Chapter 19.

My Sister’s engaged with my Boyfriend?


Chapter 19



(HaeRa POV)


“URGH! It’s already 9:30! That means that 30 more minutes, that JongIn guys will come here!! Urghh! Why does he need to stay here on earth he should just be left behind in his planet! What planet was it.. EOK? EXA? Urgh! I don’t even know what planet! Hyunjae should teach me that kpop stuff!”  I sighed

Ah aniyo HaeRa! If his left in that planet, HyunJae wont have a bias like him!


“Haera-ah someones waiting for you” Ahjumma Song knocked on my door.

“neh! I’m coming ahjumma” I sighed then grab my bag.

“be kind Haera-ah! Be friendly don’t forget that JongIn will be you’re future ……..Brother-in-law. Yeah! Brother-in-law not husband!”


“Oh here she is” ahjumma song smiled as she put a jar of juice and a cup in the coffee table

“Good morning” I smiled as I take a seat across him.

“Oh good morning!” he smiled back. Oh he has this sweet smile. No wonder Hyunjae like him so much

Hyunjae-ah I approve this guy to be you’re boyfriend!


“anyway’s where do you want to go? Sehun told me that you like horror things” he said.


Omo Sehun-ah!! You naughty boy! Are you trying to kill me!!

“ahahah! I hate those stuffs” I smile awkwardly.

“oh! Why did Sehun say that?” he murmured then made this >_< face

“well, that boy really like to annoy me! Don’t mind him. Good thing you say it ahead of time than bringing me to horror thingy place” I smiled


“so- where do you wanna go?”  he ask as we went outside the house

SCHOOL” I thought

“oh there’s this place I really want to go!” I said

“so lets go now” he smiled as he take me inside his car.

Ohh he can drive?


The car ride was really awkward once in a while he would ask me something but I would just nod or shook my head, yes or no type of answer.


“uhm~ Haera-shi I was wondering… which member do you like in our group?”

Omo! He didn’t ask that right? I was just lost in my world right?

“so~~” oh really did ask. Who to answer! I don’t even know their group name.

AH! Sehun and Luhan

“Sehun and Luhan” I smiled

“oh. The EXO twins” he chuckled

EXO! Haera! That’s their group name! Don’t ever forget! Arasso?


When we reach the main street, I started teaching him the way.

My lovely books wait for me!!

“Ah Jongin-shi I’m warning you! I’m a boring person to be with!” I said

“hehe, I don’t  mind at all” he smiled.

Wow~ Hyunjae have a sweet future boyfriend.


And we both arrive at the book palace

“waa! I miss coming here!” I said in awe as I entered the building

“wow!” I heard Jongin said while staring at the pile of book near us.

“first time here?” I ask he just nod then roam his eyes above.


The building was furnished with palace-like furniture and color motif. In one alley, you’ll find the walls and roof with mixed gold and blue while on the next border, gold mixed with pink. This is paradise… for me.

The last time I went hear was last year, together with the person whom I love, the boy that took my heart. Kwon MinWoo.

Yeah, he is my boyfriend. Secret boyfriend to be exact.

We both become couple two years ago, yet were just too good to hide it and because of that good hiding, I was forced to marry Kim JongIn.


I haven’t told Minwoo about this serious stuff. I still can’t.

I love him very much but I know that old ugly harboji of ours will stop this love of ours when he’ll find out.

Yeah, I also hold grudges at him yet I don’t want to show it at him.

He is a devil!

Who would ignore his lovely granddaughter just because of an accident?

Who will force his granddaughter to marry a boy who she just saw?

Who? Well Haraboji is.


“hello! Haera-ah!” oops mianhee

“ah yeah! Sorry” I smiled then we went to look for some books.

I wanna read some novels! We both went to different ways and I start looking for some books.


(Kai POV)


It’s not a surprise that she brought me here. Just by her looks you’ll say that she’s into decent things.

AISH sehun! Why did he even say that she likes scary things, now it was so embarrassing. But that’s a good move that I ask her first, if I haven’t. Another BIG WRONG move.

Truthfully, reading books wasn’t part of my life. I’m not really fond of those things.

I was just looking for stuffs while Haera looks for a book.

And truthfully, I’m knid of getting bored. But I didn’t mind at all, since I am with HaeRa.


Crazy right? I just SAW her. Not KNOW. But I think I have fallen for her.

She’s like a fallen angel that perfectly land on earth.

Yikes! That was cheesy.



We both consume two hour and a half in the Book Palace; we then went to take light lunch in the nearby restaurant.


“so tell me about yourself.” She suddenly said

“eh? me?” I laughed


“I’m the only boy, and the youngest, two noonas, one was nine years older than me and the other was five years. I am part of the EXO group and the Dance machine. People say that I’m a cold hearted person, but I think I’m not.” I said

“how about you?”

“well me, I’m the oldest girl and the second child. Total opposite from my two siblings. I’m not that sociable and also I hate going to parties, not that cheerful type of person. Hyunjae even scold me for locking my room more than a month and just went out during breakfast, launch and dinner.” She smiled upon mentioning Hyunjae’s name

“You two are super close aren’t you” I chuckled

“hahaha very close, yet both of us keep little secrets within our selves. That girl is really stubborn” she giggled

“she’s cute” I said

“yeah she is” she nodded

“”even though is just a year younger than me, she acts like a 10 years younger. She’s really fond of whining and do aegyo to get what she wants but she’s not a spoilt brat or something.” She smiled

“you really love her” I said

“yeah! I even cried knowing that her crush is getting married” she laughs

“oh? Really? Getting married? So she have a crush to a ahjussi?” I ask

“aniyo~ maybe that guy is still 20” she smiled

“Does she get to move on?” I ask.

“I don’t think so, it’s just that I often see her spacing out” then there was long pause

“hehe why  are we even talking about that silly little girl” she chuckled then continue eating. But I can see in her eyes hurt and sadness. HyunJae might be so lonely right now.


(HaeRa POV)


Pabo JongIn! You didn’t realize I was talking about you?

Hyunjae likes you!

Aigoo. Oblivious guy here! I even change the number of age much closer to your so you can realize yet you didn’t

Aigoo… JongIn Pabo!



long boring chapter!!

kekeke double update guys!!!

New subies^^

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Chapter 56: Awww! So cute
Zouna44 #2
Chapter 56: You write really good *-* Read your story without a break >.<
MaiciJB #3
Chapter 56: OMO SO FLUFFY, but well yeaaah I'm happy :D thanks for writing this story authornim!!
Aiana1808 #4
Chapter 53: MMMAAANNN!!!! She shouldn't have forgiven him that fast T_T KAI you're lucky that hyunjae loves you so much!!! if that was me i would've been cold to him forat least half the day then forgave him but ooh well kekeke act least they're back together and KAI stop confusing her hehe
MaiciJB #5
MaiciJB #6
MaiciJB #7
Chapter 22: Although I just woke up from my nap time I continue this story, but then....DANG! >,< uuuuhh
MaiciJB #8
Chapter 7: Kai hugged her but the reason T-T
MaiciJB #9
Chapter 3: Awwwwww it must be really hurt </3
MaiciJB #10
The tittle is so different than other stories, i think I'll try to read this and finally I found the main character is Kai again, heart T,T