The Plan

Managing My Exs


“This is messed up” Chanyeol stood up; everyone was shocked at the new revelation they were driven speechless. 
“I know this is a lot to take in, but I didn’t know it was you until I took the job” tiffany said apologetically, looking down towards the floor.  
“I’m going to get some air” Baekhyun stood up along with Chanyeol and both exited the room; Baekhyun won’t even spare tiffany a glace as he walked passes her to the front door. 
“Since you are our manager, I guess you are “with us” with us now?” Suho said from the corner of the room, arms crossed. He was always the serious one in the relationship, always thinking of something someone never got their mind around to it.
“er, I guess. After this...introduction” tiffany muttered. Her eyes landed on Sehun for a brief second before she averted her eyes. it’s only been 2 months since he broke up with her, and the wound is still fresh, a little too fresh. 
“ there's a spare room at the end of the hall” Kai muttered, it was the only time he spoke up since tiffany walked in, he was avoiding her eyes, with his arms crossed and his lips slightly pouted, tiffany knew that look right away, Kai always pouts his lips involuntarily when he’s sad or agitated. 
“should I come back later...give you guys time...” tiffany left the sentence trailed off. God, this was one of the most awkward and uncomfortable position she ever put herself in, at this moment, she’d rather die than facing all these men at once. 
“that would be wise” Suho said, his voice filled with authority. Tiffany nodded her head once before turning away when D.O caught her eye. He was sitting next to Kai quietly, playing with the bracelet tiffany made for him when they were going out. Oh god, he still has it. Tiffany quickly made it to the door and throws it open, before bumping hard into Baekhyun. 
Tiffany stumbled and was on the verge to fall on her when a pair of strong arms came around her waist and pulled her close. He felt so different. 10 years really change someone; in this case, it has transformed Baekhyun. For a split second, tiffany thought Baekhyun hesitated to let her go but then his arms dropped to his side and he stepped away from the door to let her through. 
Giving him a thankyou nod and no more, tiffany quickly dash to the elevator and escaped from that apartment faster than a speeding bullet. 
“So, what’s going to happen now?” Kai muttered when the 6 gathered in the dining room, the atmosphere didn’t lift since Tiffany stepped into the apartment, it’s almost like she left a plague behind her. 
“I mean she dumped us all” Chanyeol muttered into his kimchi fried rice D.O cooked up for them. Dam that guy can cook.
“she didn’t dump me, I left her” Baekhyun murmured. All heads turned his direction, Baekhyun shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “oh, come on, I was 16”
“16?! I dated her when I was...22” Chanyeol said, doing the math quickly in his head. 
“so that means after one of us, she went to the other. All of her boyfriends in the past are us?” D.O asked, putting the puzzle together. A spark light up in Suho’s eyes, he was about to say something but thought better of it. 
“do we...still love her?” Sehun’s question took everyone off guard. Kai was choking on his food before D.O patted him on the back. 
There was no answer but slight head nods from every single member on the table. 
“Well ” Chanyeol said as he threw his hands in the air.
“I was made to leave her, the company’s policy” Sehun said. 
“I say let the best man win” Kai said suddenly, a challenge in his eyes, the guy is always up for challenges and games and he always come up on top. 
“I don’t think that’s the best idea” Baekhyun objected, playing with what’s left in his food.
“I say why not? We all love her still and it’s not like could split her into 6. And whoever she chooses in the end wins, the rest have to get out of their way and respect her decision. Before that, however, I say its fair game” Kai explained, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief before throwing it down on the table.
“and when she chooses her man, we get out of our way” Sehun concluded, Kai nodded, a small smile appearing on his face, knowing that he got Sehun in with his game already. 
“Deal” Chanyeol said, staring down Kai with a competitive smile. 
“but as soon as she chooses the guy, we respect her and get out of our way” Baekhyun joined in agreement. 
“so everyone in?” Chanyeol asked the table, everyone on the table nodded. 
“let the game begin”
“babe, it wasn’t that bad was it?” Jessica sat on her single bed as tiffany packed her bags for however long she was going to stay with the guys. They shared a room together in the very cramped apartment. 
“it was horrible Jess; they looked like they just saw a ghost. I’ve never felt so uncomfortable in my life” tiffany said as she grabbed a couple of essentials before throwing it blindly into the suitcase on the bed.
“you don’t have to take the job, there's plenty more jobs out there”
“it is one of a life time opportunity. The pay is good and I get to so my dream job, I don’t think anything can get better than this” tiffany examined her sleeping shorts for a short while before throwing it in the already overflowing suitcase. 
“apart from the exs part” Jessica pointed out. Tiffany sighed loudly before flopping down on the bed. 
“yeah, apart from that, I wish like...I could meet SNSD and like get their signature. I wish I was them” Tiffany said dreamily. 
“that's not going to happen, now get over that hopeless dream of yours and face a very tragic reality” Jessica said, picking tiffany’s underwear off the ground and shoving it in the suitcase before shutting the compartment tight. 
“jess, hop on my suitcase while I close it” tiffany ordered, Jessica reluctantly climbed on Tiffany’s overflowing suitcase and pressed down as tiffany tried her best to zip up the bag. 
“you signed all contracts and everything?” Jessica asked to make sure. Tiffany nodded. 
“yeah, I got that taken care of before. It’s just as soon as I move in, I start work”
“you want me to drive you there?” Jessica asked. Tiffany smiled at her friend before nodding her head. 
“yeah that would be good”
“nah, tomorrow morning. I just want to gather my wits before I meet them again, to prepare myself”
“good idea” from outside, tiffany heard the door open and close, looking at the time, the two girls knew right away that Yoona came back from a very tired day at work. 
“guys! Where’s dinner?” yoona called out to anyone who was willing to yell back her answer. 
“in the fridge, wrapped in the second shelf” Jessica called out. 
“I'm going to miss having you here” Jessica made a sad face as she sighed. 
“I'm not going far” tiffany rolled her eyes as she threw her heavy suitcase off the bed, it was so heaving it made a loud thud on the ground as it hit the floor. 
“looks like you packed an elephant in that thing”
“it’s the entire herd” the girls laughed as they help each other push the heavy thing to the living room, where Sooyoung and Sunny was watching the evening news.
“who’s going vacation?” Sunny eyed the heavy bag. 
“Tiffany’s living with exo-k apparently” Yuri called from the dining room. 
“no way! Serious? I love them!” Taeyeon came into the living room. 
“I’ll get you their autograph” Tiffany rolled her eyes. 
“PLEASE!!” Taeyeon smiled brightly at tiffany before skipping to the bathroom where Seohyun was brushing her teeth. 
That night, tiffany lay awake in her bed, not able to sleep. She could hear Jessica’s soft breathing from the other side of the small room. Tiffany could remember like it was yesterday how she came around to meet Baekhyun, at the time; she had the massive crush on him. He was the ‘popular’ guy that every guy dreams to be and every girls dream to date. He was genuine and funny, not to mention super cute. It was back in grade nine, if it wasn’t for that stupid chocolate milk, she wouldn’t have ever spoken to the ‘Baekhyun’
“chocolate or strawberry, love?” the lunch lady asked as she showed tiffany both option. 
“erm, chocolate for today please” tiffany smiled as she took the milk and place it along with the rest of her lunch. Gosh, it was like world war 2 in the cafeteria at lunch times. Students were rushing to and from tables, trying to save seats for their friends or finding seats so they don’t have to go outside and face the windy cold autumn wind. 
“Tiff! Over here!” her friend at the time called out to her, smiling that shes not going to be one of the people facing the wind today, tiffany rushed over to her friends table. 
There were plenty of poplar on her table, luckily for Tiff, she was an inbetweener. The not too popular but still popular enough not to get picked on by others and still got invited to the best parties. 
“you drinking chocolate milk?” her friend asked. 
“yeah, why not? I'm sick of strawberry anyways” tiffany commented as she twisted her milk open and took a drink when out of nowhere, a soccer ball came flying towards her. before anyone could warn her, tiffany was hit right in the face with the ball, the chocolate milk spilling all over her face and dripping down her dress. 
Tiffany could feel anger rolling off her like waves. 
“who the hell kick that ball?!?!” Tiffany yelled towards the direction the ball came from. Her friend grabbed her by the arm, pulling her down so she could clean tiffany’s face. The milk had made a small incision inside of tiffany’s mouth, she could taste blood all over , and it was overpowering the delicious chocolate milk. 
“er, it was me” Baekhyun walked out from the circle of guys, who were either eyeing her to see what she was going to do and to see how Baekhyun was going to react to it. 
Without saying a word, tiffany grab her chocolate milk, took a drink out of it before throwing the reminding of it in Baekhyun’s face. Tiffany could remember how the cafeteria turned dead silence when the milk splash onto his face. Tiffany expected him to get all angry and started yelling at her but all he did was laugh, it made tiffany even angrier. 
“I got to give it to you, that was a good shot” Baekhyun smiled at tiffany before the smile froze in place when he saw that the sides of tiffany’s lips were getting red as blood started to seep through her lips. 
“, are you okay?” before tiffany could say anything, Baekhyun grabbed her by the arm and rushed her out of the cafeteria towards the nurse, making all heads turn when they walked pass. From that milk incident, tiffany had even been the same. 
Smiling at the fond memory, tiffany closed her eyes and braces herself for what’s in store for her tomorrow morning when she moves into EXO-K’s dorm. 
[A/N] Guys! here's a longer chapter! Kai is mischevious isnt he??
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Sorry guys, super duper busy, Iif I'm lucky,I'll try to update on Tuesday or Wednesday


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Eyes_Smile_Princess #1
Chapter 26: i like baekfany
parkminin #2
Chapter 8: hi im newbies here haha im filipino exostan and sone can we be friends guys ?
Can I have your permission to translate this fanfic into my language which is Vietnamese ? Thks for reading this cmt.
aliciatongtong #4
Chapter 25: I ship lufany!! I cant wait for your next fan fic autor-nim!
roxxtiff #5
Chapter 25: i want kaifanyyy pleaseee.
8282tiffany #6
Chapter 13: hi!!:)
looooove your text.....
I have read your text sooo fast!!!kyakya!!
I can't ENGLISH well,but want to read more,
cause your story is wonderfull<333
please update soon^^*
tiffanyhwang08 #7
Chapter 25: Ur exofany ff is daebak i wish u can create more exofany ff I'm a really big fan of fany so who ever with her will be ok :D and i really really love ur ff keep it up author nim~~
Myungsooholichaha #8
Chapter 25: lufany please... ^.^ lufany or EXOFany please... pretty pretty please...
fanyfany-ah #9
Chapter 25: LuFany please... ^_^♥ please please please.. LuFany or HunFany...♥please?