Managing My Exs


“Can you dance?”
“Can you sing?”
“Ah, no”
“Can you entertain?”
“Um, maybe?”
“So, what's the point of you being here Miss Tiffany?” 
“This is my dream, there’s nothing I’ll rather do”
“You dream is to be an idol but you lack dancing, singing, and entertaining. Does any of this make sense?” 
“Tell me, what your qualifications are”
“I graduated in business and management and I sing...occasionally” 
The man in big glasses sigh, “I’ll see what I can do for you but really, this is a big company and you are basically...have no talent”
“Please! I’ll go into anything. I can do makeup, I'm a fashionista myself. I even manage my friend’s rock band in high school” she pleaded. 
“Managing eh?” the man lowered his glasses to study her carefully. 
“Yes, I worked on their schedule and meetings. I’m great at that”
“If there’s anything available, we will give you a call in the next few weeks” he said before going back to his paperwork. 
Tiffany took it as a queue for her to leave. Bowing her head 90 degrees, she walked out. It was one of the worst interviews she had ever been to. The man was mean and urgh. 
Her phone vibrated in her pocket. Sighing, tiffany fished it out and read what it said.
“How did you go?” It was from Yuri, her best friend and roommate along with other 8 girls. Yes, she lives with many people but every bill gets divided into 9, so it’s a win.
“I don’t know. This is the worst day of my life by far” tiffany texted back before dragging her legs out of the biggest entertainment company. SME.
A few weeks later. 
Tiffany was lying upside down on the big L shape couch alone, eating her cereal and watching the morning show when her phone went off. 
“This better not be sunny to call that she forgets her lunch again, or I am going to kill her” tiffany muttered as she wiped some excess milk from the corner of . 
“I am not going to take—”
“Is this Miss Tiffany Hwang?” Tiffany stopped mid-sentence and pulled her phone out to check who she was talking to. Holy mother of Jesus, it’s the mean man with thick glasses. 
“Ye...yes” she answered, crossing her fingers and toes for the good news.
“I have good news for you. We have a new coming band that needs a manager. I was hoping you could put your management skills into good use” he said. Tiffany did a silent scream while covering the mouthpiece of the phone. Did a little victory dance around the room and started to jump up and down, before tripping over her own foot. 
“Miss tiffany, are you still there?”
“YES! I mean, yes. I would be honoured to take the job” she said happily. 
“Great, come in on Monday to meet the members. You might’ve heard of them from all the YouTube teasers. You will be managing EXO-K. Do some research on them if you will so you know who they are on Monday” after they bid good buys. Tiffany threw her phone on the ground and started to scream.
“I am so screwed” tiffany said 5 minutes later. Her finger scrolled through all the information she needed to know who EXO-K was and it’s not looking good. 
“How is it possible that all my exs have joined forces?” Tiffany murmured to herself. 
“You! I’m home!” Yuri called out from down the hallway. 
“In here!” Tiffany called to her. Not long after Yuri’s head popped into the office room where all the girls’ computers and work stuff are. 
“I got the job” Tiffany said to Yuri sadly.
“That’s great! But why do you sound so sad?” Yuri crouched down to see what Tiffany was looking at.
“Why are you going through all of your exs?”
“They are EXO-K and I’m going to be their manager” tiffany said numbly. 
“SHUT UP! No way! Omg that is such a weird coincidence”
“Tell me about it, I thought I was never going to meet any of them ever again”
“come here baby girl, you are going to be fine” Yuri hugged her friend and the two stayed like that for a bit while Tiffany kept her eyes on the guy on the screen that hurt her the most out of all 6 guys. 
“You will be checking what they have for the day, what they need in that time. You are basically going to be their guardian, we will be giving you a card that will always have money in it so you won’t have to use your own money for their expenses” the man with thick glasses kept talking but tiffany found herself zoning out. She had to make herself breathe from time to time because she was on the verge of panic and hyperventilating.
“We’re here” the man stopped in front of the door and punched in some numbers. The green light came on and the lock in the door unclicks. The thick door swung open and tiffany could feel her breathing getting shallower and her sweat coming down her forehead like a waterfall. 
Stepping inside felt like it was in slow motion. Sounds got deeper and things got more blurry. She could feel her stomach bubbled and her fingers got more cold and yellow. 
The sound of the boys inside the living room overwhelmed her and she felt like fainting. Forcing herself to breath, tiffany followed the glasses man into the living room where 6 guys sat laughing. 
Sehun, who had recently dumped her, looked the same as always while Baekhyun, who she hasn’t seen since she was 15, looked like a different man. 
“Boys, I would like you to meet your new manager” at the sound of thick glasses man, the boys turned around and looked at her. 
The room felt like a picture, no one moved, tiffany could feel all 6 pairs of eyes on her. A gasp even, from someone. Though the thick glasses man didn’t detect it.
“Well, I’ll leave you to get to know each other” he turned around and smiled at tiffany before walking out. Tiffany felt like yelling out to him not to leave her with these horribly good looking men. 
At the sound of the door locking again, tiffany turned around to still see 6 pairs of eyes frozen on her. 
“Tiffany?” Suho whispered. 
“How did you know her?” all 5 other boys said at the same time.
“Because I dated her”
“Me too” all 5 boys said again. All eyes turned back to her again, this time, many were filled with questions.
“Err, Hi guys. My name is Tiffany....and I’ve dated all of you”
Official starting of the fanfic, i know it's not much but I'm just zoned out these days. I wrote the next chapter already and it's longer, so that's a relief. 
Sooo, how are the guys going to react to this??? let me know in the comments :)
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Sorry guys, super duper busy, Iif I'm lucky,I'll try to update on Tuesday or Wednesday


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Eyes_Smile_Princess #1
Chapter 26: i like baekfany
parkminin #2
Chapter 8: hi im newbies here haha im filipino exostan and sone can we be friends guys ?
Can I have your permission to translate this fanfic into my language which is Vietnamese ? Thks for reading this cmt.
aliciatongtong #4
Chapter 25: I ship lufany!! I cant wait for your next fan fic autor-nim!
roxxtiff #5
Chapter 25: i want kaifanyyy pleaseee.
8282tiffany #6
Chapter 13: hi!!:)
looooove your text.....
I have read your text sooo fast!!!kyakya!!
I can't ENGLISH well,but want to read more,
cause your story is wonderfull<333
please update soon^^*
tiffanyhwang08 #7
Chapter 25: Ur exofany ff is daebak i wish u can create more exofany ff I'm a really big fan of fany so who ever with her will be ok :D and i really really love ur ff keep it up author nim~~
Myungsooholichaha #8
Chapter 25: lufany please... ^.^ lufany or EXOFany please... pretty pretty please...
fanyfany-ah #9
Chapter 25: LuFany please... ^_^♥ please please please.. LuFany or HunFany...♥please?