The past

Who would have thought it would be him?
It had been about an hour since we came back from the supermarket and jay oppa had gone out again with some friends, it was only me and zico oppa in the room. 'zico oppa, why dose jay oppa not like Yongguk?' he was silent for a moment. 'erm him only telling you cuz ur living with us now on but don't tell Hyung that I told you! Okay?' .. 'Neh' I nodded. .. 'about 2 years ago jay Hyung sister died being hit by a car. Her name was sora and she was very beautiful. She was yongguks girlfriend at the time and believe it or not, Jay Hyung was pretty close to Yongguk, they were like brothers. It was sora and yongguks 2 year anniversary and they had planned everything together, Youngguk was meant to come and pick up sora and take her somewhere secret. But Yongguk never turned up. Sora got worried and went out to look for him, Jay told her not to but she still went. About half an hour later we got a call saying that she had been hit by a car and lost too much blood and died. Jay Hyung got so angry and didn't eat or talk to anyone for countless weeks. Yeah Yongguk tried to talk to him but he wouldn't listen. Yongguk was at the point of crying and broke down in front of me. He told me he was about to pick her up but got a call from his sister screaming that she had been kidnapped and was at some alleyway. He went searching for her and came face to face with nu'est, the so called 'bad-' gang. Yongguk witnessed his sister being killed right in front of him. She was stabbed but JR, the leader of the gang. He tried to fight them off and take her to hospital but they kep getting in the way. Yongguk himself got stabbed about 6 times, on his arms and legs but still tried to fight them off.' .. I was so shocked hearing all of this. 'to this day jay Hyung still Dosent like Yongguk, and has never known what really happened, he just thinks Yongguk stood his sister up.' ...
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Even though it's short I'm happy that its still an update. Please plate more
oh no!!! this is all because if Yoona! i don't like her!!! ugh...
WatashinoOrenji #3
Awwww...they are so cute and romantic! :3
And why did jay chose yoonA out of all people!There's a lot better girls out there!Seriously!Aishh! D:<
I wonder if yoonA is trying to do 'something' again. :(
Update soon! :D
annabelleshlee #4
That necklace *want*
This chapter was very cute and sweet! Update soon^^
Aw.... Thats so cute. Best chapter!
annabelleshlee #6
What the is that website? Are you kidding me? What kind of ard hates daehyun? Whoever made that is obviously jealous and just chill the out before the babys see it and murder that ... Anyways, i love the fic so far so Update soon^^
WatashinoOrenji #7
Honestly i like yoona the most in SNSD but in this story i hate this yoona!!!
Yongguk!!! <3
Update soon~
Omg!!!!!! I really love your story please update more!!!
WatashinoOrenji #9
He confessed!! :D
WatashinoOrenji #10
Whoa!So luhan was yongguk's brother?I was like 'WOW!'
It's the same person they're talking about.It's sad D;