
Managing My Exs


“You got everything?” Jessica asked as she helped tiffany lower her suitcase from the old beat-up car, Jessica loves so much she doesn’t have the heart to throw out. 
“Yeah, thanks Jess” Tiffany gave Jessica a tight hug before she backed away.
“If they bully you, come right back home okay?” Jessica looked up at the apartment to make her point. 
“Will do, just leave my bed empty” Jessica smiled at tiffany one last time before she hopped into the car. 
“Bye!” Tiffany waved her friend off as the car roared into life and rammed out of the apartment, leaving a trail of black smoke. Tiffany coughed as she waves away the toxic smoke, still smiling. 
“Who was that?” Tiffany jumped at the voice. No, not yet, no. She thought to herself as she turned around to face Baekhyun. Tiffany swallowed before she could find her voice. 
“uh, my friend” tiffany avoided his gaze as she tried to pull or push or whatever that was she was doing trying to move her planet size luggage. Baekhyun’s laugh startled tiffany into a standstill. That laugh, so familiar. 
“Let me help you with that” Baekhyun grabbed her luggage from her hand, their hands touch each other lightly, and sending tingling feeling all up her arm. 
“Um, fine” tiffany let go of the bag, Baekhyun grunted at the sudden weight. As he lifted her giant luggage, tiffany could see defined muscles more clearly. It looked sturdy, strong and oh...rock hard. Tiffany could still feel those arms around her from yesterday brief accident hug. 
Baekhyun showed her the code to get through the security door and let her up the elevator. It stopped at the second highest floor. The Bing of the elevator made tiffany jumped. Baekhyun raised an eye brow and shook his head. 
“You’re so giddy” he muttered as he led them to the room. Again, Baekhyun showed tiffany the code. 
“The temporary manager left all the things you need to know in your room. It’s away from all of us, if that makes you feel better” Baekhyun said as he closed the door behind them. 
“Just leave this here, I’ll bring it back into my room” tiffany said, wanting to find an excuse to get away from him. Just him being here, next to her, after 10 years was already too much for her. 
“But the thing is, you don’t know where it is” he pointed out. Tiffany was about to protest when he grabbed her bag and dragged it away. 
“Follow or get lost” Baekhyun called over his shoulder. Tiffany hesitated for a brief moment before following him. They walked past the living room, where tiffany had already seen the first day. They walked past the kitchen, which was the size of her living room in her apartment. It was so big and clean and nice. Not a dish left in the sink, no used cups sitting around. It looked like a show room kitchen from how clean it was. 
“D.O liked his kitchen clean” Baekhyun explained. Tiffany smiled at the fond memory that just came out of nowhere.
“Oppa~, I told you I’ll clean it later” Tiffany whined as she laid on the sofa, watching her variety show. 
“I told you not to put your coffee cup here, put it in the sink and clean it with water so it doesn’t stain” D.O explained. 
“I don’t want too” tiffany pouted, looking at him in the kitchen frowning over her used coffee cup. 
D.O sighs as he put her cup in the sink and turned the water on in silence without looking back at her. Tiffany could tell by the set of his shoulders that he's trying not to yell at her. Tiffany quickly got up from the couch and ran to the kitchen.
“Oppa” tiffany poked D.O jokingly on the arm, when he shook her off, tiffany pouted and poked again. 
“Oppa, I'm sorry” when he didn’t turn around, tiffany let out a huff. 
“I said I'm sorry” she whined, when D.O still didn’t turn around. Tiffany wrapped her thin arms around his waist. Resting her head on his back, she murmured. 
“Oppa, I promise to clean my coffee cups” D.O cleared his throat and turned himself around, slowly enough to not break the hold tiffany had on him. 
“You sure?” he asked, a smile playing on his lips. 
“yeah, and I’ll do your dishes for a whole week” tiffany smiled as she pecked him on the cheek, only he turned his face the last minute and tiffany’s lips landed on his soft ones. 
“I know” tiffany replied without thinking, it was too late to take it back. The expression on Baekhyun’s face changed as he stopped talking and lead her to her room in silence. 
“The bathroom is small but big enough for one person. The lock on the balcony is a little stiff so don’t open it.” He said without looking at her. 
“And that’s the documents” he pointed at the bed. 
“Baekhyun” tiffany said but he cut her off before she could say anything. 
“Dinner’s at 8. Miss it and there's none left” at that, Baekhyun closed the door with a thud. Tiffany backed away from the door and flopped down on the king size bed that felt so empty. At this stage, she would die to be back in her single, squeaky bed that would sometimes disturb Jessica. 
“Am I making the right decision?” tiffany muttered to her. 
Before she could get herself organise, a knock came from the door. Kai entered the room with only a tank top and a pair of worn trackies. 
“How are you settling in?” he asked, leaning against the door, looking at the luggage tiffany has with her. 
“I just got here dong—” tiffany shut before she let herself slip another time. Kai’s profile stiffens at the nickname she gave him when they were dating. 
“What did you say?” Kai murmured. Tiffany cleared . God, it feels like I'm cheating on them all even when we all broke up.
“I said Kai” Tiffany fixed herself. 
“No, you said donggie (poop)” Kai muttered, playing with his ring. 
“I’m sorry—”
“I missed it you know, being called that” Kai cut her off. “But it just sounds odd now, Suho tried calling me that once, but it just sounds ‘right’ when you said it” 
“I didn’t mean—”
“It’s okay. I'm here to give you this. Record all our schedules on here so it’s easier to remember and stuff like that” Kai handed her a galaxy note.
“Th—thanks” Tiffany took it with both hands; the leather on the cover was soft and smelt like new leather. He still remembered that she liked the feel of leather. Tiffany opened the cover and a picture fluttered out of the note and drifted to the ground. Tiffany bends to get it when she paused at the image. 
It was of them, at the amusement. Kai was giving her a piggy back ride while she made bunny ears on his head. Tiffany was looking at the camera while Kai was tilting his head, looking at her, smiling. 
“You kept it...after...”
“7 years. I kept that thing for 7 years” Kai said softly. He his bottom lip as he studied his foot like it was the most fascinated thing in the world. 
When tiffany didn’t say anything, because she literally couldn’t find words, the ball in was getting bigger by the minute. 
“Donggie! Let’s take a picture!” Tiffany said as she came back with 2 tickets to go on the roller coaster. Her bunny ears headband was always on the verge of slipping off her head, for the nth time, tiffany pushed it up right on her head. 
“Ok, I’ll get—sir, sorry. Can you take a picture for us?” the man nodded his head as he took Kai’s camera. 
“Hurry, hop on Tiffy” Kai rushed her. 
“ok, ok” tiffany said as she hopped on his back, he stumbled at her sudden weight and stumbled, causing him to laugh and her to scream and almost chocked him with her hold. 
“Ok, 1, 2, 3” the camera man counted down. 
“I already have bunny ears, you should have one too” tiffany said as she made bunny ears with her hands and placed it on top of Kai’s head. The flash went off, blinding both of them.
“Kamsamnida” Kai thanked the man and took his camera back. 
“Let me see!” Tiffany said excitedly.
“No, I'm going to keep this and you will NEVER see it” Kai laughed as he hold the camera over her head, out of her height range.
“I’ll get to it” tiffany said in a small voice and blinked rapidly to stop her tears from falling. Kai swallowed thickly as he exited the room. 
Chanyeol entered the apartment to meet a very down group of guys who this time of day would be yelling and screaming with gun fire in the background as they play the latest COD or something or rather. 
He dropped his messenger bag on a nearby chair and made his way into the dining room where all 5 guys were. Eating in silence.
“Err...did someone die?” he tried to make a joke but no one was laughing. Chanyeol swallowed his embarrassment as he sat down between Suho and Sehun. 
“Tiffany moved in today” Suho said after he swallowed his portion of food D.O had made them. 
“I see” Chanyeol simply said as he started to eat his food. Tiffany had cut him deep when she broke up with him. He felt at the time that she was the one for him but after a period of time, she just kept her distance. He tried to do everything but it’s just not enough for her. True that he's a ladies’ man and his history isn’t that great when it came to relationship but he changed, he changed for her. If only she listened to him. 
Just as they were all eating, tiffany appeared from the corridor, holding the galaxy note. She settled herself down on the spare seat at the other end of the table and looked around to everyone.
“So” she cleared . “ you guys have a schedule tomorrow at 7 am at a photo shoot, at 10 am there's a meeting for a recording and there's a break slot after than til 3pm. There's another interview photo shoot at 7pm and at 2am is EXO-M will join you in a group photo shoot”
Everyone on the table nodded as they avoided her eyes. Chanyeol could feel tiffany trying to compose herself at the strained atmosphere. She blinked a few times before letting out a sigh. 
“Look, I know it’s bad for all of us that I'm here but this is my job. I would trade with the EXO-M manager any time but—”
“You probably dated them too?” Suho cut her off. Tiffany flinched like she was actually slapped across the face with the comment. 
“So, uh, guys. Good night, I’ll see you tomorrow early” tiffany said as she blinked away tears and got up hurriedly. At the sound of the bedroom door shutting, everyone looked at Suho. 
“Hyung, that's a little harsh” Kai said. Suho didn’t even bat an eye as he continued to eat. 
“Do you hate her or something?” Baekhyun asked.
Suho got up from the table without another word as he walked away towards his room. 
“Aishhh, this is a mess.” D.O muttered as he covered his face. 
Tiffany wanted to cry at the comment Suho made to her. You probably dated them too? Is he referring her to a ? A ?
A knock came from the door, startling tiffany from her thoughts. She was sitting on her bed when the door opened. Suho slipped into the room and closed the door behind him. 
“Tiffany” he murmured, coming closer to the bed. 
“Why would you say that? How could you say that?” she asked, without looking at him. The floor seemed so interesting to her for that moment.
“I...i’m sorry. I’m just...hurt” he sighed as he sat down on the bed next to her. 
“I’m sorry...” tiffany whispered. Carefully, Suho inched his hand closer to hers, an electric current went through them both when their fingers touched. Suho waited for tiffany to pull away, when she didn’t, he moved his hand so that it covers hers. 
“I miss this” he commented in the dark room. 
“Me too”
I'm sorry i was a day late, I'm on school break so i dont actually keep track of the days, i thought today was monday  but the calender said it was tuesday, so i quickly updated it. 
So i finally worked out who tiffany's going to end up with in the end, and there are clues in this chapter. Wanna guess???
please comment guys, i really like reading what you thought of the story and you readers who haven't subscribe, its TIME! :D
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Sorry guys, super duper busy, Iif I'm lucky,I'll try to update on Tuesday or Wednesday


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Eyes_Smile_Princess #1
Chapter 26: i like baekfany
parkminin #2
Chapter 8: hi im newbies here haha im filipino exostan and sone can we be friends guys ?
Can I have your permission to translate this fanfic into my language which is Vietnamese ? Thks for reading this cmt.
aliciatongtong #4
Chapter 25: I ship lufany!! I cant wait for your next fan fic autor-nim!
roxxtiff #5
Chapter 25: i want kaifanyyy pleaseee.
8282tiffany #6
Chapter 13: hi!!:)
looooove your text.....
I have read your text sooo fast!!!kyakya!!
I can't ENGLISH well,but want to read more,
cause your story is wonderfull<333
please update soon^^*
tiffanyhwang08 #7
Chapter 25: Ur exofany ff is daebak i wish u can create more exofany ff I'm a really big fan of fany so who ever with her will be ok :D and i really really love ur ff keep it up author nim~~
Myungsooholichaha #8
Chapter 25: lufany please... ^.^ lufany or EXOFany please... pretty pretty please...
fanyfany-ah #9
Chapter 25: LuFany please... ^_^♥ please please please.. LuFany or HunFany...♥please?