Chapter 34.5 (Ver. 2) Disneyland Part 1 (again)

Behind the Scenes

Sehun POV

[A/N]: Last time I wrote this chapter, it was in Luhan’s POV, so here is Sehun’s! :D

Once we got our tickets, we walked through the gate and into the park. There were already a few fangirls following us with cameras. Our manager was politely telling them ‘excuse me’ in his broken English to ask them to stop filming. I felt bad. We were rarely in the States. They’re probably just really happy to see us.

When we got through, I stopped and looked around.

“Where do you want to go first, hyung?” I asked Luhan.

“Not sure... Is there a map?” Luhan looked around. Just then, Kris approached us and handed us a folded map. (1)

“Here.” Luhan beamed at him.

“Thanks, duizhang!” he said happily. I smiled at his cute outburst and Kris chuckled, walking away. But soon, Luhan frowned.

“KRIS!” Luhan shouted. “IT’S ALL IN ENGLISH!!” I winced at the volume, but I saw Kris turn around. He walked back, apologizing. Then he looked for maps in foreign languages and found Chinese but not Korean. I frowned. But Luhan patted my shoulder.

“I’ll translate for you,” he assured me. I nodded. He opened the map and I saw his eyes widen. He looked around it for quite some time before I prodded him in the shoulder.

“Hyung, what does it say?” I whispered.

“Oh.” Luhan blinked. “I’ll tell you some of the rides.” He scanned the map again and began reading off the types of rides there were.

He was saying something about swings when Chanyeol suddenly shouted, “ROLLER COASTER!!!” I smiled. I was kind of scared of roller coasters, but I always wanted to go on them anyway. Afterwards, I would swear not to go on another one but I’d just end up rushing onto the next one we would see.

I glanced at Luhan hyung happily but saw that he had a nervous expression. I looked at him, concerned, but decided not to say anything for now. The rest of the members cheered and started making their way to the rollercoaster, Kris leading in front while looking at the map. Kyungsoo called us over, so I grabbed Luhan’s hand and skipped over, hoping he would feel better.

When we got there, I looked at the sign. California Screamin’. I smiled and turned to Luhan, but his face was pale. I tilted my head.

“Hyung, are you okay?” I asked, looking at him carefully, gauging his expression. I saw him swallow.

“I just...don’t like heights.” His voice was small. (2)

“Oh,” I said in realization. I remembered his tense looks on the plane ride. It all makes sense. I brightened up. “I’ll stay here with you then!” I beamed at him. He blinked at me, surprised.

“W-what?” he stammered.

I’ll stay here with you! You know, to keep you company while we wait for them to come back from the ride,” I explained cheerfully.

“Are you sure, Sehun?” he asked cautiously. Does he think I could just leave him here alone?

“Of course!” I insisted. I saw his eyes soften, making me smile. Love you, hyung.

Chanyeol called for us to go over, but I motioned that we would be staying here. He just shrugged and started walking towards the line. But Jongin was following him. That surprised me. I was about to call out to him, but Luhan was one step ahead of me. He grabbed Jongin’s arm and started speaking to him sternly, telling him not to go on if he doesn’t feel well. But Jongin stubbornly said he wanted to go, so Luhan eventually let him. Hyung, you’re too nice.

As Jongin turned to go, he looked back at us and asked if we were going. Luhan began stuttering and said that we weren’t. Jongin asked why not.

“I-I just...don’t like...heights...” I saw Luhan look away. My heart broke at his embarrassment. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

“Yeah, so I’ll stay here with hyung. You go ahead, Jongin,” I told him in a bright voice. Luhan turned and smiled at me. I smiled back. Jongin waved and left.

“Hm, maybe we should wait for them near the exit?” I suggested. Luhan agreed. We walked around, trying to find it. I was holding his hand, leading him around. He still seemed kind of shaken at the thought of possibly going up that high. Finally, we found the exit gate. Some people were walking out. Their hair was blown back and they looked kind of out of it, but they seemed like they had fun. Before I could stop myself, I sighed. Luhan noticed.

“Sehun-ah, you didn’t have to stay with me. You should’ve gone on the ride with the others.” He looked down. My heart broke.

“No, hyung, I want to keep you company. You can’t just stay here alone!” I argued.

“Well, none of the coordi noonas went on. I could’ve stayed with them,” he pointed out. I sighed, knowing he wouldn’t give this up. “How about this, you have to go on the next ride they all go on without me if I decide to sit out,” he proposed, crossing his arms. I pouted. I didn’t want Luhan hyung to have to wait by himself... But it didn’t seem like I would have a choice. Giving up, I just nodded, blowing air out of my cheeks. Luhan smiled.

“Now let’s see if they’re out yet.” We looked back at the entrance and waited a few more moments, and sure enough they came out. They looked a little dazed, but overall very energized. Chanyeol bounded up to us, asking Luhan what else was on the map. I peeked over Luhan’s shoulder.

“Hm, didn’t you say something about swings, hyung?” I asked, trying to find a ride he would go on.

“Oh, right!” He looked at the map again. “It’s just around this corner, to the right.” He pointed.

“Come on, then!” I gestured for everyone to follow. We made our way over. We missed the next round, but that meant the line shortened so we didn’t need to wait for long. The employee let us in and we all scrambled around, trying to find good seats together. Luhan sat down and I picked the empty seat in front of him slightly to the right.

“This is okay, right?” I asked worriedly, wondering how high he considered...well, high. He just laughed.

“It’s fine, Sehunnie. I’ve been on rides like this before! There’s an amusement park in Beijing with this ride,” he told me. [A/N]: The amusement park and ride are true, but I do not know for a fact if Luhan has ever been there or on the ride. I’m just assuming since he lived in Beijing for so long and most people living in Beijing have probably been there at some point in their lives.

“Next time we’re in my hometown together, I’ll be sure to take you there.” He smiled at me. I smiled back. Then his eyes became mischievous. Holding onto the strings connected to his chair, he stepped backward, getting himself into launching position. My eyes widened and I scrambled to move forward out of his way, but he let go and suddenly swung forward, bumping into me.

I opened my eyes, which I had squeezed shut. It wasn’t as harsh of an impact as I had expected. But he kept kicking me with his feet. I rolled my eyes, but I wasn’t really angry. (3) But I decided to pretend.

Whipping around, I demanded, “Yah, Luhan, what are you doing?” I omitted my usual ‘hyung.’ His eyes widened.

“Watch your tone of voice, Sehun! I’m older than you,” he said, faking a shocked expression. Actually, it was quite believable, but I knew he wasn’t being serious just from his words. But I forced myself to glare at him.

“Then stop kicking me! You’re the little kid.” I stuck my tongue out at him. Then realizing my childish action, I couldn’t hold it in and burst out into laughter. Luhan dropped his act too and grinned, chuckling.

Soon, an employee came around to make sure our chairs were safely secured and another employee voiced over loudspeaker something in English, probably telling us the ride was about to start. Then, our chairs were all raised a foot above the ground so our legs were left dangling. My pulse quickened in anticipation. I love riding the swings.

Our chairs began moving forward, quickly picking up speed. In no time, we were flying! The wind blew back my hair and I squinted, wanting to see what it looked like from up here.

“Let go of the ropes, Sehun! Let your arms fly freely~” Luhan called from behind me. I followed his advice and it felt even more like we were flying. I let out a whoop of exuberance.

“Hey, Kris!” Luhan’s voice sounded behind me again, and I looked forward, trying to make out the tall man’s figure. I quickly spotted him not too far away from us as Luhan teased, “Look, I can fly, just like you!” Unable to help myself, I cracked up.

“Ha ha, very funny, Luhan,” Kris said flatly, but there was a grin creeping onto his face. We enjoyed the rest of the ride, pretending to be dragons.




AHHHH SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. I got 2.5 hours of sleep last night yet I'm still up at 3:30am because I stayed up to watch Spirited Away... Best. anime. movie. ever. I highly recommend it. Go watch it. Now. 

Anyways, to make up for my lack of updating, here's a slightly longer chapter! :D

I finally rewrote all the chapters I wanted to and can move forward again^^

And I PROMISE THIS FANFIC WILL END BY SUNDAY. That's the day I'm leaving for my 3-week camp where I won't have computer access/internet besides the 3G on my phone, and I do NOT want to make you guys wait that long, so I will be finishing this fanfic before then. Sigh. So much to write. So little time. OTL

I also checked the poll again, and now it's exactly a 50/50 split LOL 10 votes each or something xD But I'm just going to do the same thing with the links that I've been doing for the past few chapters. Hope that's okay?



(1) LINK: (map of Disneyland)

(2) QUOTE: In the Crazy Musician interview of EXO-M, Luhan confessed that he didn't go on many rides in Disneyland because he is scared of heights.

(3) GIFS: (HunHan on the swings)


"luhan started swinging back and forth on his seat and would purposely keep kicking sehun’s seat in front of him."


(cr: junmyeon)

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Hi ^^ Just passing by (after I abandoned this site for years) and I thought I should give you a greeting. (Eventhough you might not remember me at all lol)
After all, you and this fic are one of my (a very few) favorites here (since I haven't read any fic in here that much).
I don't know, well, your fic made me have some kind of bittersweet feeling, nostalgic and heart-warming memories.
I still remember the day I got back home after school to check your updates here :')
Those days and that era were the best, to be honest. With everything still went well and happy. Lots of thing happened after that right?
And that's why I said this fic made me have bittersweet feeling ;u; since...yeah, I really miss Luhan. Sobs.
I definitely re-read this again when I have some more time.

See ya ! ^^
eggers_baekhee #2
HEY FRIEND!~ i came back to read this story because i missed it sooo much!~
SpencerLee13132 #3
Hi! I wanna tranlate your fic. Can I please to have your permission? Sure I'll get full credit and link back to your fic. Looking forward to your reply. :">
this fanfic is the reason why i joined aff and it's now over. *sobs*
i really admire how you put so much effort managing your time with school activities and writing this and updating your story with so many trivia/add-ons,etc. keke... that's why i love you for this.

i felt bad i totaly missed a lot of chapters since i was gone long in aff. looking forward to your new story. gonna subscribe to it. thank you for writing this story. :)
Thank you for writing this amazing fic :'( *sob
I'll keep looking forward to reading your new story.
Author-nim DAEBAK!
Its over ;_; I really loved this fic! T T Thank you for writing this!!!!! <3
omg .. you make me cry ; __ ; no, not only because of sweetness in the story itself
but because i feel so special and full of affection toward this good story
i first read this since ... oh .. 2 months ago ?
it seems so short but for me, it's not short at all and i grow fonder to every chapter you updated ; - ;
you make me feel like ... me, you and exo, it's like we all walk together step by step since that day i know this fic
and to know that it's become to its end now make me heartbreaking T__T
to read this fic, waiting for your next update each time & comment something, all of this become my good memories which i will never forget ; ;

thank you very much for this amazing fic ~♥
and have a good journey with your trip ' v '

(and about the fic lol i talk only my feeling to you and your good fic and almost forget this !
really. i can't handle yixing & zitao's cuteness T_____T they're so cute ~~~
meanwhile - there is a couple that ship themselves looooool
oh i'm gonna miss you and there moments in this fic so much .... ; ________ ; /sobs ...)
I love this fanfic so much.
I'm sad it's over, but it was great while it lasted. :D
Amazing last two chapters!