My new boyfriend

Who would have thought it would be him?

'yeah long time no see..' I said through greeted teeth. What is she doing here?

'sarang' jay oppa called. 'yoona is my new girlfriend.' he smiled as I looked at him in horror. Girlfriend?- jay oppa dosent even know what she is really like and they're already a couple!?! I really wanted to slap her hard since I lived in pain and misery because of her while she got lucky and had the perfect life. Before anyone could say anything more, I ran into my bedroom and slammed the door shut. Oh yoona made my blood boil like no one else. I kept on respecting 3 words in my head. -I hate her I hate her ok hate her i hate her- 

i sat down on my bed as zico oppa came in. 

Oh damn. I forgot I was sought he couple battle with him.. But now I already said yes to Yongguk.. Aish I'm such a phabo! 

'erm zico oppa.. I'm really sorry but I can't do the couples contest with you.. I'm doin got with Yongguk.' my heart raced as I waited for his reply.. Please understand..

'haaha yeah sure it's okay!' he said smiling as he patted my head.

'aw thanks zico oppa! Your the best!! Zico oppa jjang~' I sang while he laughed even more. 

'hehe see you around kiddo' zico oppa said as he left the room. 

I layed down on my bed and smiled. I can't believe I'm with Yongguk! I squealed in excitement... 

~ wedding dress.. See you in your wedding dress ~

'hello?' I spoke on my phone. Who could it be.. It was an unknown number..

'its me Yongguk. Can we meet at the park tomorrow? It's my birthday and I wanted to take you out' he said over the phone making me blush..

'yah! Arnt I the one who's meant to take you out since its Your birthday?' I asked

'yeah well I wanted to spend it with my girlfriend and make her happy. Which will make me happy~' he sang across the phone making me blush when he called me his girlfriend. 

'still-' I said but got interrupted before I could finish..

'no-no just meet me at the park from before and dress up. I'll be there at 6 okay?' I smiled at his cute way of taking me on a date. 

'neh..' I said but I was curious about one thing..

'how did you get my number?' I asked confused.

He chuckeled over the line. 

Secret' he whispered and hung up...

omo my boyfriend is so cute!


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Even though it's short I'm happy that its still an update. Please plate more
oh no!!! this is all because if Yoona! i don't like her!!! ugh...
WatashinoOrenji #3
Awwww...they are so cute and romantic! :3
And why did jay chose yoonA out of all people!There's a lot better girls out there!Seriously!Aishh! D:<
I wonder if yoonA is trying to do 'something' again. :(
Update soon! :D
annabelleshlee #4
That necklace *want*
This chapter was very cute and sweet! Update soon^^
Aw.... Thats so cute. Best chapter!
annabelleshlee #6
What the is that website? Are you kidding me? What kind of ard hates daehyun? Whoever made that is obviously jealous and just chill the out before the babys see it and murder that ... Anyways, i love the fic so far so Update soon^^
WatashinoOrenji #7
Honestly i like yoona the most in SNSD but in this story i hate this yoona!!!
Yongguk!!! <3
Update soon~
Omg!!!!!! I really love your story please update more!!!
WatashinoOrenji #9
He confessed!! :D
WatashinoOrenji #10
Whoa!So luhan was yongguk's brother?I was like 'WOW!'
It's the same person they're talking about.It's sad D;