4th September - 2nd October (2010)



4th September

My new job is to be Teamin’s friend. Onew said there are some information that can only be obtained from Teamin’s mouth. So, basically, whenever I went to the institute is to meet Taemin and I’m not complaining… glad actually.

Today is no difference.  This is my 3rd time meeting Taemin after he forgets me. I’m not making any progress YET… hopefully, yet. Taemin was still has that wary look when we met and refused to talk more than 3 words to me. So, most of time when I visited him, I spend trying to talk to him while he ignored me.   

Whenever I visit him, he was always playing by himself.  With the plushies. It was like seeing a small kid playing. Today, he arranged the a few plushies on the floor, around him and pretended movement and actually talked to them. I realized Taemin’s favourite toy is a big brown teddy bear with patches on its left ear. He always had that teddy bear close to his side if not in his clutch. I wonder if Taemin like the brown color. I quite like the color myself… no, I just thought that the color suits me. I even had my old hairstyle in that color.  





8th September

I asked Onew if I can bring Taemin outside food, but Onew said no. So, I need other plan. I was thinking to bring Taemin his favourite banana milk.


I uploaded a few Taemin’s favourite songs into my MP3. Unexpectedly, it grabbed Taemin’s attention effectively. He came closer to me to listen to the song. He still didn’t talk to me but he had lessened the distance between us.  



12th September

Taemin finally talked to me. He said “Play that song again” and “I like this song.”

Of course he likes that song. All of the songs I have were his favorite. The good thing is the tense between us are getting thinner and I’m happy of it. I even saw Taemin bobbed his head to the music. I wonder if he still remembers how to dance.


Onew also said it is a good progress for the research.





18th September

Taemin started to be talkative… like he once was. He asked me a lot of questions but none of them was about himself. He asked what the real sky looks like, can human fly, what animal can fly, can we touch the sky, why I’m so tall, is cabbage tasty, how people make music and more. Some of his questions were childish and I really didn’t know how to answer. I told him I’ll get back to him tomorrow. I don’t know if he will remember but I think I better get the answers ready, in case if they are needed.  

At the end of our session, I told him my name. I hope he will remember this time.





20th September

Taemin smiled at me and he remembers my name.





23th September

When I came over, Taemin was crying. When I asked him why he was crying, he didn't answer me. He just kept crying.


I asked Onew what happened to Taemin but he was clueless as well. He said there wasn’t any more injured inflicted experiment done on Taemin. There wasn’t anything out of ordinary in the schedule neither.


At the of the day, I left without having any idea why Taemin cried.




27th September

Something is not right. When I came over to the office this morning, I saw Onew hyung discussed something with a few other researchers with worried look. I didn’t ask but he had that gloomy face for the rest of the day.


Taemin has more smiles these days… and also more questions.

I’ve sensed a pattern in Taemin’s question. It always started with something about sky of flying. Then it will go off to something more childish and in the end just ridiculous. 

I wonder if it has something to do with Taemin’s wings. I’ve seen it once but he wasn’t flying and I doubt he even showed his wings again, being locked up in this room.


Onew asked me if it was alright to extend my session hours because he said Taemin opened up to me the most. I agreed.





28th September

I told Taemin his name and he was very happy to know that. He said he likes his name.

I’m really stupid. I was too distressed in dealing with the fact Taemin forgot me that I totally disregarded the fact that Taemin did not just forgot me, he forgot everything, even about himself. I feel guilty for not telling him that earlier.





29th September

Why this had to happen to Taemin?





30th September

Today, I skipped a session with Taemin. I told Onew that I wasn’t feeling well. I’m sure Taemin will be sad but I just can’t face him now. Not after what happened.


Yesterday, I decided to visit Taemin’s family because I thought I could tell Taemin about his family the next time we met. I dug my room to find the address that Mr.Lee gave me when I met him few months ago. I went there and I received a shocking and terrible news. The family – Mr.Lee’s family – Taemin’s family, all of them they died in a fire a month ago. The house caught on fire when all of the family was asleep. None survived. 

I thought they were lying to me, but when they sent me to their graves, I could only cry. All of them are nice people. Mr.Lee, Mrs.Lee, Sulli, Yoona and Youri; they were Taemin’s family. Now, Taemin is alone for real.

For the first time, I’m glad that Taemin has lost his memories.





2nd October

I braced myself to meet Taemin. Even though I still feel horrible about Taemin’s family but I realized from now on, Taemin only has me. So from now on, I should always be there for him. I can’t leave him again.

Taemin jumped onto me as soon as I entered the room.  He punched my chest a few times, sulking that I didn’t meet him the other day. I never thought that his skinny arms had that much strength, but yeah, it’s hurt. But later on he was all smiley again when I taught him how to make paper airplane (because he had be asking about flying too much lately). Today, I didn’t care about the research, I just wanted to have fun with Taemin. So, I didn’t bother about taking notes and we made a lot of paper airplanes.

Taemin laughed, giggled and clapped his hands when he saw I sent the folded papers flying in the room. Since Taemin couldn’t folded the airplane nicely, I let him doodled on the airplanes that I had made. He was very excited that he even jumped on his bed excitedly. I was worried that the workers or Onew hyung would come and stop our fun, but they didn’t.

At the end of the day (I stayed longer today and Onew hyung didn’t protest), the room was messy, littered with a lot of paper airplanes. I stayed until Taemin fell asleep. It was early at night but I think he might get tired from playing too much today. He didn’t bothered getting rid of the airplanes on his bed when he climbed up to sleep. The way he slept never changed. It was still the same like when he slept during our tutor session. I miss those days.


I stole a kiss.





Thanks to taeminniesaranghae for asking for update ^^

Just suddenly, I have the urge to write this story again. Sorry if the story is getting too rushing, but I'm trying my best to complete this story >.<

and thanks for everyone who are still here!

Love you guys (* 3*)



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Chapter 34: It's all so interesting and mysterious!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 39: What is Taemin involving into?? I feel so sorry for Taemin as the rat in the cage and Minho who is pretty powerless to help 😕
Omg how did i justt find this!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 38: Poor Taemin - no one listens to the person who knows him best and an innocent person pays for it !!
Chapter 38: Feel bad for the girl. I hope siwon and onew could learn from this
Chapter 24: I am absolutely blown away!

I thought Minho had something to do with it, but that he had to watch Taemin?

I've been thinking all along that Key is watching Minho like Minho is watching Taemin and I haven't completely discarded that theory but it's definitely getting weaker :D

I really want to know why Taemin is so special and why his parents agreed to it in the first place????
Chapter 3: This is so exciting and unsettling at the same time!

I also wondered if Taemin might not already be there for years? Above all, what has Minho got to do with it? He was studying with him and then? What happened?
Chapter 37: Found this just recently and starting to like it. Glad you decided to continue this amazing story <3
Chapter 1: It's so interesting already! I look forward reading further ♥
Beau1996 1381 streak #10
Chapter 36: Wow - not sure how to describe what I'm feeling after getting to this point...