Chapter 36 - Disneyland Part 3 and SM Town

Behind the Scenes


[A/N]: I am sosososo sorry for updating this really late. I really hope this doesn’t seem rushed. T____T But my excuse is, I found the best fanfic ever. It’s genius, I swear. You have to check it out guys. (PS The main guy is Luhan, in case you were wondering)

Sehun POV [A/N]: I promise it’ll switch to Luhan’s POV soon OTL Just after the last ridee

We spent a lot of time in the park. But soon, it was near the time we would have to go. However, manager hyung allowed us one last ride. ‘Grizzly River Run.’ (1)

As we approached it, we passed the waterfall and I saw Luhan’s eyes widen. There was somewhat of a drop. And as we looked at the people on the ride, they were all sprayed with water. Luhan shivered. I wrapped my arm around him.

“If you don’t want to go on, you don’t have to,” I told him. He looked down but nodded. Poor guy. I hope he still had fun today though.

Giving him one last hug, I joined the other members to wait in line. (2) It was kind of boring, and I was still hungry.

“Hyung,” I said, poking Joonmyun’s shoulder. “Do you have any food?” Joonmyun shook his head. My face dropped. I looked around, spotting Yixing. Yixing hyung definitely has to have food, right? He always loves eating.

“Yixing hyung!” I called. Widening my eyes, I asked, “Do you happen to have any food?” He chuckled and dug through his backpack, pulling out a bag of chips. I beamed at him.

“Thanks so much, hyung!” I took the chips from him and opened the bag immediately, popping some into my mouth. (3)

“Aigoo, Sehun, eat slowly,” Joonmyun scolded gently. I stuck my tongue out at him but slowed down. Before long, we were at the front of the line and about to get on.

An employee asked us how many we had, and Kris told him. Two coordi noonas had joined Kris, Yixing, Zitao, Baekhyun, Jongdae, and me. A perfect group of eight, just enough to fill the raft. We settled into our seats and put on the seat belts. I was bouncing in anticipation.

“Sehun-ah, are you excited to get wet?” Baekhyun teased me, feigning disgust. I made a face. I didn’t want to get super wet or anything, but I had a feeling this would be fun.

Then, we began moving forward. It was quite calm at first. We drifted around, looking at some stuff. I think Kris said it was the California Gold Rush or something, but I was never good at history so I wasn’t sure. Then, I saw a conveyor belt.

“Uh oh,” I muttered. Zitao, who was sitting on my right, clung to my arm.

“Sehun-ah, I’m scared,” he whimpered, voice trembling.

“It’s okay, Zitao-ah,” I said, trying to sound encouraging, although I was slightly nervous too. Don’t be scared, Sehun! You went on roller coasters! This should be nothing.

But there’s...water... I gulped.

Slowly, we moved up the conveyor belt. Thankfully, my side of the circular raft was at the bottom, so we wouldn’t have to go down backwards. We neared the top. I squinted, trying to see where it ended, but I was unsure. Suddenly, I realized we were closing in. Fast. I took a deep breath. That was when the other side of the raft began tipping over the edge. (4)

And then we were falling.

And then we crashed.


I shivered. When we hit the rapids at the bottom, the water splashed all of us, drenching our clothes. I know that I had been shocked. Looking over at Zitao, he looked almost traumatized. He was holding his arms up to his body, teeth chattering. Poor guy.

We floated around some more, and then random fountains started spraying up. One sprouted up behind Yixing hyung, who was already really cold since he was only wearing a white wife beater. His arms were wrapped around his body, and he jumped with the water hit his back. Zitao jumped too and looked at the spot where it had come up from. We drifted forward a bit and the fountain suddenly burst up again, spraying me directly in the back.

My mouth opened in shock and I automatically squinted my eyes, raising my hands. Zitao was also hit by some water. After getting over his initial shock, he turned to me with a wide mouth, although the corners were turned up almost in a smile. I heard Baekhyun and Jongdae laughing at us, and Kris was even pointing. The coordi noonas giggled too. I felt my ears turn red. Stupid fountain.

I wiped my face and took off my hat slightly to fix my hair. As we drifted, the other members weren’t talking much. We were all just trying to feel warmer. Yixing even looked kind of pissed. (5) Finally, we got back to the place we started and were led off of the raft. We exited the ride, and I tried not to look at the cameras that fangirls were pointing to us, fixing my sleeves instead. (6) They’re just happy to see us in person. It’s not often that we come to the US!

When we exited the ride, I saw Luhan and some of the others waiting for us. The second he saw me, his face turned into shock, and then he burst into laughter.

“Don’t laugh, hyung,” I mumbled. He contained himself and tried to look serious, but he ended up just cracking up again. I blew air out of my cheeks and walked ahead.

“Wait, Sehun-ah!” he called after me. “Let’s walk together!” I sighed, unable to resist. We walked out, reaching the gates. (7) There were fans following us with cameras, and our manager hyung told them not to get too close to us. Sorry.

I lagged behind as Luhan chatted with Kyungsoo. Aren’t we walking together?

Luhan POV [A/N]: Finally! lol

“Oh wait, you go ahead Kyungsoo,” I told him. He nodded. I lingered in my spot, stealing a glance behind me as I saw Sehun approaching. When he caught up, I started walking again beside me. He looked at me funny.

“So now you want to walk with me?” His voice sounded...jealous? I laughed inwardly.

“I have wanted to walk with you. You’re just a slowpoke,” I teased, jabbing his arm. He stuck his tongue out at me, but then smiled. We continued walking.

“Ah, I’m so wet,” Sehun complained. I immediately reached my hand out to feel his shirt, and I saw Kyungsoo do the same. He was wet.

“Aw, poor maknae,” I cooed, eyes twinkling. Sehun made a face at me. I grinned.

As we walked on, I swung my arms at my side. Then I slung my right arm over Sehun’s shoulder. He reached up and held onto my hand with his. (8) I kept swinging my left arm though. Then we neared this short pole gate thingy, which was blocking my way. I didn’t have much room to move around it, so I just hurdled over it, giving myself a boost by pushing off of it and jumping slightly. I didn’t take my arm off of Sehun. Then he let go of my hand, so I unwillingly pulled my arm back.

I took my mask off of my wrist and opened it, wanting to put it back on my face, but then I changed my mind last minute and lowered it again, folding it and slipping the loops through my wrist again. I heard a fangirl call my name and I looked automatically, then turned around again and glanced at my feet shyly. Manager hyung told us not to look at the fans and to just face front. (9)

Finally, we arrived at the shuttle bus stop, where we waited around for quite a while. Bored, I started dancing random moves, mainly “MAMA” and “History.” I ended up just standing there idly, occasionally chatting with the other members. I stood next to Sehun again. After a silence (well it wasn’t exactly silent with all the background noise, but we weren’t saying anything), Sehun spoke softly.

“I had fun today, hyung.” Hearing his voice, my heart melted. Kyungsoo patted his lower back affectionately, and I reached up and wrapped my arm around his neck affectionately. (10) Then I teasingly moved him back and forth in my grip. He stumbled, so I let go.

After what seemed like forever, our manager hyung told us we had to walk a little further and our van would come pick us up. We went to the parking lot and after waiting around for a little longer, we finally boarded our van and left for the hotel. I sighed. It’s been a long, but fun day.


I cheered along with everyone else. Now, SM Town was almost over! [A/N]: Really really sorry I fast forwarded this part... I didn’t see the actual thing so I didn’t want to describe it incorrectly... .__.

All we had to do left was the closing. After changing into our SM Town shirts, we walked on stage. In groups, we walked across slowly. I stuck to Sehun. When we were all gathered together, enjoying the song and looking out at the audience, I saw Sehun walk up to me and link hands. He gently swayed me back and forth to the music. (11) Then, looking down, I saw a stuffed animal plushie on the ground. It was white and...

...Is that what I think it is...? I bent down to pick it up. Sure enough, it was a unicorn! (12) I looked around, trying to find Yixing. Luck was on my side, because he was only a few feet away. I reached out past Sehun and tapped Yixing. He turned back at me. I gave him the unicorn, grinning. He looked at me and took it, and then looked at it in shock. Slowly, he smiled in realization. Then he waved it around happily. I smiled when I saw him. Such a little kid.

Then, Sehun put his arm around my shoulder and began waving his other arm in the air to the music, so I slipped my arm around his waist and waved with my other arm too, mouthing the lyrics. After a while, I started waving, and we turned around to face the other side of the audience. Sehun waved with both hands, while I only waved with one, keeping my other wrapped around him.

Soon afterwards, Baekhyun commanded my attention, showing me his adorable puppy plushie. (13) My mouth opened in surprise and joy. It was too cute. I took it into my hands and immediately began to shake it back and forth in Baekhyun’s face. The ears flopped back and forth. Adorable.

Laughing, Baekhyun gave me a funny look so I gave the puppy back to him.

Turning to Sehun again, I whispered, “That puppy reminds me of you.”

“Huh? Why?” Sehun asked, confused.

“Well, didn’t you say people think you look like a puppy? And plus it was white, just like your perfectly pale skin,” I teased. (14) He stuck his tongue out at me half-heartedly. It was a compliment, Sehunnie. You’re so cute and your skin is flawless.

When the closing was over, we walked off stage. Sehun put his arm around my back on my shoulder as we left. Then nearing the fountains, he slipped his arm down and slipped it through mine. As we got onto the stage again, he slipped his hand down even further and I felt his hand gripping mine, so I led him forward, holding his hand. Then we got in a line for the bow. I put my arm around him but he just clapped. I played with a red balloon, which Zitao took from me and began playing with. After our bow, we walked off stage together. I couldn’t stop smiling.

I’ll never forget this moment. My first SM Town, and I was here to experience it with my brothers. Especially, my best friend.




Ahhhh, I finished writing about Disneyland. Finally. Wheee. Sorry SM Town was so short... .__.

FINAL CHAPTER NEXT. YES, I WILL UPDATE IT RIGHT NOW. (Once I finish writing, that is lol)

Mixed feelings about ending. ): But it has to be done :/




(3) IMAGE:

(4) LINK TO VID: (Going on water ride)
(5) IMAGE:

(6) LINK TO VID: (Getting off ride)
(7) LINK TO VID: (Walking out of Disneyland)
(8) LINK TO VID: (HunHan while walking out)
(9) QUOTE AND LINK TO VID: The top comment says: If you listen carefully, the manager told the boys not to look at the fans @1:52. He says "야, 얘들 쳐다보지마. 앞에봐" which means "Hey, don't look at them. Face the front."
(10) GIFs: (Luhan wraps arm around Sehun’s neck)
(cr: oh-luhans)
[BONUS: LINK TO VID: hunhan disneyland focus]
(11) LINK TO VID: (HunHan at  SM Town and LA in general)
(12) GIFs: (Luhan giving Lay unicorn plushie)
(13) GIFs: (Luhan with Baekhyun’s stuffed puppy plushie)
(14) QUOTE: In an interview of EXO-K, Sehun said that people think he looks like a puppy.


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Hi ^^ Just passing by (after I abandoned this site for years) and I thought I should give you a greeting. (Eventhough you might not remember me at all lol)
After all, you and this fic are one of my (a very few) favorites here (since I haven't read any fic in here that much).
I don't know, well, your fic made me have some kind of bittersweet feeling, nostalgic and heart-warming memories.
I still remember the day I got back home after school to check your updates here :')
Those days and that era were the best, to be honest. With everything still went well and happy. Lots of thing happened after that right?
And that's why I said this fic made me have bittersweet feeling ;u; since...yeah, I really miss Luhan. Sobs.
I definitely re-read this again when I have some more time.

See ya ! ^^
eggers_baekhee #2
HEY FRIEND!~ i came back to read this story because i missed it sooo much!~
SpencerLee13132 #3
Hi! I wanna tranlate your fic. Can I please to have your permission? Sure I'll get full credit and link back to your fic. Looking forward to your reply. :">
this fanfic is the reason why i joined aff and it's now over. *sobs*
i really admire how you put so much effort managing your time with school activities and writing this and updating your story with so many trivia/add-ons,etc. keke... that's why i love you for this.

i felt bad i totaly missed a lot of chapters since i was gone long in aff. looking forward to your new story. gonna subscribe to it. thank you for writing this story. :)
Thank you for writing this amazing fic :'( *sob
I'll keep looking forward to reading your new story.
Author-nim DAEBAK!
Its over ;_; I really loved this fic! T T Thank you for writing this!!!!! <3
omg .. you make me cry ; __ ; no, not only because of sweetness in the story itself
but because i feel so special and full of affection toward this good story
i first read this since ... oh .. 2 months ago ?
it seems so short but for me, it's not short at all and i grow fonder to every chapter you updated ; - ;
you make me feel like ... me, you and exo, it's like we all walk together step by step since that day i know this fic
and to know that it's become to its end now make me heartbreaking T__T
to read this fic, waiting for your next update each time & comment something, all of this become my good memories which i will never forget ; ;

thank you very much for this amazing fic ~♥
and have a good journey with your trip ' v '

(and about the fic lol i talk only my feeling to you and your good fic and almost forget this !
really. i can't handle yixing & zitao's cuteness T_____T they're so cute ~~~
meanwhile - there is a couple that ship themselves looooool
oh i'm gonna miss you and there moments in this fic so much .... ; ________ ; /sobs ...)
I love this fanfic so much.
I'm sad it's over, but it was great while it lasted. :D
Amazing last two chapters!