Chapter 18

Strangers Under The Sun

She stayed near Taeyang the whole night. Mingling with people. Honestly she was tired mind, body and soul. 

When the event came to an end, she said to taeyang 'I'm going back, I'm tired'

he looked concern 'lets go back together, i'll drive, we'll take your car tomorrow' 

She was going to say no but he pulled her and she was too tired to say anything

In the car 

'where's boss' she asked 

'Harang borrowed him for a day or two. Hwangsabo hyung dont want him to have dogs so he borrows boss sometimes' taeyang explained 

They drove slowly under Seoul's lights 

'are you ok?, you look unhealthy' taeyang said 

'i feel ok, I'm not eating well these days thats why, why do you even care' she said annoyed 

he was silent for a while 'are you with child?'

'gosh, no I'm not and I'm sure, why? you want me blame me if i am?' 

He sighed 'no, i never said that did I' 

She pretended to sleep but tae was not that stupid 

he said slowly 'I'm sorry yobo'

She continue to close her eyes but he continue to talk 

'when you came, it was all of the sudden Violet, I planed to marry Kim, you were not even in the plan. After getting married, you gave me all of your attention, you were so sweet, you drove me insane jagiya, I just..I felt you were real, like we could make it and after Japan I lost the fight, I told myself I was going to take time but I did not did I' He sighed  

'I'm sorry I abandoned you, I thought it was the best cause i dont want you to hurt more cause your eyes, they showed so much love, i just, i dont deserve it from you, I knew you were alone since you were small, I though, yobo, look at me'

Violet felt like crying and she turned her face to the window so he wont see

He continued 'After that night, I got scared, I.. I.. I did not want to take another chance Violet, I thought, I'm sorry, I just, i was wrong cause I compared you with Kim, We were so fast and now, I just don't know what we are going to do, what about us?, I ache when you are far, what do you want Violet?' 

She lost the fight,her tears dropped 

*what was he stating? she does not understand. why all this?* 

She wiped her tears and continue to face the other side ' Tae, I hurt too much, I cant take it' she whispered.  

'and I hurt too, jagiya' Taeyang said 



woot woot, 

ok question, what do you guys wish Violet will do????????

answer answer please!! 

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pilyangsweet #1
Its been more than 5 yeras .... Bye- bye!!!
pilyangsweet #2
Sorry i accidentaly click the re-reading it again.....i miss this story...i hope u could write a teayang story again.....

Chocolatemushrooms #3
Nice one :0
skyl_YB #4
such a good story!!!
great story!
cri_mson #6
i'm waiting for your update then ^^
oh god, a mini taeyang
cri_mson #8
you updated...<br />
took him 2 months to come back to her <br />
<br />
but im glad they made up,<br />
yaaay ^^<br />
Haly27 #9
1811foo : updated. thanks so much for reading n commenting<br />
MaiikO: tq, im touches.hehehe<br />
DarkHybridx: =P