
The Leaf and the Legends

Reaching his hands out and placing them over the girl's own, Lay acted quickly to try and figure what was causing Mina to act the way she was. Closing his eyes, he began using his own developed technique of diagnosis to locate the problem.

Feeling Lay's warm hands on top of hers, Mina opened her eyes and watched as he calmly continued to hold her in place. After a few breaths, the unbearable noise dissipated, and Lay put his hands down. Giving the girl a small smile, Mina found herself staring at the Legend.

"Thank you."

"Does that happen a lot?" Lay asked. 

"No... Not often but, it has happened once before... Do you know what it is?"


"How did you make it go away?" Mina questioned. 

"I didn't. You did."

"Huh?... But you put your hands on mine and it looked like you were doing something."

"I was trying to figure out what was wrong, but you took care of it yourself," the Legend replied, standing up from the ground, he had unknowingly sat down on.  

"Oh... Oh! Lay?" 


"I heard you're also called 'Yixing'."

"I am."

"Can I call you by that name?"

Smiling so that Mina could see his dimple, he nodded affirmatively.

Watching Yixing walk away, Mina thought of another reason why she needed Lyn to stay. Moments like these. Moments when she needed to be reminded that things were temporary. With each Legend she met, talked with and smiled with, she forgot that it was only temporary.   

"Hey!" Daniel yelled over to Mina. "Kris and Chanyeol finished setting up your tent already." 

"Okay!" Mina replied. Standing up and looking down at Lyn, she sighed a bit. Lyn was by no means heavy, in fact she was lighter than Mina despite being taller, but Mina was not exactly the physically strong type. Then again, she managed to drag Kris's body a few feet and even lift him. So logically lifting Lyn would be extremely easy in comparison. 

Reaching for her friend, Mina was stopped when she heard Kris call out "I'll take her over." Walking up behind Mina, Kris stood beside her and leaned down to pick up the still girl.

"Thanks," Mina said, smiling at him. 

"You were actually going to carry her?" Kris asked, adjusting the girl in his arms.


Turning his head towards Mina, a look of doubt was visible on Kris's face. "You're too small to carry her."

Frowning slightly, she replied shortly, "I carried you." 

"You carried me?" Kris asked walking towards the tent. 

"Well... I dragged you," she responded, walking alongside him. "You probably don't remember though."

"I don't."

"You and your troublesome memory..." 

"What about you? You don't remember running after all those Chasers?"

"You're being rather talkative."

"Am I not allowed?"

"Of course you're allowed... In fact, I like it when you talk a lot."

Smiling slightly, Kris stopped at the opening of the tent where the two saw that Chanyeol was rolling out a sleeping bag. Taking notice of the big grin on his face as he finished up, Mina found a smile on her own.

"You really like the idea of camping don't you?" she asked.

"I love sleeping beneath the stars. It's like home... So how does this look?" the phoenix asked, pointing at the two rolled out sleeping bags. "Daniel showed me to do it like this."

"Just missing the pillow!"

"Oh right!" Chanyeol responded, reaching for the small pillow to his right. Placing it down he looked back up. "Now?"

"It looks good," Mina replied giving him a thumbs up.

"Great!" Chanyeol happily said standing up. "On to the next tent!"

Her eyes following Chanyeol as he walked away, Mina remained outside of the tent as Kris moved toward the opening. "You know, the only one that recognized you was him."


"When you ran past us, only Chanyeol knew it was you." 


His face apparently growing darker, Kris laid Lyn down. "I didn't recognize you at all, even though I've been with you longer."

"Maybe Chanyeol just has better vision than everyone," Mina replied, moving inside the tent to adjust the sleeping bag to cover Lyn. 

"Mina, do you still see me as a pet?" Kris questioned suddenly, standing up outside the tent.

"What?" Mina questioned in a small confused laugh.

"Like your animals. You took me in, fed me and cared for me. Like a pet."   

Giving Kris her full attention, Mina laughed and stood up in front of him. "By that logic now, I'd be the pet, not you... You all take care of me and Lyn. Do you see us as pets?"

His gaze lifting into the sky Kris replied, "I've never thought you a pet."

"Exactly," Mina replied. Turning back around and about to crouch down and re-enter the tent, she was stopped as Kris placed his hand on her shoulder.

"So what do you see me as?"

Kris had used that one particular tone of voice again, the one that she seemed to be hearing more and more often. It was starting to cause her a bit of anxiety.

With her back to him, Mina kept her line of vision on her hands, which were now fiddling around nervously. Never in her life had someone acted the way Kris acted towards her, nor had anyone ever talked to her the way he did. Realizing that she had yet to reply, Mina could only mumble briefly before relief finally came in the form of Tao's voice.

"Duizhang! Mina! We're going to eat!"

"I'll be right there, I'm just going to change!" the girl replied. Feeling Kris's hand leave her shoulder, Mina turned slightly his way. "Go on ahead! I'll catch up." 

Jumping into the tent and zipping it up, Mina laid down beside her friend. Listening to Kris walk away, she ruffled her hair and sighed. "Lyn, I need you to snap me back into reality right now..." Hearing Lyn's light breathing, Mina shut her eyes and continued talking. "I've been putting those thoughts away but... I don't think I can anymore." Reaching for one of the small pillows, Mina dug her face into it briefly. "I don't know what to do. Lyn, tell me what to do."

Silence filling the tent, Mina turned back to Lyn and sat up. "I really hope you want to stay. Who else would I be able to talk to about this? Not Daniel, and definitely not Yi Fan.... I'd be strange telling Chanyeol or Kyungsoo, maybe Tao or Yixing..." Smiling, Mina nodded "Yeah... Yixing feels like the kind that would listen and genuinely care. Not that the others wouldn't care but... you'll see, I know you're going to like him..." The small smile fading from Mina's face, her mind wondered back to Kris and his question. 

- - -

Skipping dinner in favor of getting some needed sleep, Mina awoke early the next morning. Feeling her stomach growl, she wondered what the group had eaten, which only ended up making her even more hungry. Cautiously walking out of the tent, she smiled as the warmth of the rising sun touched her cheeks. Yawning and stretching out, Mina didn't realize that the sun wasn't the only thing there to greet her. 

"Good Morning."

Head turning towards the voice, Mina brought her outstretched arms down and waved. "Oh! Good Morning Chanyeol."

Titling his head, Chanyeol stared at the girl's clothing, "You look really bright today."

Looking down to her clothing, Mina remembered that she wore the only pajama set she owned; a long sleeved pink top with matching flannel bottoms. She would have just worn sweats, but due to the hot summer nights, she chose her neglected pajamas instead. Looking back up, she smiled awkwardly. "Thanks?" 

A slight grin on his face, Chanyeol motioned for Mina to come closer to the small area that the boys had apparently made use of as a small campfire. Seeing it, Mina smiled. "You and Daniel were pretty thorough setting up camp."

"I wanted it to be just like the pictures."

"Well, you did a great job." Seeing small stones placed neatly in a circle pattern at the center of the camp, Mina was impressed. Sitting down on one of the rocks, she watched Chanyeol smooth out the place where the fire had burned the night before. Though she had forgotten her hunger momentarily, her body did not and a growling noise was audible to the two sitting side by side.


"Just a bit."

"I thought you'd be," Chanyeol replied grinning. 

"Is there food from last night still?"

"Wait a moment." Standing up and walking over to a black trunk, Chanyeol began piling stuff into his arms. Returning to her side, Mina saw the plethora of items Chanyeol had managed to carry. "Do you know how to cook?"

Smiling at the image before her, she nodded and reached for a few items and began to prep.

- - -

With the assistance of Chanyeol, Mina began cooking a breakfast that would consist of eggs, potato hash and bread. 

"So who cooked last night?" Mina asked, tending to the food.


"He can cook?"

"Yep. He read a couple of food books from Daniel's library while we stayed there and wanted to try some things out." 

"Was it good?" 

"It was... but this is looking better," Chanyeol said, his eyes glimmering as each item continued cooking. 

"I want to try Kyungsoo's cooking."

Peeling his eyes away from the food, the phoenix pointed his index finger at Mina. "Next time, don't skip out on us."

"I'll try not to..." she replied quietly. Shifting the topic away from her again, Mina turned it back to D.O. "You know, it's cool that he can cook. Kyungsoo's curiosity is really helpful."

"He's always been that way," Chanyeol remarked happily. "Sometimes, it seems like he does things just to satisfy his own mind, but he only spends time learning new things that he thinks will help all of us."

"That makes sense... Ha... I bet he also wants to learn to drive the SUV."

"Daniel already showed him."

"He did?" Mina asked amazed. 

"The same day we found him, he asked Daniel about it." 


"I learned too. I think Tao did also."

"No way!... It took me weeks to learn how to drive and you all learned in a day?"

Nodding, Chanyeol grinned. "It was interesting, but we can still run faster on foot... Like what you did yesterday. I had a hard time catching up."

"Yesterday... Oh! That reminds me! I was wondering how you knew it was me yesterday. You were the only one to realize it right?"

Hearing her question, the Legend remained silent. In all honesty he wasn't sure why the others didn't realize it was her. As soon as she went running past him, he knew it was her. He was surprised to see her moving so fast, but that thought came second. "I'm not sure."

"I know why." Stepping out into the area, Kyungsoo greeted the two and sat beside Chanyeol. "It's because you and Chanyeol are connected."

Sighing, Chanyeol shook his head, "Kyungsoo, that's not it."

"Of course that's it! It makes sense."

"Connected? Are you talking about the 'other half'?" Mina questioned, trying to follow the two.  

"That's exactly what Kyungsoo's talking about."

"You still doubting me? I was correct about the power absorption, right?"

"That's different," Chanyeol replied.

"I came up with both around the same time and the first one links into the second; which has been proving itself may times over already, right?" Seeing Chanyeol sigh and shake his head, D.O. turned to Mina. "Don't you think I'm right?"

Looking up to Kyungsoo, Mina wasn't sure how to respond. It was hard to be a skeptic considering that stranger things had happened, but the way Chanyeol rejected the idea, she too couldn't help but also reject it. Moving her eyes away from Kyungsoo and to the pan, Mina realized she was about to over cook the eggs. "Ahh, the eggs are done! I need a plate."

"I got it!" Chanyeol replied holding out a dish.

Finally looking at the food, D.O.'s eyes widened. "You made all this?"

"Chanyeol helped." Smiling at the two, Mina stood up. "The potatoes are also almost done, I'm going to wake the others."

"They're already up," Kyungsoo said, grabbing a couple of plates and utensils and organizing them for everyone. 

"They are?"


"Are they still in the tents?" Mina questioned.

"Only Daniel is in the tent still. Kris and Lay are out," Chanyeol answered. 

"Oh... Are Kris and Lay out together?"

"Not sure."

"Ahhh. Well, what about Tao?"

"What about me?" 

Jumping at the sound of his voice directly behind her, Mina clutched at her chest and began catching her frightened breath. "I... I should have sensed you there..."

"Good morning Mina."

"Morning Tao... So, it's just Lyn then?"

"Is it time to wake her?" Tao inquired.

"Could you do it?" Mina asked, grabbing Tao's arms excitedly.

"Of course!" 

"Great!" Smiling widely, Mina mentally hoped that having Tao wake Lyn mouth to mouth, would positively effect her decision to stay or go.  

 - - - 

Watching Tao lean over Lyn, Mina was now an onlooker to the Transfer system. She had been curious to know how it looked in the eyes of a third party and watching Tao lightly place his lips against Lyn's, she found herself looking away slightly. Realizing this, she felt embarrassed. It looked just as she thought it looked... like kissing.

Catching Tao sit back up in the corner of her eye, Mina looked directly back at Lyn who began to move. As her eyes began to flicker open, Tao smoothly exited the Tent. 

"Tao, wait..." Mina called, wanting him to stay. 

"I think you should be the first to talk with her. Call me when you're done." Giving Mina his cat-like smile, Tao waved and walked away, leaving her alone with her waking best friend.

As the girl laying down continued to move, Mina felt herself getting increasingly nervous. "Lyn?"


Forgetting her nervousness and just feeling overjoyed at hearing Lyn's voice, Mina threw her arms around the girl, unable to control the happy tears forming in her eyes.

"He... he really did save you," Mina muttered in between ugly sobs. Remembering that she might still be in pain, Mina detached herself from Lyn. "How are you feeling?"

Adjusting herself upright, Lyn let out a small groan,"I feel... like I got hit by a car." 

"You're still in pain?" Mina asked worriedly. "Hold on, I'll get Yixing!"

"No, I'm fine. My joints are all just stiff."

"So you're really okay?"

"Who's Yixing?" Lyn questioned.

"Lay," Seeing the blank stare on her friend's face Mina added on "The unicorn."

"Oh right! Did they find him?"

"Yeah, he's the one that healed you."

Her eyes wide hearing Mina's words, Lyn stammered in her response. "He, he healed me? Wh- Why?"

Realizing that Lyn had no recollection of what happened, Mina relayed what Lay had told her. "Yixing said you went into a shock induced coma. So your brain probably blocked the event out. Like a concussion. Last night, you were attacked."

"Attacked!? By what? 

"A chaser. It got you... really bad." Re-telling the past night's events, Mina began tearing up again. "You weren't moving. I- I thought I was gonna lose you. There was so much blood."

"Mina, I almost died?"

Wiping her tears, Mina nodded. "They say it's only going to get more dangerous. So... So, I know you only came because of me, but you don't have to be here anymore." The words she was afraid of saying, spilling out of , Mina couldn't stop. "It's all because I brought you here that you almost died. I don't want you to get hurt anymore. You shouldn't stay this was never part of your plans. And I-"

"Mina, Mina!" Lyn said, elevating her voice trying to get her friend to calm down.

Stopping at Lyn's urgency, the tent was filled with silence as Lyn took everything in.

After a few good minutes passed the two by, Lyn cleared . "Mina, right now I know the right answer and the smart answer are one and the same."

Closing her eyes and nodding her head, Mina continued to listen to what she now knew was coming.

"It's only been one day and you're telling me I almost died. One day... And even if I can't remember it, just by looking at your face I know it must have been horrible. So, I should go home. It's the right answer and the smart thing to do. But I haven't been doing the smartest of things for a while now and I think some of your foolhardiness maybe rubbing off on me."

Opening her eyes, Mina watched Lyn continue to defy rationality and reason.

"Maybe that, or I've completely gone crazy, because I just can't go home now." Smiling at Mina, Lyn put her own arms around the girl. "You wouldn't leave if the roles were switched, so I'm not gonna leave. As long as you all will have me, for better or worse, I'm going to see this thing through. Even if it's the most unwise decision I've ever made in my life."

Quietly letting a few laughs out while sniffling her tears, Mina hugged Lyn closely.

"Plus, It's only been one day," Lyn said dryly. "At the very least I need to last more than one day. So stop crying okay?"

"Sorry... And, I'm glad."

"Did you think I'd really leave?"

"Well you usually do the smart thing." Mina replied, wiping her eyes again. 

Chuckling a bit, Lyn shook her head. " 'Usually'. But nothing about all this is usual right?" 

Nodding her head, Mina smiled slightly "Yeah, it's not."

Outside of the tents and sitting together eating the food Mina and Chanyeol prepared, the Legends smiled overhearing the conversation between the girls. Knowing what it was like to be separated from the ones they cared most for, they all knew how much it meant for the two to be together. But had Lyn left, they all would have understood the decision.

With the Red Force coming about more frequently, things were bound to become more dangerous. However, the group situation as it currently stood, was perfectly fine and manageable. But if things became unfathomably dangerous, the Legends knew they would have to leave them behind for their own good.

All of them.   

- - - 

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[The Leaf and the Legends] That was the last batch of editing. The next Update Alert will be for the new chapter! You might be happy to know I started it!


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Chapter 42: I hope you are doing fine. I miss this. Please update!
PearLee #2
i actually commented this quite recently? guess i really miss this story
PearLee #3
Honestly this is one of the few best written story.. T. T where are you author?
will this ever be updated??
Macire #5
Chapter 42: I need to know what is happening!!
Hope you can update
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 42: This story is so good!!!
Chapter 42: I'm about to lose my mind KRIS YOU FREAKING SAID YOU WONT FORGET ASDFGHJ WHY???? I'm so trash for KrisMin
Lolypop123 #9
Chapter 42: Update if u can ^3^