8th Diary




Today, for the first time, they took me out of the room.


I have not been discharged but they took me to another place for check up. They made me sat on a wheelchair even though I told them I can walk on my own. Their only excuse is because I don’t have any shoes on. That’s stupid.   


But I ended up obeying them. There were two of them. One man in a white coat, walking beside me and another one man in the blue uniform pushed my wheels, both of them with masks on. Once they opened the door, I was surprised. First of all, the air feels different. It smell more ‘in-building’ air compare to what I used to in my room. The corridor outside of my room was painted with white… really white. The ceilings and walls and floors were white in color. It was a long corridor and I haven’t seen any single door other than the one came from along the corridor. At the end of the corridor, we went into an elevator. It was a bit more spacious than elevators in malls. The elevator made me a bit a ease because finally, I saw another color than white. It was carpeted, the floor; maroon and half of the wall, light brown and there is a big mirror on the wall. My room was in 8th floor, and we were going to the 3rd floor. I saw the highest number button was 12.


Once the elevator door opened, we reached a small room with three men in black suit waiting for us; this time without mask. Even though I said men in black suit, they didn’t look like Men In Black thing. They looked more casual, less tidy and sleek. The doctor who was with me took off his mask. He gave an A4 sized paper to one of the men who looked oldest and he examined it. After he was done, he shifted his eyes on me, staring at me for a few seconds before he let us passed and three of them escorted us. Two of them walked ahead of us and another one was at the back. Those guys gave different atmosphere than people who always visited me in my room. They looked less ‘hospital’ people. Maybe because they were not wearing masks.  


When we passed through that small room’s door, I was shocked again. It was a lobby, and there were many people there. They were adults, some were foreigners, hustling around with their own things, some wearing white coats and some not. They weren’t really paying attention to me at first, but as we moved, people started looking at me… most probably because I was the only one in wheelchair, wearing this stupid blouse without any pants on and escorted by a few men.  

After we crossed the lobby, we entered another corridor but it was wider corridor than before. At one side, I could see a few doors to different rooms. Most of the doors were wide opened and a few people went in and out of them and some of them wearing masks. It looked like a busy place. At the other side of the corridor was see-through glass wall and for the first time since I was locked up in that room, I was able to see the outside, the sky. It was day time, in the afternoon I think because it was so bright and I felt a bit warm.


 As we went along the corridor, I noticed a man. He was standing at the end of the corridor, with his back pressed against the glass wall and he was wearing the medical mask and white coat. He was reading some papers in his hands but somehow I think he just faked it. Judging from his thin and firm body built, I think he’s young. He’s tall and his hair was short dark brown. He looked familiar. He looks like Minho.  I was not able to look at him clearly because he has his head low, looking at the papers. I was hoping to have better view when we walked closer to him, but as soon as we were close, he turned his back to us and walked away.


After passing another corridor and a few more rooms, we finally entered a room, where they let me get off the wheels. It was a room whole body X-ray room… is that X-ray? Or is it for brain? What is it for? I don’t know. But it was the one that we had to lay on a metal-bed-like and then it went into a big white space-ship like machine. It looked like a big white doughnut from the outside. After we were finished, I was sent back to my room on my wheelchair again. I didn’t see the man before anymore.


That man, he really looks like Minho. His hair style and color are different, but his body built, his height and his eye brows really similar to Minho’s.

I think I’m imagining things. If he was the the real Minho, my Choi Minho, he wouldn’t walk away like that, he wouldn’t ignore me. I’m sure of that.


I really miss my Minho.



I know I just updated last chapter a few hours before

But as I said before, I want to end this quickly ^^

‘The one that we had to lay on a metal-bed-like and then it went into a big white space-ship like machine. It looked like a big white doughnut from the outside’ – Teamin refers to the MRI scan machine

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Chapter 34: It's all so interesting and mysterious!
Beau1996 1382 streak #2
Chapter 39: What is Taemin involving into?? I feel so sorry for Taemin as the rat in the cage and Minho who is pretty powerless to help 😕
Omg how did i justt find this!!
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 38: Poor Taemin - no one listens to the person who knows him best and an innocent person pays for it !!
Chapter 38: Feel bad for the girl. I hope siwon and onew could learn from this
Chapter 24: I am absolutely blown away!

I thought Minho had something to do with it, but that he had to watch Taemin?

I've been thinking all along that Key is watching Minho like Minho is watching Taemin and I haven't completely discarded that theory but it's definitely getting weaker :D

I really want to know why Taemin is so special and why his parents agreed to it in the first place????
Chapter 3: This is so exciting and unsettling at the same time!

I also wondered if Taemin might not already be there for years? Above all, what has Minho got to do with it? He was studying with him and then? What happened?
Chapter 37: Found this just recently and starting to like it. Glad you decided to continue this amazing story <3
Chapter 1: It's so interesting already! I look forward reading further ♥
Beau1996 1382 streak #10
Chapter 36: Wow - not sure how to describe what I'm feeling after getting to this point...