10th August - 23rd August 2010



10th August 2010

Still no words about Taemin or even my ‘application- for- internal-team’.  I had the feeling that Onew was only giving me false words to calm me down.

 I’m gonna take every chance I have to get into the team, to meet Taemin again. Even if it was an empty promise, but since he made that promise, I will made sure Onew remembers his promise. I will go find Onew after lunch. Let’s hear what he has to say.





15th August 2010

Since the day I stormed into his office, I wasn’t able to see Onew, not even a once. Each time I ask his assistant, she kept on telling me that he was at the 8th floor. 8th floor is where the Azrael’s internal team works and also where Taemin is kept, which unrelated people (such as me) is not allowed to enter.  That place has the second highest of security level in this institute other than the president’s office from what I know. So, sneaking in is not an option.


I’m not sure whether Onew is really busy or he was avoiding me. If it is the later one, he has succeeded… so far.  




20th August 2010

I met Onew today. Jonghyun was on the way to deliver some clean clothes for Onew when I bumped onto him this morning. And I quickly volunteered to do the delivery.

I met Onew at the cafe as he promised Jonghyun. He was alone at an outdoor table. There was a cup of black coffee on the table but I saw Onew was asleep on the chair with his head resting on his own shoulder. He looked terribly tired.

He woke up from the sound when I pulled out a chair for myself. He was surprised to see me but not as panicked as I expected him to be… if he was really avoiding me. He tried to appear cheerful but the tiredness was obvious in his voice and the eye bags under his eyes just made it clearer.

 I found out that he was really busy. He hasn’t gone home since 2 weeks ago. He said things in the project are getting more complicated and need to be there as the chief project. As if he can read my mind, he told me that he had sent the proposal on including me into the internal team but he apologized that he couldn’t update with the respond because he was busy. He promised me to ask the management team about it later. I could only nod in agreement. Even though I really want to meet Taemin join the team, I felt a bit sorry for pushing things on Onew when he’s already exhausted from his work.      





22nd August 2010

Onew called me and told me to report myself at the 8th floor of the institute tomorrow. He said the management has agreed to let me join the Azrael’s internal team.


So, does that mean I can finally meet Taemin?





23rd August 2010

Once I reached the 8th floor, I was greeted by Onew and his assistant; Luna (I think).  They brought me to a small meeting room and start explaining things about the project. Azrael project is Aeolians Research Institution’s classified project. Every staff is not allowed to leaked any information about the project outside of the team members without the upper management’s permission (which means between staffs from different teams are not allowed too) and anything about the project should only be discussed at the workplace. Onew told me that I’m the first part time worker that they ever took in, so I might not be treated like a part time worker here.


Then, they explained to me about the most important thing, about the project itself. Even though I was a part of the project’s staff, but I was never told anything about what the project really is.

 Well, now I know why they keep the project secret from the public.   


It’s too ridiculous.


If it wasn’t Onew who was telling me this, if they didn’t show me some old report paper, if I didn’t experience Taemin’s awaken episode, I would have laughed while rolling on the floor when Onew told me the truth.


I wasn’t able to remember everything that Onew told me in more than 1 hour, but I can point out the important details, especially ones that are related to Taemin.


Onew started the story, with an old foreign legend which I’ve never heard of. In an unknown land, long long time ago, it was said there was a very prosper and mighty kingdom.  To make it short, the kingdom possessed guardian angels; a group of people with wings and they are believed to have super powers (or divine powers as Onew refered it) such as destructive, healing, forecast future, and more. These winged men used their powers to protect the kingdom. However the powers came with poor fate for the winged men. Most of them died early from unknown cause and eventually they became extinct and the story became a legend.

However, this institute’s founder realized that the legend wasn’t just a legend and he actually found the real winged men. Since then, he established this institute and the study is continued until today. The purpose of this project is to study them through fully and try to prevent the extinction of the winged men since most of them had short age.  Taemin is one of the winged men that is being studied by the institute.


I’m not sure about the legend, but I can’t deny that Taemin has wings.


Truthfully, the legend or this project itself is not important to me. I’m just here to see Taemin. So, I asked them about Taemin.  Instead of answering me directly, he told me to follow them to our working area. It was a small team of about 20 researchers and about another 10 of support members (doing cleaning mostly). The workplace is just like other research departments I’ve been to, it’s just it was more quiet and with less people.  Then, Onew brought me to a room (looks like a control room) with a few screens showing different angle of a kid’s room. When I saw a figure was cuddling a big teddy bear on the floor in the screen only I realized that it was Taemin. Physically, he looked exactly like I last saw him at the corridor but somehow, I can feel that something was different. Onew hyung said that they made Taemin wrote something like a diary to keep them inform of his condition from the subject’s perspective. However, since last week Taemin refused to write anything or talk about himself.


The main reason I was brought into the team is to help them getting information from Taemin. He said Taemin might listen to me and start writing again or he might be more willing to talk about his condition because he knew me.


I wanted to meet Taemin right away, but Onew said I can’t. He said I need to be fully aware of what had happened and what is happening to Taemin before I’m allowed to see him. Onew hyung gave me a thick bundle of papers and files. He told me to come to the 8th floor again after I’ve finished reading them.   


Everything was blurry and strange to me but I won’t lose my main purpose of coming here.

I should start reading the papers, so I can finish them soon and meet Taemin quickly.




alright, I WILL make Minho meet Taemin in next chapter >.<

sorry for the late update..........and stupid legend of the winged men


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Chapter 34: It's all so interesting and mysterious!
Beau1996 1382 streak #2
Chapter 39: What is Taemin involving into?? I feel so sorry for Taemin as the rat in the cage and Minho who is pretty powerless to help 😕
Omg how did i justt find this!!
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 38: Poor Taemin - no one listens to the person who knows him best and an innocent person pays for it !!
Chapter 38: Feel bad for the girl. I hope siwon and onew could learn from this
Chapter 24: I am absolutely blown away!

I thought Minho had something to do with it, but that he had to watch Taemin?

I've been thinking all along that Key is watching Minho like Minho is watching Taemin and I haven't completely discarded that theory but it's definitely getting weaker :D

I really want to know why Taemin is so special and why his parents agreed to it in the first place????
Chapter 3: This is so exciting and unsettling at the same time!

I also wondered if Taemin might not already be there for years? Above all, what has Minho got to do with it? He was studying with him and then? What happened?
Chapter 37: Found this just recently and starting to like it. Glad you decided to continue this amazing story <3
Chapter 1: It's so interesting already! I look forward reading further ♥
Beau1996 1382 streak #10
Chapter 36: Wow - not sure how to describe what I'm feeling after getting to this point...