Chapter 42

My Sister’s engaged with my Boyfriend?

Chapter 42






A week has passed and still, that HyunSeok guy would bother me. Good thing he hasn’t got my phone number or else I would throw him at the dungeon and let him eaten by the dragon…


Uhhmmm. Is that too much?

Dragon still exists right?

Ah yeah! Kris oppa! He still exists.


No classes today since the teachers will have a membership training. So I would be enjoying my Friday with out being bothered by an annoying guy.


I stretched and open the windows.

I can see the sun shining so bright and birds flying and beautiful flowers at our garden.

Peaceful place.



I looked at my room and slouched.

This room turned so gloomy.

No happy picture of my family and him.

No more posters.

And I guess no more fan girl spirit. Just guess. Okay...


I miss him.





Hyunjae’s been quiet these past few days.

I never knew what happen to them. Why they stopped getting in touched or so. And also her room’s empty.


Every time I ask her about the two of them both would just shrugged and smile.

And would eventually changed topics.


It hurts me seeing these two unhappy, faking smiles and laugh.


Hyunjae love him. I know it

JongIn loves her. He doesn’t know it.

What an oblivious guy.


I went down for a breakfast and saw Hyunjae eating with Ahjumma Song and ChoonHee unnie.


“Good morning” she smiled

“Good morning” I said then sat beside her.

“What’s for breakfast?” I ask

“Bacon, eggs and ham” ChoonHee unnie happily said.

Urgghhh.. I feel like throwing up.

I just smile and took a bread and milk.


“Hyunjae, can you help me cleaning my room?” I ask Hyunjae. I terribly need her help now.

“Oh sure” she smiled and continue eating.



After eating breakfast, me and Hyunjae went to my room and clean.



“So how was school?” I ask her

She let out a deep sigh before answering

“Someone’s bothering me! Gosh unnie! I want to kill him!” she yelled. She really hates that person.

“Why? What did he do?” I ask while cleaning the bed sheets.

“urgh! I just don’t want to talk about that annoying orange!” she yelled

“arasso” I giggled


“OOMONAA!” she suddenly gasps


“Unnie~ can I use your bathroom?” she plead

“Oh sure” call of nature eh?

I just shook my head while seeing her running through the restroom.


Just then something hit me.

“NO WAY! I gasped

She should not see that!





“Unnie~ can I use your bathroom?” I plead. Gosh! Call of nature! She just nods then I hurriedly went to the restroom.

After few seconds, I got a lot better and went to the sink to wash my hands.

Just then something caught my eyes.


A pregnancy test?

A positive pregnancy test!


“aniyo~ this cant be” I whispered

“This isn’t unnies” I said to myself just then unnie starts knocking on the door.


“Hyunjae aren’t you done?” she asks with hint of worries in her voice.

“H-Hyunjae” why is she shuttering?

I don’t know why but tears start streaming down.


Is he the father?


I never knew they we’re so in love that they could do this.

Aren’t they too young to do such thing?


Unnie continued knocking on the door, but I just ignore it. I am still in shock and trying to convince my self that this isn’t hers.

But hearing her loud sobs make me realize that this test that I’m holding is hers.


So that explains all the pimples, mood swings and even the puking.


I took a deep sigh and went out only to see her crying while hugging her knees.


I smiled while hugging her. She turns to a crying mess and I just rub her back.


“Unnie, don’t cry” I said she look at me with hurt in her eyes

“Hyunjae~ I didn’t mean to” she sob again.

I just let her sob in my arms while rubbing her back.

“Aren’t you mad?” she suddenly ask after she calmed a bit

“Slightly. But we can’t do anything now. You already did it. The baby is already there and we can’t kill the baby” I sighed

“What did Kai oppa said after knowing his?” I ask her suddenly her eyes turned sad again

“H-he’s not the father”



“Minwoo is” she faced down.


“Hyunjae, I’m so sorry for not saying this before, but me and Minwoo love each other. I can’t afford to be away from him” she sobs.

“Did he know about the baby? Did he get mad?”

“Yes he knew. He was happy and so I am. Jae, I didn’t regret doing that sin with him. I love him and that would never change” she answered


“H-how about Kai oppa?” she shook her head

“He doesn’t know” she sighed.

“How about mom? Dad? H-haraboji?” I get startled once thinking about unnie getting beaten by Haraboji if he’ll knew this.

“I don’t know” she sobbed.


“But unnie~ what will happen tomorrow at the party?”

“I think I will tell this to Jongin tomorrow. If I can. But please let just keep it for now” she begged I just nod and hug her again.


I’m scared….


I’m scared for unnie, for Minwoo sunbae, and for Kai oppa…





still no net connection at home..



i dont know when i can update again but please wait for me^^


love lots^^


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Chapter 56: Awww! So cute
Zouna44 #2
Chapter 56: You write really good *-* Read your story without a break >.<
MaiciJB #3
Chapter 56: OMO SO FLUFFY, but well yeaaah I'm happy :D thanks for writing this story authornim!!
Aiana1808 #4
Chapter 53: MMMAAANNN!!!! She shouldn't have forgiven him that fast T_T KAI you're lucky that hyunjae loves you so much!!! if that was me i would've been cold to him forat least half the day then forgave him but ooh well kekeke act least they're back together and KAI stop confusing her hehe
MaiciJB #5
MaiciJB #6
MaiciJB #7
Chapter 22: Although I just woke up from my nap time I continue this story, but then....DANG! >,< uuuuhh
MaiciJB #8
Chapter 7: Kai hugged her but the reason T-T
MaiciJB #9
Chapter 3: Awwwwww it must be really hurt </3
MaiciJB #10
The tittle is so different than other stories, i think I'll try to read this and finally I found the main character is Kai again, heart T,T