chapter 22

Strangers Under The Sun


Violet woke up, its morning she noticed and the bed was empty *was last night a dream?*

Sniffing the pillow next to her she smiled he was here last night, but wait did he go home?

She felt a sickening wave in her tummy, shoving her thoughts, she got off the bed and took her morning shower. Ignoring her question in mind she continued her morning regime, putting lotion, combing her hair, drying it. Walking back to her room taeyang was there on the bed. Looks like he’s texting. Violet felt a wave of relieve although she knows that now they both have to face the truth

He looked at her ‘Morning love’ 

She smiled nervously ‘Morning’

They both were quite both evaluating what’s right to say and what is not cause their feeling were out and it was definitely akward.

He broke the silent ‘ermm, lets go breakfast?’

‘ok, err, sure, where to?’

He was looking at the ceiling and thinking ‘lets strool at the park and grab anything we can, its still early, there wont be much people’

She nods ‘ok,I’ll get ready’

‘dress warm, its still cold’

A warm sensation spread in the stomach. She brush it away. *just because he wants you to dress warm you feel lovey dowey?* but then she end up smiling.


They both sat on a stool the park, facing a fountain, both had waffles on their lap. Drinking her green tea slowly she watched the water at the fountain dancing.

‘yobo’ he said

She turned and looked at him

‘yes, yobo?’ she said

he placed his sights on the fountain ‘want to come back to my place?’

‘sure’ she said without hesitation

‘but you have to stay for real this time’

‘sure’ she said again smiling

‘I rent out your apartment and I destroyed the connecting door

That got her attention ‘why?? Tae I loved that house!

He smiled like a 5 year old boy ‘ but I don’t want you to stay there, I want you to be in my place’

‘Ahhhhh’ she blushed

He hold her hand and entwined their fingers

‘violet, I’m so sorry with what happen with us, I’m so sorry I’m so slow, you have to wait for so long for my undying love confession’ he said

She smiled ‘and I’m sorry cause I was not hard enough on you to make you realize it, maybe you just needed a little push but I was to afraid to try’

He laughed ‘I’m like the worst husband ever but don’t worry’


‘cause I have a lifetime to make it up with you’ he laughed

She laughed, waffle forgotten, tea cold. ‘you know a lifetime is quite long?’

‘yes, and that’s why I’ll spend it with you’

Their fingers stayed

Walking together back to their apartment, they were quite both accessing their new founded feelings.

‘yobo, are you sure you’re not pregnant’ he said seriously

‘hah, ofcourse I’m sure, why?’ she asked

‘nothing, I would love a mini me you know’ he smiled

‘yahhhh, you want our baby born with a mohawk’ she laughed

‘why not?, yobo, want to start trying to make mini-me now?’ he snickered

‘yahhh. You ert!!’ she smacked his head

‘yahhhh!!, ok ok, I would also love a mini you’ he snucked down, avoiding her attack

She smiled *she would love that, a mini- them*


I'm sorry for the slow updates ^^

having my holidays now and been travelling a bit 

:) I miss writing

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pilyangsweet #1
Its been more than 5 yeras .... Bye- bye!!!
pilyangsweet #2
Sorry i accidentaly click the re-reading it again.....i miss this story...i hope u could write a teayang story again.....

Chocolatemushrooms #3
Nice one :0
skyl_YB #4
such a good story!!!
great story!
cri_mson #6
i'm waiting for your update then ^^
oh god, a mini taeyang
cri_mson #8
you updated...<br />
took him 2 months to come back to her <br />
<br />
but im glad they made up,<br />
yaaay ^^<br />
Haly27 #9
1811foo : updated. thanks so much for reading n commenting<br />
MaiikO: tq, im touches.hehehe<br />
DarkHybridx: =P