Chapter eighteen.

Meet the silence

   Donghae eventually dozed off on Hyukjae's arm when they were waiting for Sungmin's return. Time was passing and people kept giving them suspicious glances, not used to the view of two men so close together, but Hyukjae couldn't care less. They were sitting in silence, the older gently Donghae's palm when he felt his boyfriend's head resting on his arm. Hyukjae smiled and let Donghae rest for a while. But when he saw three figures emerging from behind the hedge surrounding the playground, he patted Donghae's thigh so he'd wake up. "Look," he whispered, "They're coming!"

   Donghae yawned widely and looked up in direction of Sungmin. Once again, Hyukjae couldn't help but think how cute his boyfriend was, but he tore his eyes away and got up, looking at extremely happy Sungmin. The latter was holding hands with a tall guy with a handsome face and intelligent look, or rather dragged the poor shocked boy behind him. As they came closer, Sungmin beamed at them. "Hyuk, Donghae," he said proudly, "this is Kyu." The guy bowed his head and smiled at them. "And this," Sungmin announced, "is our lovely Mijin!"

   The girl was wearing a bright green dress that reached her knees. She had her hair tied into two ponytails. Hyukjae and Donghae gaped, charmed by her appearance. And when she gave them her partly-toothless, smile, both of them died just a little inside. Donghae signed some introduction to her and she replied, also using her tiny hands. Hyukjae was impressed how well she knew sign language. "She's great at it!" he exclaimed and Kyuhyun laughed. "Well, our parents wanted her to grow up in a normal way, so when other kids her age started to speak, we all started using sign language while talking to her" he explained.
'So you're fluent as well?' asked Donghae.
'Yes' he signed back to him, 'I speak sign language everyday, obviously' he pointed at his sister, who now wrapped her slim arms around her brother's knee and was looking at him with her lovely smile. 'Still' he went on, 'since our parents passed away, I really look for occasions to speak to someone, because no matter how much I love Mijin, I must admit she takes my whole time and I don't really get to chat with someone.'
'You can talk to me, to all of us' answered Donghae 'I can hear.'
"Really?" asked Kyuhyun, astonished. He and Donghae started their conversation, first discussng about Donghae's case of muteness and then proceeding into lighter and more pleasurable topics.

   Hyukjae urged Sungmin closer and leaned slightly to keep Kyuhyun from hearing his question.
"How was it?" he asked, not being able to hold back his curiosity.
Sungmin blushed. "Well, good, I guess. I noticed them by the slide. Kyuhyun's phone rang and he answered it, he looked away from Mijin. She looked so... cheerful, so happy. I couldn't help it, stepped closer and squatted in front of her. I introduced myself, she signed me back. I think she doesn't know what it means to be shy or afraid of strangers! And I took her to the swings. We had fun, she was smiling and she caught me under her spell, really. And then Kyuhyun's caught my shoulder and tried to chase me away, or something... Anyway, I finally was facing him. It felt... a little weird, but I managed to introduce myself and ask if he'd like me to help him take care of his little sister and to be my friend, and maybe boyfriend,” Sungmin hid his face in his hands. “Oh my God, It sounds so stupid now, whatever, so I asked if he would like to... you know, because I would definitely like to become his and I liked him" Sungmin said and felt silent. "My God" he repeated after a short pause, "That was the most idiotic sentence that had ever come out of my mouth." he facepalmed himself again.
"... And?"
Sungmin raised his head. "And he was, like, stunned, but then he proceeded something in is mind, somehow his expression changed and there was a blink of a recognition in his eye, I think" Sungmin replied, reluctant to continue.
"For goodness sake, say something more, Sungmin! What did he do next?"
Sungmin grinned dreamily.
"That's the best part. You may not believe it, but he said" Sungmin was now smiling like an idiot. "He said he thought he'd seen me watching him in the library and he was kind of curious about me, can you believe it?" Sungmin laughed openly. "And he said that sure, why not, if I know sign language, he can meet me soon and if it turns out that I'm good with his sister, I can become her nanny!" he finished proudly.
"Whoa... Sungmin, congratulations! It's wonderful!" Hyukjae exclaimed and high-fived Sungmin. Moments after it, Donghae jumped up happily and clapped his hands, smiling widely.
'Kyuhyun has just told me the whole situation' he signed to Hyukjae. Isn't it wonderful?'
"Yes, it is, Hae!" said Hyukjae aloud. "In that case, I think we're not needed here anymore. Did you mention something about our quality time alone, Donghae?" he added "Let's go and leave our friends so that they can get... closer, erm." and he cleared his throat seeing how Sungmin lowered himself to Mijin’s eye level, pulled her into a tight hug, picked her up and handed over to Kyuhyun, whose expression softened and relaxed when Mijin made herself comfortable in his arms.

   Donghae nodded and he and Hyukjae said their goodbyes. They watched Sungmin talking to Kyuhyun about how Donghae and Hyukjae helped him make a decision to go and meet Kyuhyun. They turned around, each taking a grasp of the other’s hand, and went away, glancing back from time to time. Donghae nuzzled his faces into Hyukjae's arm.

"So, what would you like to do now?" asked Hyukjae.
Donghae shrugged.
"Come on, I can't always decide what we're going to do. Tell me what you want."
And then Donghae pointed at Hyukjae with his finger, and it was the cheesiest thing, but it made Hyukjae so incredibly happy that he laughed loudly and squeezed Donghae in his arms.
"I know I am irresistible. But I meant something else."
Donghae withdrew from his hug and signed, But it's true, all I want is to be with you. So whatever we do together, I'll like it.'
"Oh, Hae, you are amazing. Let me think... It's getting late. So, how about we went for dinner? I'm pretty hungry, come to think of it."
'Sounds great' Donghae answered with his hands.


   Hyukjae took Donghae to a really nice Thai restaurant. When they were full, Hyukjae paid the bill and walked Donghae home. He could feel the weight of the whole strenuous week getting to him and he caught himself thinking only about going to sleep. Only when Donghae stopped by his side did he realise that they reached the younger’s house. Before they parted, Hyukjae kissed Donghae on his lips for the last time that day, the kiss long, tender, loving. Hyukjae poured all his feelings into the kiss, wanting to show Donghae how much he cared for him, and he felt his boyfriend losing himself in the kiss, pulling Hyukjae even closer and grasping his shoulders for support. Hyukjae, encouraged with Donghae’s daring, pushed him against the wall and deepened the kiss, making it more needy, alluring, his hands tracing the sides of Donghae’s body, his shoulders, arms, waist. If time was still passing, he didn’t feel it. All that counted was them, right there and only then.

'Want to come up?' the younger signed when they parted, still panting and looking away shyly.
Hyukjae couldn't believe his eyes. Did Donghae mean- no, pabo, he's too innocent for this! And no matter how tempting the invitation was, he had to go back. He needed his rest.
"No, Hae" said Hyukjae. "I mean- I appreciate the offer, really. But I'm still exhausted, I had a hard week" he said, sounding really regretful.

Donghae frowned butely at first, but then nodded understandingly. 'Ok then, so when will I see you again?'

"I am free until Monday afternoon" Hyukjae said. "I'll text you tomorrow and come up with something. But for now, I really need some good sleep" he smiled warmly and a little apologetically.

   Donghae winked at him playfully and went inside. Hyukjae blinked. Was the boy who had just left him his Donghae? Winking? Kissing back like that? Inviting him upstairs with that whatever-it-meant look in his eyes? Hm... Maybe I am not the only one having naughty thoughts in this relationship, thought Hyukjae and shook his head immediately. Donghae is your vulnerable, pure boyfriend and you are imagining things, Lee Hyukjae. Still, while walking slowly towards his place, Hyukjae couldn’t stop himself from imagining things. Because, well, those t h i n g s were definitely... his style.

   Still, as soon as Hyukjae came into his and Heechul's apartment, hearing Heechul babbling on the phone with someone, he felt the exhaustion take over him once again in mere seconds. His thoughts were all focused on one thing. Sleep. He dragged his feet to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, took a quick shower and after drying himself and wearing a pair of boxers, walked into his room. He threw himself onto the bed, not even caring to get under the sheets. He fell asleep to some thoughts about Donghae and dreamt of his boyfriend chasing Heebum around the playground.



A/n: So, KyuMin is on their way to the happy relationship, it seems. And what do you think? Is Donghae a little naughty-naughty? I must tell you that the next chapter is my favourite. And therefore I will have to check it thoroughly so that you'd be able to enjoy it in its pure awesomeness ;) Welcome to my new subscribers (I didn't expect to get any more and I am extremely happy that you joined us here! =^^=), comment a lot and stay tuned for chapter 19 comming soon!

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Chapter 25: back here again for the 2nd time~ n_n I just loveeee this! Hyukjae is truly a gentleman and forever murdering you in my dreams bcs you didnt finished the last chapter properly DD; kidding!

prob gonna back here again for the 3rd time~
Aftan6 #2
Chapter 25: Omg !!! U painted wonderful lovely rainbow in my eunhae/haehyuk heart !!!! Love it !!!
Chapter 25: k, i'm pretty sure i'm reading this for the second or third time, but i just can't help it, it's so cute ^^
and the ending is perfect, I'm usually all for in fics :D but I think this was better here :33
Chapter 25: Rereading this for the 2nd time; it's worth it! I just love everything here. The Hyukhae's moments, the Heehyuk's friendships, the Kyumin, the...everything!

Hyukjae here is so real and overall, this is a beautiful piece of writing!
It's so fluffy I'm gonna die! <3 Fantastic, brilliant, cool! Love that Lee Byul Rin character XD
Ladyghai #6
Chapter 25: Oh my goodness gracious i love this story! It's so cute! :)
ShyNina #7
Chapter 25: this was an awesome story. so sweet and heartwarming. ^_^
So beautiful and cute story but feeling so depressed it's finish already T_T It was really great.. So full of emotions and all.. Just the kind I love the most ♥ Thank you for this awesome story ♥
Aaaaaw, I loved this story <3 It's so cute and beautiful ^^