece of writing!
It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! <3 Fantastic, brilliant, cool! Love that Lee Byul Rin character XD
Ladyghai #6
Chapter 25: Oh my goodness gracious i love this story! It's so cute! :)
ShyNina #7
Chapter 25: this was an awesome story. so sweet and heartwarming. ^_^
So beautiful and cute story but feeling so depressed it's finish already T_T It was really great.. So full of emotions and all.. Just the kind I love the most ♥ Thank you for this awesome story ♥
Aaaaaw, I loved this story <3 It's so cute and beautiful ^^