A Day With EXO! Part 1

How Did I Fall In Love With A Person Like YOU? {hiatus!}

Hey peeps wassupp!! Yea... Big trouble for Jiyun and Kris... Very big trouble...  I just want to apologize to my confused readers... Mianhe chingu!! So I've been really happy lately because umm I've been reading good EXO fanfics... Yep they make me happy, and yes I'm weird. :P



"Jiyun?" Kai asked surprised. He had a pained but shocked expression on his face while his feet stuck to the ground. He was speechless, his fiancé, the one he said he liked was in the arms of another man. That man, was like his brother. The breeze of the winds traveled across their faces, and the only sound they heard was the birds chirping and laughing children. No one knew what to say, but is there anything that could be said? Kris and Jiyun let go of each other, and Kai's eyes were getting watery. No one made his heart hurt so much. Kris on the other hand, was very confused. What did he do? WELL. Jiyun, knew what was bound to happen, and she knew his heart was aching and his eyes were tearing up. They all froze, but the nine other EXO boys came here. They all didn't know what was going on, but then they saw Jiyun and Kris together, with Kai that had a pained expression. They knew it meant no good.

"Kai, it's not what you think!" Jiyun spoke and she shook her hands. She cautiously walked up to Kai and all he could do was look down. The terrible silence started once again, and the ten boys stared at the two. He silently cried to himself, with every tear falling out of his dark eyes, one by one. But in his heart, he cried even harder. Jiyun lifted his chin, and she was in shock. She never saw him cry, but no one did. He took her hand from his chin and whispered, "You know Jiyun, this is the second time I saw the girl I liked with another man. After that, I swore I'd never fall in love just to get hurt again. But you know what, look at me now." They met eyes, and her eyes were getting watery too. He turned away from her and pushed through the guys, but then he took off running to the car, just wanting to get away from everyone.

"Jiyun?" Suho asked. He turned Jiyun around and saw her crying.
She hung her head low, and just hugged him. He was taken aback on why Jiyun hugged him. I mean, after what just happened? She hugged him tightly, and he looked down at her. He patted her back, and she silently cried. "I'm so sorry I hugged you." she whispered as she wiped her tears. "It's okay," he replied. She excused herself from EXO, and left them. She walked up the playground area, and sat down on the swing.

Back with EXO:

"AHAHAH!! Hyung your a red tomato!" Sehun laughed as he pointed to Suho. Suho turned to Sehun and shot an intense glare; which made Sehun shut up. The other boys confusingly stared at Suho and Kris in confusion. Kris walked to the edge, and leaned on it. He couldn't believe it, did Kai really think that him and Jiyun were together? Yea sure when they were younger he liked her, but what *is the relationship between Kai and Jiyun?* "Hey Kris  we're going to check on Jiyun wanna come?" Luhan asked while he patted Kris's shoulder. Kris shook his head, all he wanted to do is to be alone and to put the puzzle pieces together.

Kris's POV:

I DON'T GET ANYTHING!!!!! Why are Jiyun and Kai crying? Is it my fault? "Hey Kris we're going to check on Jiyun wanna come?" Luhan asked. I shook my head no. I was afraid that if I went, Jiyun would probably be really mad at me... But I don't get it, what is the relationship between Kai and Jiyun? Are they dating? I leaned on the ledge of the stone, just hoping an answer will pop in my mind. Right now, all I need is alone time. But I probably should visit her right? I decided to leave the edge, and buy her her favorite ice cream flavor. What was it again? Chocolate, strawberry, vanill-- "ORANGE SHERBET!" I screamed. Everyone in the park turned to me; they're probably thinking I'm a crazy guy. I went up the ice cream parlor and ordered a small orange sherbet. The ice cream lady winked at me; weirdo noona. I know I'm beautiful but it's nice to not be stared at.

I received Jiyun's ice cream and left to go to the playground. I saw the boys minus Kai (and Bacon) surrounding Jiyun while she sat on the swing. I walked up the somewhat-steep hill, and I saw Kyungsoo (D.O.) look back. He saw me with ice cream in my hand, and he O.O (stared) at it like a lion and the ice cream was his food. I chuckled and shook my head. He pouted, but hey, this is for Jiyun! I finally made it on top, and I could get a clear view of what was happening, while trying to hide between Sehun and Chanyeol.

"Are you okay?" asked Tao while he wiped his own tears. Wahhh~ so emotional; the Wushu maknae. Jiyun softly nodded her head, but sniffled quietly. No one really knew what to do, so they all stood in front of her. D.O saw me again but then mouthed, "Go to her!" I nodded my head and I made my way through the little crowd and stumbled towards Jiyun. She looked a bit stunned at first, but when she saw the ice cream, her expression softened. Wow, the effect of ice cream on her is so strong. I motioned the guys to go away for a few moments and they followed. I sat on the other side of the swing next to her, while I saw tears stream down her face.

"You okay?" I asked. I hated to see her so sad, ever since we were young. She nodded in return and turned to me. "I-I'm sorry." she stuttered. I got off the swing, and kneeled in front of her. "For what?" I asked. She stood up, and cried more while shaking her head. She covered her face with her hands. I pulled her into a hug, I felt so bad. I decided not to ask her why again, so I just decided to calm her down. "Shhh" I said as I rubbed her back. Her cries suddenly got softer, and her face was red and her eyes were puffy. I turned around and saw a tall guy with brown hair and a blue shirt running.

Who is that?

Oh .... It's Kai....

Kai's POV:

*sniffle* I can't believe you Kim Jongin. You actually fell for her, again, and your heart is broken, AGAIN. Why, why did you have to like another girl? Why? You knew you'd probably get hurt, but why did you take the risk?

I ran back down from the hill and into the car. I tried to actually see Jiyun so I could apologize; and you know what I see? Her and Kris. His arms, wrapped around her small petite body, and she hugged him back. I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know what  I felt. Anger? Sadness?  I was a mixture of that. But I realized what I was. Heartbroken. Why were they always together? I stood a few feet from them, and Kris got a glimpse of me. That's when I ran for it again.
I cried, and I cried hard. I decided to go home, in my room. When I arrived home, I covered my face and ran to my room. I ran to the  corner of my bed, and flopped on my bed. I just couldn't believe it.

---------- 1 hour later ----------

After I cried, I looked into the mirror in my room. "Aish look at you Kai! You face is puffy and your eyes are red!" I said to myself while I analyzed my face. I checked my phone and found a bunch of missed calls and text messages.

3 missed calls from Chanyeol
1 missed call from Suho
2 missed calls from Xiumin
1 missed call from Tao
2 missed calls from Chen
2 missed calls from Lay
1 missed call from Sehun
1 missed call from Luhan
2 missed calls from D.O.

"Wahhh~ so many calls! Except for Jiyun and Kris..." I sighed. I exited the phone call list, and checked my messages.

5 Unread Messages:

To: Kai
From: Luhan

Yo Kai where are you?!

To: Kai
From: Suho

Hey, can we talk?

To: Kai Hyung~
From: Channie

Hyung! Please call me back!! If you don't I'll forever go creepy on you in your sleep!

To: Kai
From: Chen Chen :)

Hey~ please contact us! We really need to talk to you!

I scrolled down to the last text message hoping it would be Jiyun, but to my surprise, I found Minah sent me a text.

To: Prince Charming Kai Oppa
From: Cutie Pie Raina

Hey oppa!! I'm bored want to hang out??? We can go to the movies!!

Hmm movies? Not bad since I'm kind if bored. I mean, I hate Minah... A LOT. She is always bugging me at school and she only wants my attention for her. I know I'm good looking, but it comes to the point where I'm so handsome, that she won't leave me alone. She can also be a total- never mind...

I changed from my current outfit into my black V- Neck shirt, with dark skinny jeans topped with my navy high tops.I grabbed my phone and texted Minah that I would meet her there.

--At the Movies-- (Author's POV)

"ANNEYONG OPPA!!" screamed Minah. She rapidly waved her hands and ran up to Kai. She gave him an hug, while he tried to squirm out her grip. He just kept silent, because so many thoughts were running through his head.

Was this the right choice? What do I do with Jiyun tomorrow? Yum, this is good popcorn.

The two went inside the theater, and saw the movie "Avatar".

Time to make my move

-Yawns- Minah pretended as she shifter her gaze to Kai. He watched the movie intently, but actually he didn't care at all. He was bored to death. She fidgeted in her set and set her head on Kai's shoulders and shut her eyes. He turned to her with a piece of popcorn in his mouth, and stared at her weirdly. He didn't really want to be in this awkward position, so he ran off to the bathroom. He opened the door and was shocked.


Back With EXO:

"Thanks for the ice cream..." mumbled Jiyun. Kris nodded.

"Hey, how about we go to the movies tonight?" suggested Chen.

"Yea great idea!" Xiumin said.

"Do you want us to drive you home?" asked Lay. "We have a big van."

Jiyun shook her head. "It's fine, I can walk." Jiyun stood up and threw out her cup.

"C'mon we insist." spoke Chanyeol. Jiyun mouthed 'fine'.

All of them left the playground and into the paring lot. As the EXO boys walked, Jiyun noticed that all the girls were staring at them all lovey dovey like. But of course, they ignored them.

Jiyun's POV:

I should really thank them right? They were all really nice to me, and I'm really thankful. They comforted me, bought me ice cream, offered to go to the movies and a ride home. They were all so caring here, but at school they were completely different. Here, they were all sweet caring boys who are so innocent. But at school, they are known as the "Hot and y Kingkas of SM High." but what I don't get is why they act so different. I don't think they know that I'm the nerdy girl at school who gets bullied everyday by Minah... Or that I was the used to be best friends with Kai... It's like I'm living two lives, but just not being true to the other.

I hopped into the van. It was like huge!! There were twelve seats and had a mini fridge. Well, that's what you get when hanging out with rich Kingkas right? In the van there were four rows of three seats, all creamed color. Luhan was driving, and the seat to the right of him sat Xiumin. I sat behind Luhan, and to the two seats to my right sat Sehun and Suho. Then behind me sat Kris, Chanyeol, and D.O. In the back, was Lay, Chen, and Tao. Everyone was happily chatting away, while I sat in my seat just imagining what Kai could be doing.

"What's your address?"Luhan asked. I jumped off my seat and hugged the drivers seat so I wouldn't fall. My body was on the right side of the seat, so I was facing Luhan. I grabbed the GPS and punched in my address. I smiled at Luhan and thanked him for the ride. It's so weird, Luhan looks twelve... XD

A few minutes later, we arrived at my house. "Whoa Jiyun your house is huge!" said EXO in awe. Lol it's just a house. I actually wished I didn't live in a house so big because the house gave me a false image. All of my neighbors thought that I was like the stuck up rich girl like Minah; though I'm just the isolated nerd. Aish~ you know what happens when your neighbors think you're a different person than you really are? You don't get any candy for Halloween!! --mentally pouts--

I fiddled with my keys, and found the right key. I inserted the key in the whole and opened the door. I welcomed in the boys, because I recently gotten a text that said only Nayoung was at home. But seriously, who leaves a five year old kid at home?!?! NO ONE; YOU CAN GET ARRESTED!!!!! (Sorry dramatic outburst of a possible home crime scene XD ) I slipped off my wedges and the guys took off their shoes. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll get some snacks." I said. I left the living room and into the kitchen. (I put the photos in case you wanted to see the look.)

"Okay so let me get this straight hyungs. We are in a girl's house, her name is Jiyun, knows Kris and Kai, and they both cried." explained Sehun. Eh, too bad I can hear them. MUHAHAHAHA.

In the kitchen, I took out three baskets of fresh toasted bread, with little plates of berries such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. I also put a little cup for butter and got 12 cups of warm tea. And no, I'm not those type of people who give out chips and stuff. I'm a person against those stuff because they're unhealthy. Yep, I'm weird.

I walked into the living room and saw my sister Nayoung in her pajamas and her stuffed animal. (she was previously sleeping) She and EXO were fighting. Nayoung turned to me and ran over to me. I put the food down on the table and saw the boys dig in. "Unnie!! Why are there so many boys here?! Are they your boyfriends? They have cooties!" she screamed. I blushed, they are not, and never will be my boyfriends. NEVER. "Ani, they are just my friends." I smiled at them. Good answer! Just gotta think of another excuse on the other questions she asks me. --sigh-- "Unnie all of the ahjussis are all mean!" she exclaimed as she pointed to them. She opened her arms indicating a hug, so I have her one. I sat in the empty chair, while I put Nayoung on my lap.

"You know you didn't have to make all of this food." Said Chen. "It's fine, I like to pleas my guest anyways." I replied. He nodded in return. Nayoung turned back to me and whispered, "I think the tall ahjussi with the blonde hair is good for you."

"Oh............ Kris............. Well he is  good friend of mine.... But we are just friends. Arasso?" I said back. I had to admit, my face was really red, but Kris is just a really old friend of mine. I turned to him and we met eyes. Wow, way to make it more awkward. I guess Nayoung saw that too, so she turned to me and gave me her told-you-so look. I told her to go back to her room and to sleep again. She nodded and left.

"So guys what happ-" I asked but then got quickly cut off by Kyungsoo.

"Sorry to interrupt but what is your relationship with Kai?" He asked. I saw Kris stiffen, and my face turned beet red.

Author's POV:

"U-ummm he hasn't told you?" Jiyun asked while covering her face with a pillow. The boys shook their heads; and Jiyun sighed loudly. "So we don't know you do well, so we're going to interview you. Is that okay?" asked Sehun, which he got a smack in the head from Chanyeol.

"How old are you?" asked Luhan. He raised his eyebrows and gave that "look."

"17." I replied.

"Birthday?" asked Tao

"Ninth of Octob-"

"HEY WE ARE ALL OF YOUR OPPAS!!" screamed Sehun. Jiyun nodded and have no response. "Okay?" she thought

"School?" asked Suho. She stiffened in her seat, and looked down at her nails. "Should I tell them?" she wondered. She mentally nodded her head.

"SM High." she said nervously. Their eyes widened in surprise.

"Chincha?!" they all screamed. Jiyun nodded in return.

"Hey, Ahjussis lower it down will ya?!" screamed Nayoung. They all chuckled.

"How about you?" asked Jiyun. She had to act like she didn't know anything, so they wouldn't suspect anything.

"Same high school...." they answered in unison. Jiyun nodded once more.

"What department are you in? Red, blue, purple, yellow, orange, green, white, or black?" asked Lay.

Red- Singing
Blue- dancing
Purple- acting
Yellow- modeling
Orange- Regular school (ex. Math, reading, etc.) Required
Green- Rapping
White- Art
Black- Instrument.

"I'm in the orange, white, black, and red department." she explained.

A/N: Sorry but I'm just going to change the format for this part :P

Kris: "So basically you play an instrument, got accepts into the arts department, studies in the orange department, and you sing in the red department?"

Jiyun: *nods* ^______^

Chen: "I'm in the red department also; but I don't see you."

Jiyun: "Yeah, my schedule is a bit different from everyone else's. So is that it for the interview?"

Xiumin: "Ani... But we need you to answer one important question..."

Jiyun: *Stiffens in her seat* "What is your question?"

Luhan: "How do you and Kai knows each other?"

Jiyun: *Sigh Says words very very fast* "UmmmmKaiandiaregoingtobemarried. Itsanarrangemarriageandiactuallywishididntmarryhimbecausewewereoldchildhoodfriendsandhekindofleftme.Idontknowifhelikedme, butnowilnowheisreallymad. Webothcantgetoutofthemarriagebecauseourparentsareforcingudintothisbecauseofabusinessdeal." *Big breath* LOLs


Jiyun: "Yup."

Chanyeol: "Anyways, S-so h-how about t-those movies?"


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Chapter 23: ~wuhaa~ i love this !! update soon
Chapter 1: daebak !! omo i love this story !!
kaisproperty #3
Chapter 22: Yey! You just don't know how u made me daebak daebak happy.... That's one way of showing your love to us.... Wlove u back...update update soooon... Author-nim fighting!!!
britt29able1 #4
Chapter 22: Thank you for the update. I miss this story.(:
new reader here.. !!!!!!!1 please update soon author-nim!!!! <3
kaisproperty #6
Chapter 21: Update soon, I am looking firward into this I love this story so much. Keep the good work author-nim. SARANGHAE!!<3
Kpopfreak1998 #7
Chapter 21: Update soon
Chapter 22: Omg ill wait for th update!!! :D
Chapter 22: Oh it's okay if you start over. I'll still like your story.
But I don't know with others.
parkjimro #10
Chapter 21: author-nom juseyoo update soon!!! I am so damn wanna know what will happen!!!