Chapter 10

Who I Am


  (A/N WUUUUUT. QUADTRUPLE UPDATE? I’m awesome, I know.)

Na ajikdo neoreul jiul su eobseo

 Jakkujakku niga saenggangna

 Niga neomu bogo shipeo

 Bamsae hansumdo jal su eobseo



 Neomunado geuriwoseo

 Bamsae hansumdo jal su eobseo nan

 Oh ireon oneulbamdo oneulbamdo her

(0330 – U-KISS)

I sat in my room rocking on the floor in the corner (Talk about emo~) Changjo, Ricky and Christine were probably the only ones who would talk to me. Niel? After hanging out with C.A.P and L. Joe he probably won’t ever again.

Blame it on the a-a-a-a-alcohol? (Lil Wayne song for you who doesn’t know)

It would be nice too.

I got up and paced around in my room, I sighed and got ready for bed, it was getting late now anyway, I laid down and fell into a unpleasant abyss of darkness.

Oh, god, the truck, I was living through the nightmare of T-Bear’s death again. But this time when the truck ran over him he didn’t speak and just laid there.

“He…he…came out of nowhere, oh, god.” The truck driver whimpered, I reached my hand out to touch him but felt my body freeze, oh, god, I couldn’t touch him. Oh, god, I couldn’t move, and he was dead, and it was my entire fault, I started to shake violently as I choked on tears. “T-Bear?” I whispered as if he would actually get up, I looked up at the truck driver and my eyes widened, his face started transforming into Gunwoo, L. Joe’s mom’s ex-boyfriend. Then suddenly I was sitting in L. Joe’s room, terror pounding in me as I watched Gunwoo start beating L. Joe, L. Joe started begging and crying for him to get off of him. “Oh, please, please, stop!” He sobbed “You’re worthless, you ing !” Gunwoo shrieked, L. Joe looked at me a beaten mess on the floor, “Chunji, you’re a ing , people are going to do this to you.” He hissed, his eyes filled with hate. “No.” I whispered as Gunwoo started beating him again “ing !” L. Joe cried as Gunwoo punched him in the stomach, “ing ! ing ! ING !”


I sat up in bed, breathing heavily, cold sweat running down my neck. It was on my mind, just like T-Bear, it was going to torture my dreams till my parents knew; I couldn’t keep a secret like this from them, Oh, . I got up and checked the time, it was only 4:53, I looked outside my window and thought about what L. Joe was doing? Was he smoking? Was he getting high? Yeah, I’m the reason he got off of weed but were still working on cigarettes. If it wasn’t for me he would be smoking a ing chimney. I grabbed my iPod and put on shuffle and rolled my eyes when ‘The Song’ came on, I hit shuffle again and settled onto my bed listening to ‘Only Human’ by K. (I don’t actually listen to this but my friend does and told me to put this in my story, lol. But you should listen to the song it’s so funny. XD) I sighed after listening to the song restlessly about 4 times. I grabbed my phone and texted Christine to get on Skype. 10 minutes later I video called her. “It’s 5 in the morning, this better be good!” she said angrily rubbing the sleep from her eyes, “It is.” I promised. “Ah, Chunji! Stop looking at my hair! I have hair!” she said squawking, waving her hands in front of the camera. “You look fine, Christine.” She frowned “Awh, Chunji what’s wrong?” I told her everything and her frown only got deeper. “Chunji, I’ll talk to him, I’ll beat the sense into him if I have too, I shove his stupid homophobia up his till it comes out of his fingers.” I smiled a little “Thanks, Christine.” We hung up and I lay down in my bed, Now what’s gonna happen? Will Christine get through with L. Joe and everything will be okay again? Will everything be just peachy? Just ducky? Everything goes swimmingly?

Swimmingly…When people say that…I think of , which makes me thing of L. Joe. L. Joe, had .

Was that weird?

Oh, who gives a ? My life had just flat- fallen through the roof and I was thinking of L. Joe’s . What’s wrong with me? Focus, Chunji, focus. I ran my hand through my messy hair and prayed that Christine would get through with L. Joe.

-Christine’s POV-


L. Joe and I were rolling on the ground, I was trying to shove his dumb homophobia up his sorry and he was trying to restrain me. “Christine, get off of me!” He cried angrily, “No! Not until you accept, Chunji!” “Christine, I can’t hit girls!” He said trying to shove me of him, “Good, then this should be fun.” I hissed and kneed him where the sun don’t ing shine.

“Ahhh!” He doubled over and groaned in pain, clutching what remaind of his manliness, Pft, some man, a real man would accept his best friend no matter what gender he preferred.

“Son of a yellow rocket ship.” He moaned, a saying we had coined off of little Kyung, for some reason Kyung always says “Son of a yellow rocket ship.” C.A.P held me back, “You ! I can never have children!” L. Joe moaned “Well, build a bridge and get the over it you can adopt!” I spat, “Why are you so angry at me?!” he cried. “Because you hurt, Chunji! God, damn it, L. Joe, he’s your ing best friend!” “You can kiss my Korean !” he snapped and stood up weakly “I’ll kick you Japanese !” (He’s not really Japanese.) I shot back, he winced a little and glared, I knew  I would probably regret this later, he got his Japanese from his dad and his dad walked out on him when he was little.

“I’m going home.” He said slowly, glaring at me. “And If anyone else bothers me about that , I’ll snap!” “Going home to get high, L. Joe or going home to rant to your mom about how much you hate errs and homouals?” I growled.

“Going home to take something for my ing headache!” he exploded and started walking towards his car, we were at the park and it was around noon. “No! L. Joe you’re going to talk to, Chunji, please.” , I felt tears coming on, I never cried, never.

L. Joe frowned and C.A.P let go of me, he sighed and came over to me, he hugged me tightly “I’m sorry, Christine, please don’t cry, I’ll talk to him.” He promised and I hugged him back, “He’s my best friend, L. Joe, he’s been there for me too, I know he’s changed since the whole T-Bear thing, and now his secret is out, but he’s still the same Chunji, and he’ll always be here for us, even when you’re not.”  He smiled at me with pain in his eyes “I’ll talk to him.” He promised before glancing at C.A.P and waving. He got into his car and I prayed that everything would go well between Chunji and L. Joe.

(A/N Comment, nuff’ said.)  



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An err is a negro, and I don't want to offend someone so I replaced it with err and I hate racism so yeah...


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Chapter 27: So beautiful
wonwoojpeg #2
Chapter 16: .... What kind of parents are they. Oh my freaking gawd, can I punch them!?
Chapter 27: I finished- and I wana say thanx for the good fic :) lolz, its good it ended happily for everyone- and omg with Ren's name that dog sounds adorable XD lol
Chapter 20: i know this is a random comment, but omg I love the rant u had on this chapter :D haha, u go gurl! This is exactly how I feel about homophobic ppl, tho I usually get upset instead of angry and end up ignoring them instead of yelling- u r awesome haha :)
Chapter 15: ah sorry for asking bout errs when u answered my question in the next chapter -_- lol, but i'm so happy u got into UKISS! they r awesome as :) and kevin, eli and kiseop r my faves- I have a special spot for kiseop tho cause he almost suicided.. :\ but anyway lol to ur story- its just continuing to make me read and read lolz, I sorta wish ppl hadn't been so hard on l.joe tho, even tho he was In the wrong for being homophobe, but sometimes u have to ignore those ppl cause they can't change.., but i'm happy him and chunji r talking again :)
Chapter 9: I may be a total idiot asking this lol, but wats errs? but woah the drama so far :D its awesome haha,
Chapter 6: D: nooo chanhee! don't u know when ur drunk secrets can just spill out everywhere?? u silly hdfjcfhdkjsfkjd, lolz.
Chapter 4: ok I thought I shud comment cause im scared for my s....u said something about attacking them with spoons XD hahaha, good way to get ppl to comment tho I gota admit lol. but woah l.joe full of hate there o.O tho perhaps a bit toooo hateful- thou in denial I believe XD lol I duno
Chapter 3: haha I love how christines just like; "Who cares if you like more than , I do too!" XD so true, haha. This chapter was funny, :) but somehow I cant wait to get to the part when his friends find out even tho it may be sad D:lol whats wrong with me?? XD
Chapter 1: ah just finished first chapter and im trying not to look at the comments beneath me incase I ruin the story for myself D: lolz, but anyway I love it so far :) l.joe is so adorable, but I love chunji's, almost sassiness? when they met up XD haha, i'll comment again soon :)