Don't You Think I'm Young?!

How Did I Fall In Love With A Person Like YOU? {hiatus!}

Hey EXOtics, sorry for the late update. School life is a b****....... TT^TT   Anyways, enjoy!

"Jiyun?!" I heard my name and I looked up. It was Mr.Faker-who-thinks-he-is-so-cool-Kai!!!! Why did he come!?!?! My life is just getting weirder and weirder. While I put on my fake smile, I bowed to Kai's parents and to mine. Kai sat in the middle of his two parents in the front, while my dad got out of the seat and out me in the middle too. Great, I'm like face to face with Kai!

"How are you doing Jiyun? I haven't seen you so long!" asked Kai's mom.

"I'm doing fine thank you! How about you?" I asked politely.

"I'm doing fine thank you." she said once more, though his time she put her hand over mine.  I turned to Kai's dad, and I asked him, "I assume you are good too?" he nodded. I had a nice conversation with his parents but not Kai. I just don't want to talk to him. Later, I got my drink (water with lemon) and I ordered my meal. As I watched my parents and his parents talk, I noticed Kai looking at me... Well actually staring at me...

"Why are you also here?" I mouthed to him.
"I don't know why are you here?" he mouthed.
"I'm really not sure at all. Wow, I never saw you in a suit before..." I mouthed awkwardly.
"Is that good or bad?" he asked while his face softened a bit. Before I could answer, the fresh aroma of the food was wonderful. For the appetizer, there were 3 small baskets of bread. One for the dads, one for the moms, and ONE FOR KAI AND I? Oh he better not take all he bread because I like bread. (A/N: I went to this place/restaurant/cafe called Panera Bread, and their bread is amazing!!!!!! Especially their bagels with cream cheese!! Yum!!) As soon as I got my plate, I instantly reached for a bread. I spread the butter on the bread and putted in my mouth. It was delicious!! Omo, I forgot to answer his question. Well he didn't look too bad in a suit but it feels so weird seeing him in one. I mean seriously today I just saw him with jeans and a black shirt. What do I see now? The total opposite! So should I tell him it's good or bad? Oh whatever say good, don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

"Kai~ I guess it's good." I said with a chuckle.

Kai's POV:

How weird was it that I saw Jiyun? Here and the market. But I have to admit, she did look pretty hot. F she is already tall, then she really wouldn't need those two inch heels! She is like 5 foot 8! But her dress also showed her long legs, and her hair was amazing too! She is really hot right now. But why does she not want to wear all these things or at least not wear her pigtails or glasses to school? Does she want to hide her real identity? The only people that really know her would be her best friend Baekhyun. Sometimes,  I do envy him because he looks so close to her and he makes her laugh. We were like that.... But me being a stupid guy just became friends with like Chanyeol, and Suho. As I thought about myself, I've realized that this bread is amazing!! While eating, Jiyun called my name and said, "Kai~ I guess that's good." wow she actually laughed. I haven't seen her laugh in so long. It's actually nice to see her laugh.

"You look pretty tonight." I mouthed. I don't know why we were mouthing words but I just don't want my parents to hear about this. When I told Jiyun she looked pretty, my face turned red and she blushed. She looks so cute when she blushes!

"Komawo... You too!" she added. I could tell that the atmosphere will become more awkward since I told her that, but I thanked her for the compliment. Soon, the food arrived and it was time to eat. I saw Jiyun's eyes twinkle in satisfaction, boy does she love food! When I recieved my plate of food, I cut up my chicken and ate it in pleasure. This is weird, why did my parents bring me here? We wouldn't ever come here, actually we wouldn't even go near this restaurant! I looked up at Jiyun, and I found her enjoying her food. She looks so cute! I want to talk to her but I just don't know what to talk about. Food?

"Are you enjoying the food?" I asked. She looked up from her pasta and gave her priceless smile. I really love seeing her being happy but somehow I just can't make her happy...

Author's POV:

In a good twenty minutes, everyone enjoyed their food. The waiter picked up their finished plates and offered dessert.

"What are you going to order?" asked Kai. Jiyun looked up from the menu and shrugged. I mean, I personally suggest the orange sorbet with the fresh waffle with blueberries but you know it's their choice...XD

"Umm I think I'll get the orange sherbet with the blueberries." said Jiyun. ASSA!! She agrees with me!! "I'll get the same." Said Kai. Jiyun looked at him and gave him a genuine smile.

(Fast Forward the people are eating desert.)

While eating, both of the two had gotten a little ice cream on he corner of their mouth. "Remember when we were younger, we would always go to ice cream truck and we ordered the same thing? An orange creamsicle; while getting it all over our faces? It's just like now." Chuckled Kai. "Yup! And remember one time we ran away from the ice cream man because we had no money? I felt bad but I already took a bite out of the ice cream." pouted Jiyun. *She looks so cute when she pouts. -Kai* As the two soon-to- be newlywe-- (WHAT?! Didn't say anything :3) were  having their conversation, that unknowingly brought them closer, the parents of the two had to announce something.

"Kids, we have something very important to say." said Mr.Kim. Everyone to to Kai's father, who looked like he had a serious face on. (Totally not him.) "As you know, Jongin and Jiyun, that my company, is collaborating with Mr. Choi's business..." he explained first. Mr.Choi nodded. Then Jiyun's dad had said, "If we  wanted to get closer to the Kim Company, then there had to be some close relationship 'conjugality'."
He explained. "What does conjugality mean?" asked the curious teens. Both moms looked at each other excitingly, but her mom said, "It means marriage."
The two soon to be husband and wife looked at each other in disbelief and confusion. "So you're saying I have to get married? To him/her?" they both screamed in unison while pointing at each other. The four other parents nodded, but Kai asked, "Don't you think we are too young? Mom, dad, I love you but seriously we are only 17!" His parents shook their heads, and Jiyun turned to her parents too in shock.
"You guys will make a great couple!" Mrs.Choi exclaimed. "How about we'll leave to give you guys to talk about it okay?" Mrs.Kim said. Before the two could answer, the parents already left.

"I cannot believe this. We are getting married because of a stupid business deal!" Kai said with a sigh.

"Yeah it's weird... Are you cold because I'm freezing." said Jiyun, while she rubbed and folded her arms. "But anyways, next thing you know, they might even buy us a home!" She exclaimed.

"Here take my jacket," offered Kai. How sweet!! *author fangirling moment*

"Thank you," blushed Jiyun. "I guess we should go right?" Kai nodded.

On the other side of the restaurant:

"Aww he offered her his jacket!" said Mrs.Kim. The parents had a fangirling/fanboying..? Moment. As they heard that the soon to be couple were about to leave, the parents hurried out of the restaurant to their houses. Wow, they really want them to bond. Crazy moms and dads. :P

Back to Jiyun and Kai couple:

The two went walked out of the restaurant, only to find their parents gone! "They seriously left us?!" said the exasperated Jongin. "Well I do have the Kia Sportage here. C'mon we'll go home in my car. Kai nodded. They walked through the breezy parking lot, while Jiyun's heels clicked on every step she took. I guess that was the substitute of the awkward silence. Later, they got into the vehicle. Kai decided to call his dad, to make sure he was at home. He put his phone on speaker, so Jiyun could hear.


"Yoboseyo?" Mr.Kim's dad said.

"Appa, are you at home?" asked Kai.

"No, I'm at Mr. and Mrs.Choi's house." responded Kai's father.

"Ne~ We're coming there now, anneyong." he said.

"Ne~" his father replyed.

Jiyun started the car, but she felt really tired. Her contacts made her eyes pink, and she felt so weak after eating so much food. So, she asked Kai to drive. "Kai~" Jiun said cutely, "Can you drive? I'm tired!" she complained while pouting.  Boy was this surprising to Kai. But after all, he couldn't resist her aegyo. Immediatley, he got out of the passager seat, and so did Jiyun, and they switched position. He started the car again, and reversed out of the parking space. He got out of the restuarant and he drove on the highway. So many things went on his head. He is getting married! To  his ex-best friend! He ditched her! And he knows that she was just acting in front of her parents.  On the trip to her home, he thought of the old times. The old ice cream man, running in the park while getting "boo boos", or even the time when they helped at the supermarket for the ajummha. But he was the one who ended their friendship. He made everything worse. Because he just wanted to "fit in".  But it was her fault too, don't get me wrong. She didn't stop him. She knew he was slowly ingnoring her. But she just didn't want to stop. As crazy thoughts filled up his mind, he turned to Jiyun, who stared out of the window. He kept on looking at her as if something was wrong. What was wrong? He found a tear escape her eye, and more came out as she looked down at her lap. *What do I do?* he thought.  He decided to pull over on the highway, and Jiyun turned to look at him. She tried covering her eyes, because she didn't want him to see her crying.

"Why are you crying?" Kai asked softly. She slowly lifted her head, and she shook her head. "I just can't believe I'm getting married, my whole life will change. I'm sorry if you find it offensive." she whispered. He said it was okay, but he slowly cupped her face and with his thumbs, he wiped her tears away. "Hey, I'm not so entirely bad;" chuckled Kai, "but, we will go through this marriage-- together."  Jiyun nodded. He gave her a tissue, and started the car once more. After ten more minutes of the awkard silence, they had arrived at Jiyun's house. Kai turned to Jiyun, and said, "We're here." They got out of the car, and Kai was exapserated. "Whoa. You moved?" he asked. Jiyun said "Yeah, because of my dad's job. I wonder if my sister is awake." as she fiddled with her keys.

Kai almost forgot about Jiyun's little sister, who was like really young. She managed to open the door after she fiddled with her keys. The fresh smell of somehow bread filled the Choi's house atmosphere. The parents greeted the couple but then Kai's father interuptted and said, "Kai, the electricity in our house broke, we have to stay here." Kai, was confused, and so was Jiyun. Ok, so they just came back from having the news that they are getting married, and now they are staying at their house? OK... Before Kai could protest,  his mother interrupted him again and exclaimed, "Jongin honey I brought your pajamas and toothbrush. Kai looked down and said ok. "C'mon, I'll bring you to your room." said Jiyun. They arrived upstairs, and the Choi's hallway was huge! Jiyun guided him to the only guest room, but to their surprise, their parents were already going to sleep there. "Well there isn't another bed in the room, and you can't sleep in my parents room, or my sisters, so I guess you had to sleep in mine." she explained. He looked, worried, for some sort, but Jiyun didn't care. She walked back to the other side of the hallway, while Kai followed her, like a soldier following the general. She opened the door, and the sweet smell of watermelon greeted their noses. She put her stuff on her bed and with the couch she had in her room, she pulled of the cushions and made it into a bed. (futon) Then, she placed twin sized gray bed sheets, with a blue blanket and two standard sized pillows.

"There! This is your bed! The mattress is actually really comfortable. Try it!" she said. Kai hesitated a little, but then tried it after all. And he couldn't agree more, it was very comfortable. Soon, came running Nayoung, (actually Lauren from Mblaq Hello Baby. I didn't want to use the name Lauren so I just put like Nayoung...) who was Jiyun's little sister.

"Anneyong Unnie!!! I miss you because we didn't see you! Mr.Bunny missed you too!"screamed Nayoung. She ran towards Jiyun and gave her a huge bear hug. Wow, I wish my little cousin was like that! Nayoung turned towards Kai, then towards Jiyun.

"Unnie, is this your boyfriend?" asked Nayoung. She put her hands on her hips and eyed Kai. Jiyun couldn't think of an explanation, so she asked Kai to explain. His eyes widened, why did he have to explain it? But he did so anyways. "Nayoung~ hi, I'm Kai! I'm not Jiyun unnie's boyfriend, I'm her soon to be husband." what an awkward moment... Nayoung released her hands from her hips and pointed it to Kai.
"MY SISTER is getting MARRIED to YOU?!" She said exasperated. "I thought you would marry Bacon Jiyun Unnie!!" she said confusingly. She stormed out of her room and shut the door so Nayoung can sleep again. *Who is Bacon?* Kai thought. He decided not to ask, because it could make things worse.

Fast Forward:

It was nearly midnight, and both teens were just talking the night away. While Jiyun left to change into her pajamas in the bathroom, Kai decided to look at her photos on her cabinet.



"Wow, she looks so pretty," he whispered. He saw a few pictures of her, Nayoung, and Baekhyun. He thought, *Why is Jiyun so close to him?* He heard the knob unlocking, so he jumped back to bed and pretended to read a book his mother packed him. "Oh reading books huh? What book are you reading?" she asked. She sat next to Kai on the bed. She read the cover of the page, while Kai stared at her. He never saw her this pretty. *She looks even better without makeup.* she wore her shorts and tank top, which made Kai surprised because at school, she never liked to reveal any part of her body....? (I had no other ways to say it.) They both decided to sleep, because, who knew what would be ahead of them? He laid down in the bed, shifting around everywhere. Something was bothering him, and she knew. So, she whispered, "Can't sleep?"


"No." he immediately responded.
"Hey, just come up on the bed, I think it will be more comfortable. And theres room for two, and I don't bite." she explained.
"Are you sure?" he asked assuringly. She nodded. He came up from the futon and then he slipped into the covers with her. Thankfully, they both fell asleep. However, Jiyun has some weird sleeping habits... UH OH... She tends to hug the thing next to her. AKA Kai... Jiyun rolled around but then she found something soft. She hugged it, closing every inch between her and what other thing there was.

Kai opened one eye and smiled. He whispered, "I think I'm starting to like you... Again...."

With that, they both fell asleep.


Wahhhh~ That was a pretty darn long chapter! Eh, but anyways thanks for the support and I'll try to update!!

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Chapter 23: ~wuhaa~ i love this !! update soon
Chapter 1: daebak !! omo i love this story !!
kaisproperty #3
Chapter 22: Yey! You just don't know how u made me daebak daebak happy.... That's one way of showing your love to us.... Wlove u back...update update soooon... Author-nim fighting!!!
britt29able1 #4
Chapter 22: Thank you for the update. I miss this story.(:
new reader here.. !!!!!!!1 please update soon author-nim!!!! <3
kaisproperty #6
Chapter 21: Update soon, I am looking firward into this I love this story so much. Keep the good work author-nim. SARANGHAE!!<3
Kpopfreak1998 #7
Chapter 21: Update soon
Chapter 22: Omg ill wait for th update!!! :D
Chapter 22: Oh it's okay if you start over. I'll still like your story.
But I don't know with others.
parkjimro #10
Chapter 21: author-nom juseyoo update soon!!! I am so damn wanna know what will happen!!!