Open Doors

Managing My Exs
Baekhyun was fuming as he got into his car and sped off. If only he left his phone on silent. Baekhyun smashed his steering wheel and contemplated turning his car around and return to tiffany. Finally she was opening up to him, she was ready to be with him again, and that damn phone has to call at a moment like this. The anguish on her face when she pulled back and that wall going up as she stepped back. Who knows how long it would take for her to open up to him again. 
Baekhyun stormed into the building and ignored all the fans as they screamed his name, those who stood out all day wanting a glimpse of the stars, well, here he is. Baekhyun forced his frozen face to smile as he posed for a couple of pictures to save his image and not be called a cold mean star, shunning off his fans or whatever. 
By the time he made it to the meeting, everyone was already there, waiting for him expectantly. 
“Sorry, I was held up” Baekhyun took a seat between Chanyeol and D.O, who send him a questioning look but didn’t ask further questions. 
He shook his head lightly and the boys got the message, they stepped down. The man standing in front of the boys was someone Baekhyun’s never seen before. his suit was pressed and he stood tall. His smile was a million dollars but Baekhyun could see the jerkiness of the guy oozing through his pores. 
“hey guys, I’ve been put here to take care of you until you could find a new manager” the guy said with too much enthusiasm. Great, now we have this stuck-up of an to replace tiffany, could this day get any better. 
“I hope we can get along merrily” his pearly white teeth flashed into a charming smile. Baekhyun resist the urge to roll his eyes. 
“my name is Mark” he began, taking out a small notebook with little tabs sticking out in different angles. 
“as of today, all your schedules will go through to 1am in the morning as I was told to fit you into everyone that has requested you. From talkshows to gameshows, meetings and meetups” Mark flipped through the pages. 
“what about sleep? I hear that’s pretty important too” Baekhyun couldn’t help it as the words flowed from his mouth. Chanyeol looked at him like he ran over a dog while Suho looked up at the sky, almost like he’s asking God why I had to open my mouth. 
“yes, but with all these events, you will be bigger and more popular, it shows the fans that you care. I’m sure a little sleep won’t kill you” Mark flashed another one of his white teeth smile and Baekhyun has to swallow his next words before he get the group in trouble. 
“great” he said, his tone clipped as his hands balled into fists under the table. 
“perfect, I will see you by the car at 7pm tonight” the group took it as a queue to leave, as in unison, they all stood up and one by one, filled out of the room. 
“he is one massive ” Chanyeol began as he sat down on their sofa, flicking through the channels. D.O nodded in agreement and flopped down next to him.
Baekhyun left the room before he could hear someone else piped in about how much of an Mark was and that Tiffany treated them way better. 
Before Baekhyun opened the door to his room, however, he felt someone standing behind him. taking a deep breath, he turned around and met Kai in the face. 
“what?” he asked roughly, he wasn’t in the mood to fight right now. He need time to think and sleep. today wasn’t exactly the best day in the history of his life. 
“we need to talk” 
“so talk” Baekhyun leaned back against his bedroom door and crossed his arms. 
“I know you cared a lot about tiffany” Baekhyun groaned. not this again. 
“hear me out” Kai cut him off. Baekhyun’s mouth snapped shut with a click. 
“I know how much you care about Tiffany, and how much she cares about you too” Kai began, shoving his hands into his pockets to ease the awkwardness this conversation was turning into. 
“and I know she doesn’t feel the same way about me” Kai swallowed. “but if anyone were to be with her, I would feel better if it was you. Because I know you would look after her and do the best you can to make her happy” Kai finished. 
Um. What. Baekhyun was lost for words. Millions upon millions of words were in the vocabulary and at that moment, he wouldn’t even think of one. So, Kai is backing off? Kai looked at Baekhyun expectantly but he really couldn’t speak. 
“Baek?” Kai raised a questioning eyebrow. 
“um, yeah. I’m” Baekhyun reached behind his neck and nodded. oh words, you failed me. 
“just say you would look after her and I’ll be out of your hair” Kai spoke with a hint of a smile. 
“I’ll look after her” Baekhyun blinked up at his friend, who broke out into a smile and nodded. 
“that's all I want to hear” at that, Kai patted Baekhyun, who was still frozen, on the shoulder before going back into the living room to join in with the discussion of who would win against a fight between Harry Potter and Thor. 
Baekhyun snapped out of his little moment and blinked. He replayed what had just been said over in his head for five times before the words started to sink in. Then, a small smile started to creep into his face. now, he can have his girl and his best friend back. All he has to do now was prove himself to Tiffany and hope that she would break down her wall and be his again. 
Smiling like an idiot, Baekhyun unlocked his door and thought to himself, maybe today isn’t as bad after all. 
So many people voted and kept voting, so I had to wait acouple more days to finalise the poll before I begin writing and as you can see, baekhyun won by a mile. 
Please don't be sad Kai lovers, it just happens that Kai don't get the girl, but he put up a goodass fight 
So it's clear, Baekhyun is the man for our Tiffany.
Two more updates left, omg guys, I'm so excited to finally finishing this. It's been too long. 
I really honestly don't know any scenarios that could go down next chapter, so comment away on what you want to happen, I'll read through them and pick one that's my favourite and isn't too hard to write. At the end, I shall credit the idea giver at the A/N
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Sorry guys, super duper busy, Iif I'm lucky,I'll try to update on Tuesday or Wednesday


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Eyes_Smile_Princess #1
Chapter 26: i like baekfany
parkminin #2
Chapter 8: hi im newbies here haha im filipino exostan and sone can we be friends guys ?
Can I have your permission to translate this fanfic into my language which is Vietnamese ? Thks for reading this cmt.
aliciatongtong #4
Chapter 25: I ship lufany!! I cant wait for your next fan fic autor-nim!
roxxtiff #5
Chapter 25: i want kaifanyyy pleaseee.
8282tiffany #6
Chapter 13: hi!!:)
looooove your text.....
I have read your text sooo fast!!!kyakya!!
I can't ENGLISH well,but want to read more,
cause your story is wonderfull<333
please update soon^^*
tiffanyhwang08 #7
Chapter 25: Ur exofany ff is daebak i wish u can create more exofany ff I'm a really big fan of fany so who ever with her will be ok :D and i really really love ur ff keep it up author nim~~
Myungsooholichaha #8
Chapter 25: lufany please... ^.^ lufany or EXOFany please... pretty pretty please...
fanyfany-ah #9
Chapter 25: LuFany please... ^_^♥ please please please.. LuFany or HunFany...♥please?