Chapter 20 - EXO-M's Sina Live Online Interview

Behind the Scenes

Sehun POV

“Ahh, I have to go, Sehun.” Luhan’s voice sounded regretful over the phone. “We’ve arrived at the Sina Interview. I’ll talk to you later?”

“Alright,” I reluctantly agreed. “I’ll be watching you live!” I teased.

Luhan groaned. “Don’t remind me. I hope I won’t be too awkward.”

“Hey, you won’t have an issue with that! That’s my problem!” I protested.

Luhan laughed. “That's true.” I was about to speak out again indignantly, but he cut me off. “I really need to go now, sorry! Text me.” And then he hung up.

“...Bye, hyung.” I sighed, lowering my phone from my ear. I looked at my laptop screen, which was showing the website for the live interview. Now the only thing left to do was wait.


Waiting was boring. I looked around for something that could keep me occupied for a while, and my eyes lingered on the Rubik’s cube Luhan bought for me before leaving for China.

Practice while I’m gone,” he had said. “Maybe you can beat my time the next time we’re together!”

I hope not,” I had responded. “Because that will take forever, and I want to see you sooner than that.

I smiled at the memory and picked up the cube. Luhan had tried teaching me how to solve it before, talking about a ton of different algorithms and stuff. It was all so confusing, and I had forgotten all of it the moment it left his mouth. After puzzling over it for a few moments, I ended up just spinning it in random directions, and I probably just made it worse.

I let out a puff of air and glanced at the clock. Still a while to go.


Finally, the interview began. Everything started out pretty normal. I had to Google Translate most of the Chinese using the notes they gave us because my Chinese was so bad. It was general at first, but then they started getting specific. As a “Welcome Back to Beijing” thing, they had made a video of some of Luhan’s former classmates and teachers, and Luhan looked really touched. Luhan didn’t really talk much about what his life was like in China. I thought it was because of homesickness.

The interview went on, and I smiled knowingly as they described their living habits. Luhan was chosen as the most organized, although I wasn’t sure how true that was. He was also deemed the one who was hardest to wake up in the morning, which I thought was dead-on. I’ve had to literally drag him out of bed so many mornings... He claims it’s because he can’t hear the alarm clock. But that boy could sleep through a bullhorn blazing in his ear.

The host asked for them to show some of their talents, and when it came to Luhan’s turn, he said he could solve Rubik’s cubes. I looked down at the hopelessly messed up one on my table and reminded myself to ask him to solve it when he gets back to Korea. The host wouldn’t let him slide with the excuse of not bringing one with him though, and he ended up singing a JJ Lin song that I’ve heard him singing often- “Remember.” He looked really nervous, hands folded in his lap, but he ended up doing really well. I’m proud of you, hyung.

Later, they started answering fan questions. The first question asked for their ideal girl types.

This will be interesting.

I paid close attention when it was Luhan’s turn to answer.

I tend to like girls who are more gentle, and quieter. Mm.” I choked. Did he really just say that?? Gentle? Quiet? That’s EXCEPT FOR GIRLS. I thought quickly. Maybe he said it on purpose for HunHan shippers, I speculated. But no, I don’t think he would lie for this sort of thing. That must really be his ideal type. I guess he really likes taking care of people, especially quiet people who don’t really talk for themselves as much. That kind of a girl actually really fits his personality. Luhan, I think I understand where you’re coming from.

While I was thinking, the other members gave their types, and soon afterwards, the host began wrapping up the interview. That was it??? I wanted it to be longer...




...And I know you guys probably wish this were longer too. I AM SOOOOOOOOO SORRY.



To be completely honest, I've been really busy the past few days with extracurricular activities...

(mostly orchestra. :P) I've only been able to start my homework at 9:30pm each night, and that's

been pushing me to not sleep until 2am. Every. Night. .__. And I had set a goal for myself

not to stay up past 2am. So every night, I'm like "Oh I need to update my HunHan fanfic!"

But then I do homework until 2am and I can't update >< BUT TODAY I DID.

Even though I started writing this after 2am, and now it's 3am. 

I'm sorry again -sobs- And I may not update tomorrow -sobs harder-


There are pictures of Sehun and Luhan getting into the same car one after the other^^
And there's a fanaccount of Sehun kissing Luhan on the cheek?



Okay, I shall end this long A/N now lol :/


QUOTES: Quotes were taken from my understanding of Chinese from the live stream of the interview.

[Yes, I stayed up to watch it in the middle of the night live that day lol.  The link has English subs]

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Hi ^^ Just passing by (after I abandoned this site for years) and I thought I should give you a greeting. (Eventhough you might not remember me at all lol)
After all, you and this fic are one of my (a very few) favorites here (since I haven't read any fic in here that much).
I don't know, well, your fic made me have some kind of bittersweet feeling, nostalgic and heart-warming memories.
I still remember the day I got back home after school to check your updates here :')
Those days and that era were the best, to be honest. With everything still went well and happy. Lots of thing happened after that right?
And that's why I said this fic made me have bittersweet feeling ;u; since...yeah, I really miss Luhan. Sobs.
I definitely re-read this again when I have some more time.

See ya ! ^^
eggers_baekhee #2
HEY FRIEND!~ i came back to read this story because i missed it sooo much!~
SpencerLee13132 #3
Hi! I wanna tranlate your fic. Can I please to have your permission? Sure I'll get full credit and link back to your fic. Looking forward to your reply. :">
this fanfic is the reason why i joined aff and it's now over. *sobs*
i really admire how you put so much effort managing your time with school activities and writing this and updating your story with so many trivia/add-ons,etc. keke... that's why i love you for this.

i felt bad i totaly missed a lot of chapters since i was gone long in aff. looking forward to your new story. gonna subscribe to it. thank you for writing this story. :)
Thank you for writing this amazing fic :'( *sob
I'll keep looking forward to reading your new story.
Author-nim DAEBAK!
Its over ;_; I really loved this fic! T T Thank you for writing this!!!!! <3
omg .. you make me cry ; __ ; no, not only because of sweetness in the story itself
but because i feel so special and full of affection toward this good story
i first read this since ... oh .. 2 months ago ?
it seems so short but for me, it's not short at all and i grow fonder to every chapter you updated ; - ;
you make me feel like ... me, you and exo, it's like we all walk together step by step since that day i know this fic
and to know that it's become to its end now make me heartbreaking T__T
to read this fic, waiting for your next update each time & comment something, all of this become my good memories which i will never forget ; ;

thank you very much for this amazing fic ~♥
and have a good journey with your trip ' v '

(and about the fic lol i talk only my feeling to you and your good fic and almost forget this !
really. i can't handle yixing & zitao's cuteness T_____T they're so cute ~~~
meanwhile - there is a couple that ship themselves looooool
oh i'm gonna miss you and there moments in this fic so much .... ; ________ ; /sobs ...)
I love this fanfic so much.
I'm sad it's over, but it was great while it lasted. :D
Amazing last two chapters!