
Managing My Exs


“Happy birthday Tiffany!” the loud shout startled tiffany from her dream. Her eyes snapped open and she let out a yelped and fell out of the bed and landed on the ground with a loud thud. Laughter broke in the air as Kai reached down and help her up. Baekhyun was standing there laughing at her while holding her a birthday cake with so many candles lighted up she didn’t want to count them all. 
“Oh, I'm getting old” she whined as she made a wish and blew out the candles. Cheers erupted in the air. 
“Happy birthday” Baekhyun murmured to her when she took the cake from him. He smiled down at her and tiffany couldn’t help it but not meet his eyes, hell, not when she had a dream that they shared a kiss together in the middle of the lake, watching the sunrise. 
“Let’s go eat breakfast! D.O cooked up a storm downstairs” Chanyeol was already out the door, rushing down the steps in loud thuds.
“Let’s go. There's bacon” Baekhyun joked, tiffany laughed as she followed him down. The others followed right behind them. Tiffany couldn’t believe they had that much food. There was all sort of food on the table. Modern and traditional food. There were bacon and eggs, sausages, bake beans, fried rice with kimchi, dukbokki and all these other food. 
“Whoa, I'm going to get fat” tiffany muttered, eying food hungrily. Everything looked so good and it smelt even better. This is unreal. 
“You would want to eat a lot. We’re going hiking after this. The view is the best” Kai said around a mouthful of bake beans. Tiffany scrunches up her face.
“You know bake beans make you fart” others stopped eating and looked at Kai, who has frozen mid chew.
“He’s walking at the back” Suho stated. Others nodded and Kai scowled at her direction. Tiffany stuck her tongue out and laughed at him. After a split second, he started to laugh as well. 
The food was delicious. Tiffany ate everything. She didn’t talk to anyone, just ate and ate until her stomach couldn’t take it anymore. There was cake as well. Tiffany groaned around her mouthful of kimchi fried rice. 
“What if I threw up on the hike?” the thought just occurred to her. Damn, the last thing she need is to throw all these food back up during the hike. Sehun shrugged and took another bite of his sausage.
“You’ll be fine. No one had ever puked before. It’s not that bad” 
“We’ll walk it off. Don’t worry about it” Suho reassures her. Tiffany smiled at him around the food before swallowing it. 
“Guys, it’s almost 8. We better get going” Baekhyun swallowed his last bacon...the last bacon on the whole table, in fact. He ate all the bacon on the table; tiffany couldn’t remember eating bacon at all. Wow, he could really live on bacon and be totally fine with it. 
At 8.30, after D.O insisted that they should clean the table and wash up the dishes first, they finally got out and started to go on the hike. The sun had just gone over the horizon and is making its way up towards the sky. Tiffany couldn’t help herself but look towards the pier where in her dream, Baekhyun had taken her and they went on a boat ride in the early hours of the morning. Tiffany touched her lips at the thought that he kissed her. His soft lips. She could still remember it. 
“What are you thinking about?” Baekhyun came up from behind her. Tiffany jumped at his voice and blushed guiltily for thinking of such a thing. 
“Just stuff” tiffany answered bluntly and she walked away from him towards the others, who were wearing heavy looking backpacks.
“Why don’t I get a backpack?” Tiffany asked, looking from one face to the other.
“Don’t worry about it Birthday girl. Today is your day” Sehun answered her before winking. A corner of her lips lifted in a small smile and she nodded. He makes her feel so...nervous? Uneasy? It’s unnerving to know he has that type of affect on her. 
“Hyung, Lead the way” Chanyeol said, getting all excited and couldn’t keep still. Suho shook his head at him before they started to walk towards one of the many hills around the area. After a little bit of walking, tiffany found herself walking next to Baekhyun, while the others walked ahead, even Kai, who insisted that he’s not feeling gassy and won’t fart. The others kept a close eye on him but he insisted over and over again, so eventually, they lay off.
“What do you want to do today? Birthday girl?” Baekhyun asked, he wasn’t even the slightest panting or showing any signs of being tired while tiffany on the other hand, was puffing and huffing and sweating like a pig. Thank god her stomach is behaving. 
“I just wanted to spend it with my favourite people” tiffany smiled up at him. Baekhyun flashed her a smile that made her all giddy inside. She looked away quickly before he could see her blush. 
“I'm glad I’m one of those people.” Baekhyun commented, walking up easily at the hill that's starting to get steeper.  The big group was now split into 3 little small groups. Suho and Chanyeol was way ahead of everyone, talking and laughing and are just enjoying the whole thing, not even panting. The second group was D.O, Sehun and Kai, who was at the back, way behind Tiffany, having difficulty or just isn’t in a hurry. They walked in hush voices, some time, someone would crack a joke and all three of them would laugh. 
“Me too” tiffany muttered, low enough for him not to hear. Her back was started to get sweaty and her hair was matted to her head from the sweat. They’ve been walking for a while now and all of them caught up with Suho and Chanyeol. They cracked jokes and Tiffany laughed. She can’t believe once upon a time, she used to be in a relationship with all of them and most of the time, she broke it off. Yet, they were still talking and were friendly to her. Thinking about it made her a little teary; they’re all here for her on her birthday, going to great lengths to make this birthday a good one for her, all this effort just for her. 
“You guys are the best” she choked out. 
“Awww, I love me too, don’t cry” Chanyeol joked, making tiffany choke on her laugh and her cry. Chanyeol came forward and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. From somewhere to her left, someone also wrapped theirs arms around them. 
“Group hug!” D.O announced. The 7 of them were caught in a tight bundle, hugging tight, like their lives depended on it.
“I love you guys” tiffany whispered.
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!?” the man stood up and threw the papers across the room; it crashed and fell on the ground. Tiffany flinched and ducks her head. She knew this was going to happen. All the good times isn’t going to last, she was going to get in trouble for this and shes going to have to suffer the consequences. 
“I’m sorry” she whispered, not wanting to look up at the man who owned the company and every living person in the building. 
“That is UNACEPTABLE!” he yelled at her, tiffany took a small peak up just to regret it. His face was red and his veins were almost popping out of his neck. From behind her, tiffany could hear one of the guys growling under his breath. EXO-K was in the room too, but it seemed like it was her fault more than it’s theirs. 
“But it wasn’t her fault” Sehun spoke up. Tiffany snapped her head up to see the boss glaring Sehun with eyes that could kill. The vibe of authority was clear and Sehun better back out now before he regrets it.  
“How so? She agreed to let you go on a weekend in paradise while your comeback is in less than 2 months? Causing you to blow 5 dance lessons and 6 vocal lessons, stood up 3 photo shoots and 2 interviews? And who is it that cleans up after your mess? Tell me. WHO!?” the boss yelled. 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking clearly. It was a mistake, I promise not to do it again” tiffany apologize but he wasn’t hearing it. He waved her off rudely as he sat down heavily on the chair, his hands placed tensely on the table as he cleared his throat. 
“It leaves me to no option than to fire you. I believe there are many more managers who would be perfect for the job” the boss stood up. 
There was uproar behind her. Suho was being reasonable and talked in a business-like voice while others just tried to talk over each other. But all of that faded into the background. Tiffany sat frozen in the chair, her breathing loud in her ear and her heart in . She hasn’t even been in this job for long, and just when she started to accept the job, shes being kicked out of it.
“What can we do? We’ll do anything” Baekhyun reasoned. 
“We’ll work harder, take more shifts” Chanyeol added. 
“Shes a good manager. Don’t sack her” Kai summed up. Tiffany sighed and closed her eyes. She can do this, walk out with pride and head up high. You can find another job, in the business. Maybe YG would take you...JYP even. Before she opened to agree, the boss spoke up.
“Are you willing? To take on triple work load just for her to stay?” he asked, rubbing his chin and his eyes narrowed. She could tell he was contemplating and thinking...deep in thought.
“Fine. She stays but I expect you to keep your promise and do as your told” the boss said. A relief sigh came from the guys and tiffany couldn’t help but let out a small sigh of relief herself but something was bothering her, anger was building up and boiling over. She tried her hardest to keep it in. Just wait till they get back to the apartment. 
“You may leave” the boss says, dismissing them before getting back to his paper work. Tiffany bowed her head and walked off; ignoring Baekhyun’s smiling face and Suho’s high five. They looked confused at each other before following her down the stairs to the underground car park. 
Unlocking the van, tiffany hopped into the driver’s seat and buckled up roughly. Suho started to climb into the front seat when she shot him a look.
“Idols sit at the back” with those clip words, tiffany dumped her hand bag on the passenger side. Suho looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it and got out, walking around to the back of the van, hopping into Baekhyun’s usual spot.
The drive home was tense; tiffany could hear low whispers from the back. It was too low to make out what they were saying but tiffany has an overall idea. 
Back in the apartment, tiffany dropped her bag on the sofa in a big huff and kicked her shoes off. 
“Um, is something wrong? Tiffany?” Baekhyun asked uncertainty in his voice.
“We’re sorry for getting you in trouble. We didn’t think about it right” Suho added. 
A hand landed on her shoulder and that did it for her. 
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU GUYS DID THAT!” she yelled, swirling violently around so shes facing all of them. Chanyeol took a physical step back. 
“Do what?” D.O asked, confused. 
“AGREE TO TAKE ON TRIPLE SCHEDULE! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT OLD HAG BOOKED YOU IN! TRIPLE THAT WOULD KILL YOU! I COULD’VE JUST WALKED OUT AND FIND ANOTHER JOB!” Tiffany yelled. They are doing this for her, which shes grateful for, but it’s going to kill them and she doesn’t want that.
“You are going to get so tired and its going to be because of me” she lowered her voice. Kai stepped forward, holding his arms out in a hug gesture, coming closer to her, testing the water whether she wanted to hug him or not. Reluctantly, tiffany stepped into his arms. He hugged her to him and whispered into her ear. 
“for you, I’ll do anything”
how sweet are the guys!?!? sticking up for her. 
i promise, coming soon will be a rea kiss!! COMMENT ON WHO AND I MAY BE PERSUADED. ;)
check out my other exo fanfic guys. CASSANOVA'S MISSION. it need some attention, so sad. i actually liked writing that one as well. 
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Sorry guys, super duper busy, Iif I'm lucky,I'll try to update on Tuesday or Wednesday


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Eyes_Smile_Princess #1
Chapter 26: i like baekfany
parkminin #2
Chapter 8: hi im newbies here haha im filipino exostan and sone can we be friends guys ?
Can I have your permission to translate this fanfic into my language which is Vietnamese ? Thks for reading this cmt.
aliciatongtong #4
Chapter 25: I ship lufany!! I cant wait for your next fan fic autor-nim!
roxxtiff #5
Chapter 25: i want kaifanyyy pleaseee.
8282tiffany #6
Chapter 13: hi!!:)
looooove your text.....
I have read your text sooo fast!!!kyakya!!
I can't ENGLISH well,but want to read more,
cause your story is wonderfull<333
please update soon^^*
tiffanyhwang08 #7
Chapter 25: Ur exofany ff is daebak i wish u can create more exofany ff I'm a really big fan of fany so who ever with her will be ok :D and i really really love ur ff keep it up author nim~~
Myungsooholichaha #8
Chapter 25: lufany please... ^.^ lufany or EXOFany please... pretty pretty please...
fanyfany-ah #9
Chapter 25: LuFany please... ^_^♥ please please please.. LuFany or HunFany...♥please?