Chapter 3

Who I Am


 (A/N Neu Chaptuhh~~ Lol, anyway, no new comments, boo~ I’m like so bored and I have no idea what to write, bro~ MAYBE I COULD WRITE I LOVE L. JOE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. :D
Lol, no.)

Niel] Hyangsuppulijima

 Ireoda yeochinhante deulkindan malya

 Banjjagi bareujima

 Ireoda ose mudeum andoendan malya

 [ChunJi] Nunan nunajiman~ ([Niel] Naega, naega jeongmal joheumyeon geuleohdamyeon)

 Ttansorihajiman~ ([Niel] Naega, naega hajandaerohae geudaerohae)

 [Niel] Hyangsuppulijima

(No More Perfume On You/ Don’t Spray Perfume – TEENTOP)


A little while later, we all got into her car and I some Big Bang to listen to on the way home. We threw our bags in the trunk and then relaxed quietly into our seats. “I hate silences!” L. Joe said at last, frowning. “Someone talk!” We all glanced at each other but remained silent just to piss L. Joe off. He was fidgeting, he didn’t like to sit even for car rides, he hadn’t been diagnosed but were 99.9% sure that he had ADHD. When we finally arrived at my house after torturing L. Joe with silence, we went to my living room and popped in a movie. “Hey, guys, do you know what I call girls that run faster than me?” L. Joe asked smirking “Naw, what?” C.A.P. said “s.” He smirked wider and winked at Christine.

“Bad boy!” she cried and whacked him, “Ow!” he whined and ducked away from her, “You y ! It’s not my fault you can’t get laid!” he yelled “I’ll lay you, Christine.” Niel said raising his hand up, She sighed “Why do I hang out with you guys?” she said miserably, “Because you love me.” I said nonchalantly, not taking my eyes off the movie. She smiled and hugged me “True, true.” “Aw, my mom is coming to pick me up!” L. Joe whined, glaring at his phone, “Mine is coming to get Niel, Ricky, Changjo and I.” So a while later Christine and I were waving to L. Joe, Changjo, Niel, C.A.P, and Ricky, and Christine and I went up to my room and slumped onto my bed. Then she sat up and turned to look at me a serious aura around her. “When are you going to tell them?” she said, my eyes widened “No!” I cried in alarm, how could she even suggest that? I couldn’t tell my friends I was gay! “Why not?” Christine asked, but knowing the answer already.  I sighed “Christine, They’ll reject, look at me different, they won’t be my friends anymore and I can’t afford to lose them.” She frowned and hugged my tightly. “Chunji, they love you, they’re your best friends, if they don’t accept you because you’re gay, then them! You don’t need them if they won’t accept you for that.”

“Easier, said than done.” I said miserably “My rents will kick me out, people will pick on me, everyone will shun me and push me away, Christine, I don’t want that.” I whimpered. She frowned deeply and hugged me tighter. “Chunji, you can’t live like this, so secretively, it’s not some phase that will pass. It’s who you are! Who cares if you like more than , I do too!” I laughed a little “But you’re a girl, that’s normal.” I pointed out, “I am?” she said in feigning shock “Goodness! Thanks for telling me, Chunji! I thought I would never figure that out!” I rolled my eyes and playfully hit her, she giggled, “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” I fell back into my bed and closed my eyes; I wished things could’ve been easier, why couldn’t people just accept homouals? Christine was right, who cares if I like more than ? s were creepy as . Too many people were homophobic, a phobia was an irrational fear of something specific, and Homophobia was an irrational fear of homouals. But I was a homosapien, sometimes it just couldn’t be helped, I was severely attracted to males, specifically hair color changing, erratic, random, ADHD, males; if you catch my drift. You could place a beautiful girl like Christine in front of me and I would shove by her to get to ing L. Joe. I would be much happier if people weren’t such homophobes, and the ing government, trying to tell me where I can’t marry another male, the government was ing corrupt and disgusting, homophobic suits. (I’m from America, just saying, and there are some states where they ban gay marriage and some states that don’t like New York.)

“Buttery s?” I smiled a little and sat up “Yes, Christine, buttery s.” She smiled and laughed “Oh, Chunji, I love you.” She said brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. I sighed in depression “I wish L. Joe did.” “He does, Chunji, just not the way you wished he did.” She said a frown appearing on her face. She glanced at her vibrating phone and said “Damn, my mom’s here.” She let out a sigh and I followed her downstairs. “Bye, Christine.” I said and hugged her tightly before waving to her mom as Christine got into the car. I watched them drive away before going back to my lonely claustrophobic room…

(A/N WOOOT! UPDATED TWICE! I honestly don’t like my chapters so far and I feel like my story’s boring, lol, and nobody’s commenting so I think nobody likes it so tell me if I should just scrap this story, Lol, uhm, yeah, COMMENT PLEASE.)    


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An err is a negro, and I don't want to offend someone so I replaced it with err and I hate racism so yeah...


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Chapter 27: So beautiful
wonwoojpeg #2
Chapter 16: .... What kind of parents are they. Oh my freaking gawd, can I punch them!?
Chapter 27: I finished- and I wana say thanx for the good fic :) lolz, its good it ended happily for everyone- and omg with Ren's name that dog sounds adorable XD lol
Chapter 20: i know this is a random comment, but omg I love the rant u had on this chapter :D haha, u go gurl! This is exactly how I feel about homophobic ppl, tho I usually get upset instead of angry and end up ignoring them instead of yelling- u r awesome haha :)
Chapter 15: ah sorry for asking bout errs when u answered my question in the next chapter -_- lol, but i'm so happy u got into UKISS! they r awesome as :) and kevin, eli and kiseop r my faves- I have a special spot for kiseop tho cause he almost suicided.. :\ but anyway lol to ur story- its just continuing to make me read and read lolz, I sorta wish ppl hadn't been so hard on l.joe tho, even tho he was In the wrong for being homophobe, but sometimes u have to ignore those ppl cause they can't change.., but i'm happy him and chunji r talking again :)
Chapter 9: I may be a total idiot asking this lol, but wats errs? but woah the drama so far :D its awesome haha,
Chapter 6: D: nooo chanhee! don't u know when ur drunk secrets can just spill out everywhere?? u silly hdfjcfhdkjsfkjd, lolz.
Chapter 4: ok I thought I shud comment cause im scared for my s....u said something about attacking them with spoons XD hahaha, good way to get ppl to comment tho I gota admit lol. but woah l.joe full of hate there o.O tho perhaps a bit toooo hateful- thou in denial I believe XD lol I duno
Chapter 3: haha I love how christines just like; "Who cares if you like more than , I do too!" XD so true, haha. This chapter was funny, :) but somehow I cant wait to get to the part when his friends find out even tho it may be sad D:lol whats wrong with me?? XD
Chapter 1: ah just finished first chapter and im trying not to look at the comments beneath me incase I ruin the story for myself D: lolz, but anyway I love it so far :) l.joe is so adorable, but I love chunji's, almost sassiness? when they met up XD haha, i'll comment again soon :)