Lost Love

Managing My Exs


“Again!” the producer called out from the recording booth. Tiffany could tell Kai was on the verge of blowing up. He’s been rapping the same 6 lines for at least 10 times, apparently he didn’t have enough feeling. Tiffany isn’t someone who understands much about rap music but from however many times Kai had to repeat, she remembered every line and she could even rap it herself. 
“It sounds fine to me” Kai said through grit teeth. The producer smirked and fixed his glasses. 
“I’m the one who calls the shot. Now stop wasting all of our time and repeat the line with feeling” the producer snapped. Kai gave him a curt nod and started to rap again. A thump came from beside her and tiffany turned around to see Chanyeol sitting down on the steps next to her, holding out a cup of hot coffee. Tiffany smiled at him in thanks and took a strong drag. They were recoding well into the morning and if carry on until morning, tiffany might pass out. 
“You guys shouldn’t have agreed to this” tiffany muttered, ashamed and looked down. Chanyeol scolded her as he tilts her chin up so she was looking up at him. 
“No sense, look how happy Kai is, he's loving it” Chanyeol cocked his head over to where Kai was and tiffany had to muffle her giggle, Kai was beyond ‘happy’. His face was going red and his neck veins were popping out as he strained his voice. 
“Again!” the producer yelled into the microphone so Kai could hear. And that was when he snapped. Kai took out his headphones and knocked over a microphone as he stormed out. 
“I’ll go after him” tiffany got up and started to follow when she heard distantly the producer calling Chanyeol to go in and rap Kai’s part instead. The door closed before she could hear his reply. 
“Kai!” tiffany called after him but he was walking too fast for her pace. He stormed down the empty corridor of the SME building. Instead of the elevator, Kai want into the fire exit and started to climb the stairs. By the time tiffany made it into the fire exit, Kai was already 2 flights ahead of her. hurrying her pace, tiffany took the stairs two at a time and tried to catch up with him but it’s like walking and trying to race with a running person, there was no way she could catch up. A long while later, tiffany made it up to the roof when she spotted Kai walking towards the railing. 
The weather was humid and rain was drizzling, making it even stickier. Tiffany took a deep breath and called out to him.
“Ya! Donggie!” Kai paused at her nickname for him and he turned around. His face was still red and he was breathing deeply, angrily. 
“Hey” tiffany took a step forward, slowly, like walking towards an animal, trying to see what move it would make. 
“I can’t believe that mole face son of a—” Kai shook his head as he ran his hands through it.
“You did fine, great in fact. I don’t know why he—” Kai cut her off as he took 2 strides forward and just like that, he was in front of her. 
“Because they hate us, the company hates us because we were the ones who made up the contract, not him. We could leave anytime, get high wage and we away with rules. He didn’t like that, but he can’t get rid of us because fans love us. So he makes us work, hard. He wants to see us quit...and right now, the only stopping me from doing it is...the only thing is” Kai dropped his head and shook it. 
“Forget it” he muttered. The whole time, tiffany had her heart in . How can he be saying all of this when XXX told her he was flirting with her, at that moment, Kai was a total stranger to her, she didn’t know what he was thinking. Not knowing what to say to make him feel better, tiffany stepped towards him and wraps her arms around him. 
He stood still for what seemed to be a long time before he relaxed and wrap his arms around her. She could feel the pressure of his chin on her shoulder and his arms wrapped tightly around her neck. 
“I miss you” Kai whispered. It seemed a little too intimate when he whispered it to her; tiffany chose to ignore it and just stayed quite as she holds him. A voice made them break apart. 
“We’re done recording” Baekhyun said from the fire exit door. His face was unreadable and tiffany couldn’t make out the silent eye conversation Kai and Baekhyun was having, but one thing for sure was that it wasn’t a friendly one. 
“Let’s go back” tiffany murmured to Kai, who nodded and finally take his eyes off Baekhyun. 
The ride back was quiet and tense. Everyone was tired and snappy, no one spoke and most of them slept. Tiffany drives silently through the streets, getting back to the apartment through short cut. Once they got home, everyone went back into their rooms, not saying a word to one another. Tiffany was about to go into her room when Sehun grabbed her hand. 
“What—” Sehun put his finger to his lips, signalling for her to be quiet. Tiffany nodded and let him lead her out to the balcony, overlooking the city. 
“Aren’t you tired? You should get some sleep, its late” tiffany said, not looking at him. It was still raw, the breakup between them and what happened. It wasn’t that long ago, and to be with him now, just the two of them, made it uncomfortable to her. Sehun sigh loudly as he reached over and took her hand. 
“I’m not tired” he murmured. Sehun twined her fingers through his and he held it loosely, tiffany could feel the softness of his hands and the warmth of his touch. It brought back memories tiffany didn’t want to remember. 
“Here” Sehun handed her the cup of cappuccino. Tiffany smiled as she took it. They were sitting on the couch of his apartment, watching the morning news after a blissful night they shared. Tiffany giggled as Sehun lifted her legs in the air so he could slid in the spot on the couch before putting her legs back down, leaving it on top of his thighs. 
“How are you feeling?” Sehun looked at her, squinting from the rising sun peaking through the window. Tiffany couldn’t help but blush, thinking of what they did together last night. It started off as a glass of wine, then they were laughing and kissing then somehow he was on top of her on the bed...and then...it was just......great...
“Perfect” tiffany smiled as she leaned over and planted a kiss on Sehun’s lips. He smiled at her choice of clothing, which was her underwear and his white dress shirt. It hung loosely on her frame but it smelled pleasantly like him. 
“What do you want to do today? I got all day” Sehun smiled at her and tiffany couldn’t help but smile back. He’s been so sweet to her and it’s been 10 months since they started dating. He made her happy and at that moment, tiffany kind of wanted him to be the one for her. She smiled dreamily at the idea of marry him and shook her head when Sehun nudge her.
“What?” she took a sip of coffee and mocked glared at him. 
Sehun smiled at her and shook his head, they watched the morning news in silence but tiffany couldn’t ignore Sehun’s hand as it ran up and down her leg, drawing patterns and making lazy circles, having a mind of its own and Sehun seemed oblivious that he was doing it. 
“What about we go picnic today?” tiffany suggest. Sehun looked away from the TV and looked at her, a sad smile on his lips.
“I can’t do anywhere public with you...remember?” tiffany’s heart dropped but she just nodded and tried not to show her disappointment. True he’s only a trainee but the company wanted him to keep his head down before he debuted. Tiffany never asked him about his company so she didn’t exactly know who he worked for. But it was always his dream to sing and dance. 
“Um...what about we have a picnic in here?” Sehun suggested. Tiffany raised her eyebrow and looked at him in confusion. 
“Come on! I’ll show you” Sehun took her coffee cup and place it on the coffee table before pulling her up off the couch. He led her to the kitchen and left her at the bench island while he dug into the fridge and got out the ingredients to make a sandwich. 
“Make me a sandwich woman” he ordered in a mocked serious tone. Tiffany rolled her eyes as she saluted him. He laughed as he got out the drinks and organised it in a basket. Tiffany took out 4 slices of bread and spread butter thinly on the slices when a pair of arms came around her waist, making her yelp. 
Sehun laughed in her ear as he pulled her close, tiffany smiled as she continued to make the sandwich, not bothered by Sehun and his arms. 
“I love you baby” he whispered. Tiffany nodded and turned to him. Pecking him on the cheek, tiffany whispered it back into his ear. 
After the food was done, tiffany packed it into the basket and looked at Sehun expectedly. 
“Now what?” she asked, Sehun grabbed her hand and told her to close her eyes. 
“Imagine you are walking through a portal and when you open your eyes, you will be in a park” tiffany nodded her head and she stepped forward into the living room. 
“You are now in Sehun land. The best park in the world” tiffany opened her eyes and laughed at the transformation in the living room. All the indoor plants were gathered in the living room and a mat was laid on the ground. 
“This is adorable” she said as she went over and sat down. She patted the spot next to her and Sehun joined her. All afternoon, they spend their time in the living room, eating the sandwich tiffany made while they enjoyed a movie in their makeshift park. 
Tiffany was sleeping on Sehun’s leg while he sat back against the couch. He patted her head absently while he watched the action movie on TV.
“Am I forgiven?” he said suddenly. 
“About what?”
“For not going out to the park” tiffany couldn’t help but laugh, he thought she was made at him. 
“Nope. You are forgiven and its now forgotten, besides, who wants to go to the park when there's one inside” Sehun smiled down at her as he bent down and planted a kiss on her lips.
“And that is why I love you”
“We should go to bed” tiffany said, pulling her hand out of his. Sehun looked hurt but he hid it well. Tiffany’s eyes were getting glassy but she did her best to clear it. 
“Tiffany...I still—” tiffany interrupted him.
“Please don’t. I'm not ready for this...just...give me space” tiffany whispered. Pleading him. Sehun nodded as he swallowed. 
“Okay...fine” he cleared his throat again and nodded his head. 
“goodnight” she said to him, walking back into the apartment, not looking at him as she made her way, rather hurriedly back into her room, leaving Sehun looking after her. 
Here we are guys, another chapter!!!
I've been having so many writers block its driving me crazy. 
So, we got to know alittle bit more about Sehun's relationship with Tiffany...and yes...they had to those who were wondering... :)
I might go on hiatus for  awhile guys, i got so much homework and stuff, its ruining my ability to write. School break is coming up in 2 weeks so I'll start writing again then. 
In the mean time, i'll be updating A cassanova's Mission because i"ve type up a couple more chapters, so not all is lost. :D
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Sorry guys, super duper busy, Iif I'm lucky,I'll try to update on Tuesday or Wednesday


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Eyes_Smile_Princess #1
Chapter 26: i like baekfany
parkminin #2
Chapter 8: hi im newbies here haha im filipino exostan and sone can we be friends guys ?
Can I have your permission to translate this fanfic into my language which is Vietnamese ? Thks for reading this cmt.
aliciatongtong #4
Chapter 25: I ship lufany!! I cant wait for your next fan fic autor-nim!
roxxtiff #5
Chapter 25: i want kaifanyyy pleaseee.
8282tiffany #6
Chapter 13: hi!!:)
looooove your text.....
I have read your text sooo fast!!!kyakya!!
I can't ENGLISH well,but want to read more,
cause your story is wonderfull<333
please update soon^^*
tiffanyhwang08 #7
Chapter 25: Ur exofany ff is daebak i wish u can create more exofany ff I'm a really big fan of fany so who ever with her will be ok :D and i really really love ur ff keep it up author nim~~
Myungsooholichaha #8
Chapter 25: lufany please... ^.^ lufany or EXOFany please... pretty pretty please...
fanyfany-ah #9
Chapter 25: LuFany please... ^_^♥ please please please.. LuFany or HunFany...♥please?