Chapter 13

Who I Am

(A/N New update~ Nothing, important really, I’m getting lazy to write super long author’s notes even though y’all probably don’t read them, but whatever~)

It’s been said and done

Every beautiful thought been already sung

And I guess right now here’s another

So yeah melody will play on, on~

And I want you to know, baby~
I, I, love you like a love song, baby~
I, I, love you like a love song, baby~

(Love you like a love song – Selena Gomez)

-Chunji's POV-

I chewed on my lip and waited for Christine to text me and put our plan in motion so we can help L. Joe see how stupid he’s being.

-L. Joe’s POV-

“L. Joe, this is my friend, Daehyun.” I shook hands with Daehyun and smiled “Hey.” “Hi.” He said shyly and Christine smiled at the both of us. “So… you guys are both fans of U-KISS and Super Junior.” She pointed out and I grinned wider, “No , dude, you are?” he nodded, still shy. “Yeah, I love U-KISS’s new album and Super Junior always been my favorite band.” “I met them! I took a picture with Kevin and Dongho (I’m obsessed with those two.) and a picture with Donghae, Siwon and Eunhyuk!” his eyes sparkled “Really? Wow, I’m jealous!”

He seemed like a cool guy, I liked him already, we all hung out for a few more hours and the more we hung out the more I started liking Daehyun, we had a load in common and he was funny and awesome. “Don’t you love, Daehyun?” I nodded and grinned “Yeah, man, you’re cool with me.” I said and slapped him a Hi-5.

“We should hang out soon.” I said and he nodded, “Definitely! Do you mind if I bring my boyfriend, YoungJae? I think you guys would get along great too!” (DaeJae4ever.<3) I froze, “What?” I asked, I had to hear him wrong. “Would you care if I brought my boyfriend?” he said still smiling, “You’re gay?” I asked and he nodded “Yeah!” “Is there a problem, L. Joe?” Christine asked raising an eyebrow, “You .” I growled, she had done it on purpose, I don’t know why, but she did it on purpose!

She crossed her arms and Daehyun raised his eyebrow, “Jesus, dude, Christine wasn’t kidding when she said you were a thick headed homophobe.” He said in an annoyed tone, “Shut up, !” I snapped, “But L. Joe, a minute ago you said you wanted to hand out with, Daehyun.” She pointed out, “That was before I knew he was a !” I cried angrily. “But is he any different from when you thought he was straight? How is he different, L. Joe?” “He likes guys and he’s a guy! It’s wrong!” How many times do I have to say that?

“Because you know it’s wrong, L. Joe.”

 I glared back at Chunji as he walked towards us, “How long have you been here?” I hissed, glaring from him to Christine, they planned this, they ing planned this! “Not long, half hour, maybe, but you know what’s wrong, being gay doesn’t change a person, and you know it, so why do you have to be so obstinate?” I glared at him in disgust, “I’m not obstinate. I’m just not a gay shrimp like you!” (Okay, let’s pretend Chunji is L. Joe’s height and he’s short and L. Joe is taller, kay?)

His face heated up in anger and embarrassment, Chunji hated it when people made fun of his size, being 4 inches shorter than the average 18 year olds made him extremely conscious of his height, he had a short temper when it came to height jokes. “Shut up!” his face bright and his fist clenched, “Make me, midget!” I challenged, why was I doing this? Why was I trying to start another fight with Chunji? I didn’t want to hit him again. “I’m warning you, L. Joe.” He hissed, “What was that? I can’t hear you from all the way down there?” I said smirking, “ you, L. Joe!” He screamed and ran at me. He tackled me to the ground and started to throw angry punches and I returned them back just as angrily. “Guys! Stop!” Christine and Daehyun cried, trying to pull us apart, but we ignored them and focused on us.

“Byunghun! Byunghun, stop!”

I heard my mom’s voice screaming I fright, she must’ve came to pick me up from the park. “You’re a ing !” I growled and threw a particularly hard punch at Chunji’s face and he gasped in pain and rolled off of me a little bit, then like it was in slow motion, he brought his fist towards me at the same time I brought mine towards him…

Out knuckled clashed together and I heard a sickening crack and snap, everything and everyone seemed silent until Chunji cried out in obvious excruciating pain. He rolled all the way off me and clutched his hand gently and clenching his teeth in agony. “Byunghun!” my mom cried in horror, but the fight drained out of me as I watched Chunji’s pale face, he was shaking and breathing shakily trying to not cry.

“Chunji!” Christine dropped down next to him and gently rubbed his back, “What’s wrong with your hand?” she said softly. “Channie?” I whispered moving closer to him, oh, god, what have I done? “Channie?” “Get away from me!” he snapped, a tear crawling down his cheek. “You broke my ing hand!” he started to shake harder and squeezed his eyes shut.

“Channie, it was an accident!” I said desperately, “I didn’t mean to hurt you!” (What a load of bull, bro,) the face that he was gay was completely wiped from my mind, the reality that I just possibly broke my best friend’s hand took over and beat such guilt into me, I almost threw up. “Get away from me!” He scream again, “Chanhee, let me see your hand.” Mom said and dropped down next to him, Chunji carefully held out his bad hand with the support of his good hand and let my mom see it. “Oh, god.” Mom whispered. “Come on, I’ll take you to the ER and I’ll call your parents.” She helped him up and brought him to the car, I hurried after her, “L. JOE!” Christine called, I looked over my shoulder to Christine and Daehyun, her eyes were watering and hew as glaring at me, “Look what you did!” she cried angrily, “ you, I hope you rot in hell!” Shame filled my body and I hurried to the car, Chunji was sitting in the front bent forward cradling his hand and shaking. My mouth got dry and I looked out the window, what had I done?

(A/N ALERT! Lol, comment~)

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An err is a negro, and I don't want to offend someone so I replaced it with err and I hate racism so yeah...


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Chapter 27: So beautiful
wonwoojpeg #2
Chapter 16: .... What kind of parents are they. Oh my freaking gawd, can I punch them!?
Chapter 27: I finished- and I wana say thanx for the good fic :) lolz, its good it ended happily for everyone- and omg with Ren's name that dog sounds adorable XD lol
Chapter 20: i know this is a random comment, but omg I love the rant u had on this chapter :D haha, u go gurl! This is exactly how I feel about homophobic ppl, tho I usually get upset instead of angry and end up ignoring them instead of yelling- u r awesome haha :)
Chapter 15: ah sorry for asking bout errs when u answered my question in the next chapter -_- lol, but i'm so happy u got into UKISS! they r awesome as :) and kevin, eli and kiseop r my faves- I have a special spot for kiseop tho cause he almost suicided.. :\ but anyway lol to ur story- its just continuing to make me read and read lolz, I sorta wish ppl hadn't been so hard on l.joe tho, even tho he was In the wrong for being homophobe, but sometimes u have to ignore those ppl cause they can't change.., but i'm happy him and chunji r talking again :)
Chapter 9: I may be a total idiot asking this lol, but wats errs? but woah the drama so far :D its awesome haha,
Chapter 6: D: nooo chanhee! don't u know when ur drunk secrets can just spill out everywhere?? u silly hdfjcfhdkjsfkjd, lolz.
Chapter 4: ok I thought I shud comment cause im scared for my s....u said something about attacking them with spoons XD hahaha, good way to get ppl to comment tho I gota admit lol. but woah l.joe full of hate there o.O tho perhaps a bit toooo hateful- thou in denial I believe XD lol I duno
Chapter 3: haha I love how christines just like; "Who cares if you like more than , I do too!" XD so true, haha. This chapter was funny, :) but somehow I cant wait to get to the part when his friends find out even tho it may be sad D:lol whats wrong with me?? XD
Chapter 1: ah just finished first chapter and im trying not to look at the comments beneath me incase I ruin the story for myself D: lolz, but anyway I love it so far :) l.joe is so adorable, but I love chunji's, almost sassiness? when they met up XD haha, i'll comment again soon :)