Chapter 11

Who I Am

(A/N Hey, everyone, you’re probably wondering what errs are right? Well, I decided to use that instead of actually said the actually word (N*gger) because I don’t want to be offensive and I think racist are dumb asses, but yeah, there’s a reason why L. Joe’s a racist and you’ll find out in the next chapter and this is like the 5th update I did today?)

When you’re gone

The pieces of my heart are missin’ you

When you’re gone

The face I came to know is missin’ too

When you’re gone

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day

And make it okay

I miss you

(When you’re gone – Avril Lavigne)

-Chunji’s POV-

My doorbell rang and I answered it and stood in shock, L. Joe stood at the door, but I could sense his awkward nervousness, it radiated from him so strongly that fear erupted from me.

Oh, please don’t laugh at me, oh, god, please don’t let him laugh at me. Please, don’t let him torture me because I’m gay, don’t let him do it; it’ll drive me crazy if I hear it. I rather rip my ears out then hear it from my best friends mouth, Oh, don’t let him mock me.

“Hi, Chunji.” He deadpanned, “Hi, L. Joe, do you want to come in?” He hesitated but shook his head, “Let’s go to the backyard, are your parents at home?” I shook my head and we walked through my house and out to the backyard. Just think, a few days ago the crazy bastard was climbing through my dog door just to get to me, now he doesn’t even want to step in this house because he thinks I’m a . We sat down on the steps of the back deck and L. Joe pulled out a pack of cigarettes, he placed one between his lips and took out his bics lighter, he cupped his hand around it to clock the wind and lit it.

I instinctively reached to take the cigarettes away from him like I did so often, he flinched back “Don’t touch me!” He snapped, my hand was back to my side in a flash, “Sorry, I just don’t want you to get lung cancer.” I mumbled. He sighed with smoke coming out of his mouth, “Look, I’m here because Christine wanted me to talk to you but honestly I don’t what’s there to talk about.” “Us.” I said simply and he made a disgusted face, “Not like that!” I said rolling my eyes, “Our friendship, L. Joe, we’ve always been here for each other for , why not this, why not now?” I said my voice breaking. “Because I don’t like fags! I don’t like errs! And now you fall into one of the categories, I don’t make exceptions.” “You sound immature!” I cried “Judge for the content of character, L. Joe!” “, Martin Luther King Jr.!” he exploded “ errs! fags!” then I knew this was no longer about me, L. Joe’s mind had traveled over to the thoughts of his dad. He did that once in a while, got built of feelings of his dad that exploded at random moments he couldn’t help. I had always listened patiently to his rants about his father and we would talk about the real issue at hand, I guess this was another one of those, I was glad, those moments were familiar, and they were predictable. “Why?” which I knew would prompt him into his familiar old rant but I could see him struggling not to say it. He glared at me his eyes seeming to flash, “This isn’t about my father, Chunji.” He hissed, “But it’s bothering you, so talk about it, just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I don’t have the same compassion as before.” I pointed out. “I’m over it, Chunji, it was 12 years ago.” “He was your dad, L. Joe, you’re not over it.” He clenched his fist tightly, “This is about you being a er not my dad being a err lover!” he cried angrily. “Just talk about it, L. Joe, yes, you were 6 and he was your dad and he still is your dad.” I wished he would talk about the conversation about me being gay wasn’t predictable but the conversation about his dad was. “You already know the story, Chunji; it, why do you like ? Damn, him. “I just like boys, I can’t explain it, L. Joe, I just do.” I said honestly, He was eyeing me and he put the cigarette back into his mouth not sure what to say. “I won’t be friends with a , you know that.” “I do.” He continued to eye me. “But I’m not a .” I said and he rose his eyebrow, “I’m a person, I’m Lee Chanhee and I’m 18 years old and I’ve been best friends with Lee Byunghun ever since my parents decided to babysit him when he was an infant.” Still, all I got was silence from, L. Joe, so I continued. “I was there for Lee Byunghun when he dad left him, I was there for Lee Byunghun when he mom’s boyfriend started to beat the living out of him for years, I was there for Lee Byunghun when the girl he loved took his heart and smashed it to pieces, I was there for Lee Byunghun when he got drunk and almost got arrested, I was there for Lee Byunghun when he had a terrible addiction to weed, I was there for Lee Byunghun whenever he was sad or whenever he cried, I listened to his rants when he was upset and I was there to congratulate him when he deserved it, I went to Lee Byunghun’s soccer games when his own mom couldn’t go, I stuck by him through everything, but he won’t be my friend anymore after all of that because of the gender I prefer.” Good ole obstinate L. Joe pressed his lips in a thin line around the cigarette and glared at me, speechless, good, maybe he’d get over his homophobia, “And Lee Byunghun was there through everything with Lee Chanhee even though Lee Chanhee never told him anything!” He hissed “Some best friend.” I stared at him, “Are you ing serious, L. Joe? I have done so much for you, what haven’t I told you!” I cried, “The truth about T-Bear, the fact that you are gay, when you’re upset, you just say nothing’s wrong, no matter how hard I try to figure out what’s wrong. I tell you what’s wrong, you just make me frustrated playing detective.” Now he was pissing me off, “Oh, grow up!” I snapped “You didn’t tell me the truth about T-Bear, I can tell when you’re lying, I had to find out you were gay when you drunkenly kissed that Himchan .” He said simply, blowing smoke into my face. I waved it away in annoyance and before I knew what I was doing my fist shot out and punched L. Joe in the nose.

Damn, that felt good.

L. Joe’s head snapped back and blood exploded from his nose, the cigarette fell from his mouth and he slowly turned to face me, “You .” He growled before jumping on me. We fell down the stairs and threw punches like wild bastards, I caught him in the eye and I felt satisfied, I had no doubt gave him a good shiner, I was pretty strong, I managed to give him a split lip and a few bruises on his face, before he threw me off of him and jumped on me. I yelped as he dragged his hand across my cheek drawing blood, I smacked him wildly and he cried out in pain and slammed in hand into a sharp rock but still proceeded to punch me over and over again, his blood dripping on me. I reached up wanting to choke the bastard, he bit down on my hand and I gasped in pain.

Bad dog! Let go!

I kicked him in the chest and he flung off of me, he stood up, cradling his hurt hand carefully, he spat on the ground “ you, Chunji.” He spat at me, I was examining own hand bloody marks from L. Joe’s teeth. He stormed away and I glared after him, I sat outside for a few minutes before reality crept through me, a wave of despair washed over me as I realized what happened. Oh, , I had…driven my best friend away for good…and for the first time in 3 months I bent down and cried…

(Comment, Nuff’ said, it’s 11:12PM and I’m tired, night!)

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An err is a negro, and I don't want to offend someone so I replaced it with err and I hate racism so yeah...


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Chapter 27: So beautiful
wonwoojpeg #2
Chapter 16: .... What kind of parents are they. Oh my freaking gawd, can I punch them!?
Chapter 27: I finished- and I wana say thanx for the good fic :) lolz, its good it ended happily for everyone- and omg with Ren's name that dog sounds adorable XD lol
Chapter 20: i know this is a random comment, but omg I love the rant u had on this chapter :D haha, u go gurl! This is exactly how I feel about homophobic ppl, tho I usually get upset instead of angry and end up ignoring them instead of yelling- u r awesome haha :)
Chapter 15: ah sorry for asking bout errs when u answered my question in the next chapter -_- lol, but i'm so happy u got into UKISS! they r awesome as :) and kevin, eli and kiseop r my faves- I have a special spot for kiseop tho cause he almost suicided.. :\ but anyway lol to ur story- its just continuing to make me read and read lolz, I sorta wish ppl hadn't been so hard on l.joe tho, even tho he was In the wrong for being homophobe, but sometimes u have to ignore those ppl cause they can't change.., but i'm happy him and chunji r talking again :)
Chapter 9: I may be a total idiot asking this lol, but wats errs? but woah the drama so far :D its awesome haha,
Chapter 6: D: nooo chanhee! don't u know when ur drunk secrets can just spill out everywhere?? u silly hdfjcfhdkjsfkjd, lolz.
Chapter 4: ok I thought I shud comment cause im scared for my s....u said something about attacking them with spoons XD hahaha, good way to get ppl to comment tho I gota admit lol. but woah l.joe full of hate there o.O tho perhaps a bit toooo hateful- thou in denial I believe XD lol I duno
Chapter 3: haha I love how christines just like; "Who cares if you like more than , I do too!" XD so true, haha. This chapter was funny, :) but somehow I cant wait to get to the part when his friends find out even tho it may be sad D:lol whats wrong with me?? XD
Chapter 1: ah just finished first chapter and im trying not to look at the comments beneath me incase I ruin the story for myself D: lolz, but anyway I love it so far :) l.joe is so adorable, but I love chunji's, almost sassiness? when they met up XD haha, i'll comment again soon :)