And Look Who's Here

How Did I Fall In Love With A Person Like YOU? {hiatus!}


I have the same routine every day. Wake up, brush teeth, wear school uniform, walk to school with Baekhyun, go to class, get bullied and pushed in the hallway, see Mr. Stupid-and-annoying-know-it-all-Kai, go home, do homework, shower, eat, and sleep.


It never changes, and I don’t think it ever will. Just daydreaming in class just makes it seem worse. Right now I’m in stupid Math class, waiting for the bell to ring so I can go home. Tick tock tick tock tick.  Aish stupid clock; why do you move so slow! While thinking, I doodle on my page a cute little panda.

Why was life so boring? Yeah so what I’m not popular and don’t get to do all these stuff? I don’t care, and I never will. The only thing that matters is that I have an actual brain and I can use it.

While I was daydreaming, Mr.Lee interrupted my thoughts and asked, “And what’s the answer to number fourteen Ms.Choi?”

“Twenty six.” I replied, looking like I was paying attention. I seriously don’t care! I just want to be at home, sleeping and eating as much strawberry ice cream I can! Again, tick tock ti

“And how did you get that?” he asked once more.

Aish Mr.Lee you are asking too much! Can you please just let me daydream? Sheesh! “Sure! To get the answer, you have to multiply the base and height and then divide by two.” I responded. I didn’t like explaining things in front of the class, Somehow, which I really don’t know why, but my voice turns different. Odd right? Ding! Yay! Time to go home! Thank got its Friday! I wish Baekhyun was here with me though so we could walk home but he is sick.


Minutes Later At Home:

“Hi eomma and appa!” I said with my bright smile. I love my parents! I waited for a response, but turns out they weren’t home. At the dining table, there was a note left on the table, it said…..


Dear Jiyun,

Hi honey! You're probably reading this when you just got home. Appa and I are in a meeting with some old friends of ours. By the way can you please go to the supermarket and pick up so food? I need milk, eggs, and cheese. Please feel free to get anything you'd like. Thanks so much! After you  are done getting the groceries, please wear something nice and casual. Maybe a dress? After you wear it please drive to the Korean Bistro Restaurant and you'll meet us there. Please be there at around 6:30. Remember to wear something pretty!                                                



Ok so I have to go to the market! But I'm so lazy! I have to get my wallet, and change! Aish!!! So after changing from my school uniform and into my casual outfit, I wore a red varsity jacket with a white shirt and black shorts. For my accessories, I had my black tote bag and two bangles. 

After I changed into my clothes, I got my house keys and left my house. I walked down the street and into town, where there were only a few people walking by. How lucky must have they been? They look all happy and so not stressed. Down the street once more, I pass the laughing man and the children's daycare. As I made my way into the supermarket, I wondered why my mom asked me to wear something pretty. Was there some special occasion that I don't know of? Baby shower? Family gathering? Someone's birthday? Well whatever, time for food shopping! As I enter the small market, I pass the nice ajummha who kindly gave me a lollipop every time I can over.

"Anneyonghasayo Ajummha! How are you doing?" I asked with a bow

"Oh I'm very good! How are your parents and Kai?" she said with her genuine smile.

"They are doing very good as well. Though my mom wrote me a note saying that I have to meet her at a fancy restaurant not to far from him. I don't know why though. Umm Kai left me... As in he forgot all about our friendship." I said while sniffling. "We used to be very close; but after he met other people from school, he kind of ignored me. Now, the only friend I have is Baekhyun." I explained. While talking, I noticed this tall black figure at the corner of my eye. He looked familiar, but he also looked like he was listening to my conversation. Who is that?

"Oh I'm sorry about that, but don't worry, things will get better in the future." I nodded. "Oh and before you leave, milk is on sale!" she said with a chuckle.

"Thank you!" I said. I left the counter and grabbed a red basket. One of the things I don't like about food shopping is that I buy more food than I need. And that happens a lot. I strolled down the milk aisle, finding every single milk on sale. So that means I can buy Soy Milk! I haven't really paid attention to the milk, only to my Soy Milk. But then I saw the regular milk. So I walked backwards and next thing you know, I fall down on the floor, my hitting the ground. I turned around and guess who I saw? Mr.Freaking KAI! I just stared at him; and he just stared at me. Awkward moment for one second...

"Oh sorry Jiyun I didn't see you there!" Kai said sheepishly.

"You look so different," I said. He looked different, from our childhood and from seeing him afar. Instead of the cute mushroom hair and big smile with a Totoro shirt and khaki pants, he has messed up hair with a black t-shirt and gray jeans. "As in a good way!" I said nervously. I don't know what he would say.

"Thanks! You haven't changed, having soy milk and your straight, long brown hair." he said with his smile. So yeah, he is trying to be nice, but I'm not buying it. He'd pass by me and wouldn't ever say a thing. And now he does? When he is not with his friends?! God I want to kill him!

"Thanks; so why are you here in the supermarket?" I asked while getting out a milk carton. We tried, at least, to start a conversation, while walking down the aisle. "Oh my parents told me to pick up food. You?" he asked. He is such a hypocrite. Why is he acting all nice? OMFG. He didn't hear that conversation I had with Ajummha right?!?! I bet he did. Great. Just Great. "Same. So how's life?" I ask calmly, while I put eggs and cheese inside the cart. He is just following me around...

"My life has its ups and downs. Its been pretty good so far, but I feel really guilty about something." he said trailing off at the end, while grabbing a few bottles of water. Has he committed a crime? O_____________________________O

"W-what did you do?" I asked worried. Oh god if he killed someone I swear I will like-- well actually I don't know what I would do, but you know, shocked. "Well I've known this person for a long time and I ditched them. I left them alone with only one friend... And I feel really bad. I didn't realize this until today." he explained. OH. WELL. DOESN'T. THAT. SOUND. DARN. FAMILIAR? Hmm I wonder where he thought of that; oh yeah, ME! Oh gosh what do I say, this is hard, very hard. 

"Oh gosh you scared me! I thought that you like robbed a bank or something!" I said with a chuckle. "The best thing to do in your relationship is to try to build one. That other person may or may not want to have a friendship again.. But if you really want to be friends again, then you have to try to get the person's attention. Forget what other people think if the person you're thinking about seems important to you." I explained. You never know, maybe he isn't talking about me. Maybe someone else. I checked my phone and my eyes widened. It's 6!! I have to get going! AISH!!
"Oh Kai I have to go, see you in school?" I said, oh god I have to shower, do my hair, change into a dress, and put on makeup! In only thirty minutes!!
"Yeah I have to go to. I got to attend this dinner with my parents at this fancy pants restaurant...Which  don't know why but anyways see you in school too! Bye!" He waved back and turned away. Well didn't that go great? Having a mini reunion with my childhood friend that ditched me. Now I seriously have to run! *Running* Ran past the daycare, laughing man, up the street, and finally at home. I hastily ran up the stairs to my room and went to the bathroom. I ten minutes, I finished showering and blow-drying my hair. Phew! I got that finished. Now I have to change, do my hair, and put makeup!! Grr that's what I get for talking to Kai for too long! While still in the towel, I literally pulled out all of the dresses I had. Here are my dresses:







Okay so you may think I have a lot of dresses... And I do, but which one should I pick? The first one has a nice design to it but I don't think that its the right dress. The second dress is very beautiful but  I don't think that white would look nice in a restaurant that is dimly lit. The third dress is very simple and elegant, but I'm going to have to hold on that one. The fourth one had the nice sequins but I think that the dress would look weird on me. The fourth dress looked very sophisticated, (A/N: Is that how you spell it?) but its not really appropriate for this occasion. Finally, the last dress. I like the mini bow in the front and I like the two colors. So basically the two dress I have picked out is the third and last dress. But which one should I pick?!?! Hmm, I randomly picked a dress and it turned out to be the last one. Though its cold I'll just bring a sweater. I took of my towel and then carefully put the dress on to make sure that I didn't ruin it. Finally, I had to do my hair and makeup. I decided to braid my hair and put into a bun, for simplicity and elegance.

Since braiding my hair took too long, I only had 5 friken minutes left! Damn it!!! Quickly, I took out my makeup bag and lightly put on some blush, lipstick, eyeshadow, and some other makeup. My eyes and lipstick:

So finally I ran down the staircase and got my clutch and my shoes. I had a black clutch with diamonds and for my shoes I had black open tow heels with an overlaying bow.


I checked myself in the mirror and I hastily left the house grabbing the car keys to my mom's brown Kia Sportage. I drove down a few blocks and I finally arrived. I walked into the fancy restaurant, not only to be welcomed by the nice waiter but also the sweet aroma of fresh bread and Italian pasta. Yummy! Why would my parents want to come here anyway? Our family usually ate at whatever restaurant but please! This was way over board. I told the waiter that I already had a table, and he knew who I was with. My family was sitting in a corner, but I could see them. I walked over and I hung my head low in embarrassment for being so late. I found my parents and stood in front of the table.


HAHAHAHA! Cliffhanger!!

Herro everyone! I finally have he first LONG chapter! LOL. Anyways, does it both you that I basically put pictures for everything? Sorry, I'm a picture freak :) Well I hope  I can get to chapter 2! Comments are welcomed!

TEEHHE! Thanks for reading!

Love, darkclouds109 :)

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Chapter 23: ~wuhaa~ i love this !! update soon
Chapter 1: daebak !! omo i love this story !!
kaisproperty #3
Chapter 22: Yey! You just don't know how u made me daebak daebak happy.... That's one way of showing your love to us.... Wlove u back...update update soooon... Author-nim fighting!!!
britt29able1 #4
Chapter 22: Thank you for the update. I miss this story.(:
new reader here.. !!!!!!!1 please update soon author-nim!!!! <3
kaisproperty #6
Chapter 21: Update soon, I am looking firward into this I love this story so much. Keep the good work author-nim. SARANGHAE!!<3
Kpopfreak1998 #7
Chapter 21: Update soon
Chapter 22: Omg ill wait for th update!!! :D
Chapter 22: Oh it's okay if you start over. I'll still like your story.
But I don't know with others.
parkjimro #10
Chapter 21: author-nom juseyoo update soon!!! I am so damn wanna know what will happen!!!