Chapter 28 - Surprise and Bubble Tea

Behind the Scenes

More surprises! Double update(: [P.S. Do you like the image? Hehe, another askhanhun... If you haven't followed them, gogogo!(: And the original caption in the tumblr post was something like: "It's a HunHan thing."]


Sehun POV [A/N]: Since I’m doing a double update, I want to continue with Sehun’s POV... I will switch to Luhan’s in the middle^^

“SURPRISE!!!!” we yelled. But we ended up being just as surprised as they were.

When we jumped out, we found Kris poised in a protective stance, arm extended, holding...a really thick book. And his other arm was wrapped protectively around Zitao, who was cowering behind him. We were all frozen. Then we burst into laughter.

“Kris, did you think we were burglars?” Kyungsoo asked between laughs.

“I didn’t think you guys would sneak up on us...” Kris rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

“And what are you doing with that book? Were you going to attack us with it?” Chanyeol teased in his deep voice. Kris chuckled.

“I couldn’t find anything else, and don’t diss the book! It can do a lot of damage,” Kris defended.

We all burst out into laughter again.

“What’s going on? I heard Chanyeol’s voice...” I looked up and saw...LUHAN!!! (And Minseok, Jongdae, and Yixing making their way over.) But...LUHAN!!!!!!

“HYUNG!!!!!!!!!” I ran over and crashed into him, sending us spiraling into the wall.

“OOF!” There was a loud bang as he slammed into the wall. I jumped back, concerned.

“Hyung, are you okay?!”

“Ung...” Luhan groaned. “My back...”

I felt terrible. “WAHHHHH, I’M SO SORRY, HYUNG! I DIDN’T MEAN TO HURT YOU! PLEASE, FEEL BETTER!!!” Great job, Sehun. The first time you see each other in weeks, you injure him! And he has a performance tomorrow too!! I mentally slapped myself.

Luhan’s head was down, and he didn’t look up.


Then I noticed that his shoulders were vibrating.

“Are you...LAUGHING????” At my accusation, he burst out laughing, as if unable to contain it any longer.

“WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!” I demanded, offended. “I was so worried about you!!”

“Oh come on, Sehun,” he teased lightly, wiping his eyes. “I’m not that old yet. I can take a small hit or two without breaking my back.” He swatted at me playfully.

My pout turned into a grin. I jumped on him again, this time wrapping my arms around him in a big hug.

“Awwwwwwww.” My eyes flew open and I instinctively stepped backwards and let go of Luhan. I spun around at my fellow members. They were crowded together, watching us. I narrowed my eyes.

“What did you say?” I threatened.

“SeLu, SeLu, SeLu,” Chanyeol chanted.

“Chanyeol,” I warned. He stopped chanting, but smirked at me. I glared at him. “Why don’t you just take Baekhyun and-”

Luhan grabbed my wrist. I turned to him and saw that he looked amused.

“Don’t mind them,” he told me. I’ll try not to.

The atmosphere was bright as we caught up with each other, talking animatedly. We talked about everything we did in the past few weeks. Of course, I had seen all EXO-M’s shows and programs because we were following them very closely, but it was nice to hear from them about the other stuff. But an hour later, the leaders responsibly announced that we would have to go home and get some rest. We whined, but we knew it was for the best.

I turned to Luhan. “What time is your flight tomorrow morning?”

His eyes twinkled. “If you’re asking if we’ll have time to get bubble tea, the answer is yes.”

I broke out into a wide smile. “YAY!” I exclaimed. I mean, I had been getting bubble tea everyday, but it just wasn’t the same without him. He laughed at me and ruffled my hair.

“Let’s go, EXO-K!” Joonmyun called. “I’m glad we got to see each other tonight. I shouldn’t have been so worried.” He smiled at us apologetically.

“Don’t worry about it,” we assured him. “You were just trying to be the responsible leader.”

We all followed him out, waving goodbye to EXO-M as we left. See you tomorrow~


Luhan POV


I groaned and turned around to lay on my other side so my back was facing the noise of car horns. I moved my pillow to cover my head and ears.

“Luhan ge! You need to wake up! We have our flight to Indonesia today for SS4!” I didn’t move.

“...And you were going to get bubble tea with Sehun, remember?” Yixing added.

I shot up out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom. Yixing chuckled.

After I finished getting ready, I stood with Zitao by the door as we waited for Kris to finish.

“Duizhang, how come you’re STILL not done yet?” Tao whined.

“One more minute!” he called.

“That means at least ten,” I muttered jokingly. “I’m going to leave first. Catch up to you later, Zitao!”

“Okay,” he said, waving as I left.

The dorms were really close to the SM building, so I liked walking there in the morning. Thankfully, there were no fans around. I still looked pretty tired, and that wouldn’t turn up well on camera.

When I got to the SM building, I saw Sehun standing outside.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked as I approached him.

“Waiting for you.” He beamed at me. “Let’s go!”

I laughed and he slid his arm through mine. The bubble tea place was always quiet in the morning, just how I liked it. Along the way, I nodded as Sehun ranted to me about how his hyungs were teasing him last night and this morning. He’s so cute. I missed being with him like this.

When we got to the cafe, the bell tinkled as we walked inside.

“Noona!” Sehun greeted the girl behind the cash register.

“Hey, Sehun! And good morning, Luhan oppa.” She turned to me, smiling. “I missed seeing you here the past few weeks.”

“Hi, Byeolra,” I said, grinning. “And I missed coming here.” [A/N]: This girl is fictional, but remember her, because you will see her my upcoming Kris and Sehun fanfic! :D But I’ll try not to give too much away...hehe^^

We ordered our usual, and I paid her. Now that I’m back, I’ll be paying for Sehun’s drinks again.

Since we were on a schedule, we couldn’t stay long and left, waving goodbye to Byeolra. Sehun sipped his chocolate bubble tea as we walked back to the SM building. When we got back, it was just about time to leave. We were leaving earlier so we wouldn’t be delayed at the airport due to our (extremely supportive) fans.

Suddenly, I felt arms from behind wrap around my waist, and a head leaned down on my shoulder.

“Why can’t you just stay,” Sehun complained. I smiled.

“I’ll be back in a few days, it’s not so long this time!” I promised.

“Any time is too long,” he mumbled. I laughed.

“Yah, let go now. We have to go,” I told him playfully.

Sehun shook his head. “Uh uh.”

“Don’t be naughty,” I chided mildly.

“I’m not naughty!” he said indignantly.

“Then let me go.”

“No.” He stuck his tongue out at me.

I laughed. Then I grabbed his arms and unwrapped them from around my waist. He unwillingly let me.

“Call me, okay?” he whispered.

“Of course.” I smiled at him. “Goodb-”

“Shh.” Sehun cut me off, putting his finger to his lips. “Don’t say that. Say... ‘see you soon’!”

I grinned. “Okay, see you soon, Sehunnie~” When I see you again, we’ll finally be able to stay together for a while.




Wheee, a double update! I decided to give you guys another chapter since I failed to be on

time yesterday... .__. Also, I can't update tomorrow :P Hehe writing these imagination chapters are fun^^ 

Shipping Taoris like there's no tomorrow xD And I introduced Byeolra! She will be the main girl character

in my Sehun and Kris fanfic (but you can pretend that she's you :D)

Gah, I can't explain how much I fangirled when I found out Luhan and Sehun get bubble tea together

EVERY MORNING. (Luhan said it in the YinYueTai interview.) <333333

QUOTES: Kris likes to read books, especially self-improvement ones.

Sehun said in an interview that EXO-K is following EXO-M very closely.

A fan asked what Sehun would do when he sees Luhan (the next morning), and Sehun said that they would probably go get bubble tea together. [This was actually referring to after EXO-M comes back from SS4, but I decided to use it here too^^]

Sehun said he likes chocolate bubble tea the best.

Tao said that in the morning, Kris takes the longest to get ready. When they go out to shop, Tao always has to wait for him for a long time. Kris will say he's coming, but Tao will have to wait another ten to fifteen minutes.

Can I take a moment to say how much I love this GIF? 

^Go follow them on tumblr now :D

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Hi ^^ Just passing by (after I abandoned this site for years) and I thought I should give you a greeting. (Eventhough you might not remember me at all lol)
After all, you and this fic are one of my (a very few) favorites here (since I haven't read any fic in here that much).
I don't know, well, your fic made me have some kind of bittersweet feeling, nostalgic and heart-warming memories.
I still remember the day I got back home after school to check your updates here :')
Those days and that era were the best, to be honest. With everything still went well and happy. Lots of thing happened after that right?
And that's why I said this fic made me have bittersweet feeling ;u; since...yeah, I really miss Luhan. Sobs.
I definitely re-read this again when I have some more time.

See ya ! ^^
eggers_baekhee #2
HEY FRIEND!~ i came back to read this story because i missed it sooo much!~
SpencerLee13132 #3
Hi! I wanna tranlate your fic. Can I please to have your permission? Sure I'll get full credit and link back to your fic. Looking forward to your reply. :">
this fanfic is the reason why i joined aff and it's now over. *sobs*
i really admire how you put so much effort managing your time with school activities and writing this and updating your story with so many trivia/add-ons,etc. keke... that's why i love you for this.

i felt bad i totaly missed a lot of chapters since i was gone long in aff. looking forward to your new story. gonna subscribe to it. thank you for writing this story. :)
Thank you for writing this amazing fic :'( *sob
I'll keep looking forward to reading your new story.
Author-nim DAEBAK!
Its over ;_; I really loved this fic! T T Thank you for writing this!!!!! <3
omg .. you make me cry ; __ ; no, not only because of sweetness in the story itself
but because i feel so special and full of affection toward this good story
i first read this since ... oh .. 2 months ago ?
it seems so short but for me, it's not short at all and i grow fonder to every chapter you updated ; - ;
you make me feel like ... me, you and exo, it's like we all walk together step by step since that day i know this fic
and to know that it's become to its end now make me heartbreaking T__T
to read this fic, waiting for your next update each time & comment something, all of this become my good memories which i will never forget ; ;

thank you very much for this amazing fic ~♥
and have a good journey with your trip ' v '

(and about the fic lol i talk only my feeling to you and your good fic and almost forget this !
really. i can't handle yixing & zitao's cuteness T_____T they're so cute ~~~
meanwhile - there is a couple that ship themselves looooool
oh i'm gonna miss you and there moments in this fic so much .... ; ________ ; /sobs ...)
I love this fanfic so much.
I'm sad it's over, but it was great while it lasted. :D
Amazing last two chapters!