Gone Forever

Managing My Exs
“are you sure you want to do this?” 
Tiffany couldn’t look at her boss in the eyes as she knew this was the end of her career. Something she couldn’t go back to. 
“well, I must say I’m disappointed” he sighed as he folded her resignation papers before placing it neatly on his neat pile of neat things. Man, this guy has OCD over load. 
“the job is just too overwhelming for me. I never knew managing a band would be so hard” tiffany kept her head down and stared at her toes. she had enough, as much as she would guys to fight over her like those drama moments, she wasn’t willing to put herself between two best friends to fight over her like meat. 
“I understand. I hope you can find a job you’re looking for” the boss stood up and tiffany knew it was her queue to go. They shook hands briefly before tiffany dragged herself out. now what the hell is she going to do? its not like she had a life before this. And she have to go back to the apartment and get her stuff. She would have to see them again. 
Still deep in her thoughts, tiffany jumped at the sound of her ringtone. 
“I did it” she said, cutting off what Jessica was going to say. 
“woah, what?” the surprise in her voice was evident. 
“did you think I was lying when I rant to you last night about the whole ordeal?” 
“um, no. especially now that I have 6 super hot men sitting in my living room wanting to talk to you”
Tiffany stopped dead in her tracks, which caused someone to run into her. she uttered an apology but he shot her a look that could kill. Suppressing the urge to throw the look back at the obnoxious man, tiffany tuned back into the conversation. 
“you have to get them out, I don’t want to see them” 
“um. No. are you stupid? Come talk to them and stop avoiding them like a little baby” Jessica scolded her through the phone. “you cant avoid them forever. I mean, they’re everywhere. And every girl would want 6 y men on their sofa begging for their forgiveness. If you don’t want to do it for you, do it on behave of all those girls” 
“you make no sense” tiffany rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s attempt of being reasonable. 
“be here in 10 or else” before tiffany could retort, the line went dead. 
Tiffany knew Jessica wasn’t joking when she saw the heavily tinted black van parked outside her/Jessica’s apartment. 
Taking a deep breath, Tiffany opened the door and soon enough saw that her living room was filled with 6 ‘y’ men all looking at her with doe-eyed expressions. Her eyes landed on Baekhyun first, as she takes in the bruises that Kai inflicted on them while they were ‘fighting’ over her. like seriously, she should feel flattered, but she just felt wrong. 
Kai was next in her eye sight, his form not better then Baekhyun since his left eye was ringed with purple and his lip had a small split. 
“What are you guys doing here?” 
“we came to apologise” Kai spoke as Baekhyun opened his mouth. 
“It’s too late, I already hand in my resignation letter and quit the company” tiffany looked down at the stain in the carpet instead of up at their faces. She needed time to sort herself out, clear her head, not be bombarded with the problems she tried to escape from. 
“and if you don’t mind, I’ll like to be alone” she tried to ignore the pain and hurt from the group and swallowed her apology. 
Kai was the one to stand first, which the others then slowly followed. He stopped infront of her, trying to get her to look at him, but tiffany looked away. he heaved a sigh before walking out the door. 
She expected Baekhyun to even try and talk to her, but instead, he headed straight for the door without giving her a backward glance. Unknown tears burned her eyes at the unsubjected rejection, she wanted Baekhyun to talk to her. she wanted him to...she just...wanted him. 
Lost in her own thoughts she didn’t realised the door closing shut and Jessica coming up to her with sorrow in her eyes. 
“baby, I'm sorry it has to be this way” Jessica opened her arms and tiffany fell into them. the pinned up sadness and tears came flooding out and she was thankful Jessica was there to catch her fall. 
“I don’t k-k-know why-y-y I’m cry-y-y-ing” Tiffany tried to speak through her tears, only to be shushed by Jessica as she soothed her. 
“It’s going to be okay, everything is going to be okay” 
“I-I-I want-ed h-h-h-im, I always-s-s want-ed him. eve-n-n-n n-o-w-w, aft-ft-er all the-s-s-e y-e-e-ars” 
The questions was lost as tiffany cried her feelings and worries away in her bestfriend’s arms. 
Sorry for the short chapter guys but the past week has been my end of year exams and seriously, like, i have no time at all. 
I wanted to watch 'Hiers" so much but exams consumed my life
now its over so guess what I'll be doing!!!!
so the last poll just showed an overwelming amount of you readers choosing tiffany resigning. and i delivered, thanks guys for helping me out, we're so close to finishing this fic together ! :D
now the next poll, 
vote for which one you like and tune back next week to see the chapter
and i PROMISE to update on time because~~~~~ school will be over for me~~
Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Sorry guys, super duper busy, Iif I'm lucky,I'll try to update on Tuesday or Wednesday


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Eyes_Smile_Princess #1
Chapter 26: i like baekfany
parkminin #2
Chapter 8: hi im newbies here haha im filipino exostan and sone can we be friends guys ?
Can I have your permission to translate this fanfic into my language which is Vietnamese ? Thks for reading this cmt.
aliciatongtong #4
Chapter 25: I ship lufany!! I cant wait for your next fan fic autor-nim!
roxxtiff #5
Chapter 25: i want kaifanyyy pleaseee.
8282tiffany #6
Chapter 13: hi!!:)
looooove your text.....
I have read your text sooo fast!!!kyakya!!
I can't ENGLISH well,but want to read more,
cause your story is wonderfull<333
please update soon^^*
tiffanyhwang08 #7
Chapter 25: Ur exofany ff is daebak i wish u can create more exofany ff I'm a really big fan of fany so who ever with her will be ok :D and i really really love ur ff keep it up author nim~~
Myungsooholichaha #8
Chapter 25: lufany please... ^.^ lufany or EXOFany please... pretty pretty please...
fanyfany-ah #9
Chapter 25: LuFany please... ^_^♥ please please please.. LuFany or HunFany...♥please?