Studio Time

Bad Girl, Good Boy

Sample/teasers of the new song have been relased. 
"He Is, but He Isn't"  feat. L.Joe; by Melody, GD&T.O.P   

What the song is about. 
Song is about how you are dating L.Joe, and he is a good boyfriend, and you think he is the one, but then you start to notice another guy(Jiyong) who has been trying to get your attention, getting adevce from your inner thoughts(T.O.P) though out the song to make up your mind. Trying to ignore the gut  while you are with L.Joe he is sitting on the side lines waiting for you to realize that he is the one for you. Noticing the other guy more and more he kisses you, coming to a close in the song, you break it off with L.Joe, by giving him a kiss and noticing it didn't feel the same.  Ending up with the other guy in the end. The end c:  


Waiting out front for L.Joe to arrive, so you could add the final touches to the song, you were so excited. Getting a few text messages from Jiyong you looked at them sticking your tongue out at what he was saying replying back and saying to your self "ert"

Getting a call and picking it up walking out of the the room smiling. 

"I'm here~" he said in a sing-song voice laughing, in a good mood.
"Yes" you said jogging to the front of the building fixing your pratice clothes then walking down the stairs then to the main floor seeing him staning and looking up at the banners that hung on the walls. 

Putting your phone in your pocket and walking to him, you saw Daesung come out of a room, and smile to him walking to him as well. smiling and talking with a little laughter, they both looked over to you and waved smiling. 

"___-ah~!" Daesung hugged you tightly. 
"Daesungie!" you smiled hugging him back "I thought you all were going to be out today? Ya' know not working?.." you asked blinking and looking at him oddly.
"Yeah, we have a show that we are going to be on, but I needed to stop here and pick something up.." he said pulling away. 
"Ooh.." you sighed releaved. "Byunghyn. How are you today?" You smiled greeting him then hugging him.
"I'm pretty good." he smiled hugging back. "Ready to--" He was cut off by someone loudly clearing their throat. 

Turning around to see Jiyong standing in the hall, then walking over to us. He frowned him hugged on to you tightly, sending L.Joe a slight glare then whinning.

"You're going to work with out me?" Jiyong hung over your shoulder.
"Well.." you sighed looking over to him and lightly pushing him away laughing. "There are parts of the song, that you aren't going to be in, and we still need a dance, for our part in the song." 
"But nothing.." you whinned pulling away from him as he let go of you. "We really need to get to work, and I want a secong mini album." you seriously said narrowing your eyes to him.

Scrunching up his face smiling and pinching your cheek he chuckled walking away. "I like it when you get serious.."

Standing there awkwardly with L.Joe for a moment, you rubbed the back of your head then laughed nervously, as he smiling and put an arm around you. 

Walking to the stairs then back to work room that you were working in, you could see Teddy and Kush in their booths mixing tracks. L.Joe smiled down to you making a small convo about how everyone in Teen Top misses you. Reachig the room, and turning the lights back on, then being to stretch out, looking at your self in the mirror. 

"So, how do you warm up?" you asked sitting on the doing toe-touches. 
"Well, usually... I do some stretches and I run around a bit, to get loosened up before I start." He said moving behind you as you spread your legs moving down forward and he lightly pressed your back down. 
"I hate running.." You groaned as he pushed down harder until you reached the floor. 
"I know lazy.." he said moving away and letting you up, starting to pull his arms. "So how did the song come out?"
"I thinkg people really like it!" you smiled pulling your phone out of your pocket, putting in your password unlocking it and showing the plays and likes on the sample of it. "I can't wait to make the video, and preform it on stage." You smiled locking your phone then placing it on the table in the back. "I think that it's going be great, don't you?"
"I do too.." he smiled hugging you and spinning you around. 

Dance coaches came in, getting you in position, and showing L.Joe the retuin, steps, and how to grasp on to you, during the dance and how to let you go as you get pulled to another dancer who was doing Jiyong's part. 

__________ Later on_______

Sitting in the studio recording room with L.joe you both sat there playing video games, and laughing, listening to music; singing along and dancing to it just hanging out with each other. 

Getting up and walking to the desk, sitting infront of the the sampler/mix table, playing with it, then turning to him and calling him over to you; he stood over you leaning his head on to yours smiling. Holding up the mic to him.

"Rap something for me." you smiled poking his face with it. 
"Okay." he smiled laughing then clearing his throat and taking it. 

"Sitting here with Melody, thinking of what say. I don't know what to do." he smiled even more. "Oh please girl just come here and let me--" he was cut off by the door opening. 

Popping up off of your head and standing straight up, you both looked over to Jiyong and Seunghyun who standing at the door, smiling and waving to you. Entering the room and moving to the couch and sitting down Jiyong looked to you smiling with a slight glare. 

From: Bingu Dragon<3
       Why is he still here? Isn't it past his cerfew? Lol~

From: _____<33333
        Because we were hanging out, and if it is past his then it is past mine!
       And we were waiting on you to get back so we can go over the dance together..

Standing then looking over to them. 

"We should pratice!" you said pulling Jiyong and Seunghyun off of the couch. "C'mon.. Youngbae, and Daesungie didn't help with the dances for no reason.." you pulled ans pulled but they still didn't move. 

A smile grew on Seunghyuns face as he pulled you to him laughing, and hugging you. "Can't we just relax? We just got back from a taping.." 
"It's not like you are dancing anyways!" you said pulling away from him then walking to L.Joe, grabbing his hand pulling him behind you. "We will go pratice then, you guys can come when you are ready.." you groaned leaving the room. 

Starting the song, then sitting on the floor infront of the mirror, L.Joe sat with you laughing. 

"What are you doing?"he asked laying in your lap. "You know I am too tired to dance right now. Can we just sit here and talk, and go over the screen work for the video, and the live preformance?" 
'Ne." you smiled playing with his blonde hair, his hair. "What part to you want to go over?" you asked as he flipped through the papers. 
"In the live preformance, do we really kiss?" he asked unsure. "That can get banned..." he said concerned. 
"Well, I mean, I was going to use my hand and cover over our mouths, to make it look like we kissed but not really kiss you." you laughed smiling with your eyes.
"Oh. okay." he smiled back laughing. 

Talking about everything and how your mother is coming to visit, you offered for him to come by and see her, when she comes. Talking and laughing more and more over the music, realizing how late it was getting you walked him down stairs and out of the front door, hugging him then waving good bye and watching him make his way to his car; then walking back inside. 

Texting and walking to the elvator, you bumped into someone frim chest, looking up to see Jiyong grinning, then smiling a gummy smile, he hugged you and pulled you inside laughing. Hugging on to him back lightly then, pulling away looking at him. 

"Need a ride home?" he asked, leaning down closely to your face touching your nose to his. "I'll let you drive.."

Moving away from him leaning against the closed door, and nodding you covered your mouth trying to move back away from him. 

"No kisses?" he pinned you on the door pressing the floor button. "Just one?" he his lips moving closer and closer. "I mean they are mine right?" he asked looking you in the eyes.

Lightly and quickly tapping your lips against his, then leaving the elavator as the door open against your back, he put his arm around your waiste pulling you to him. Leaning over to your ear. 

"Are they?" he asked once more.
"Why are you so jealous?" you smirked to him then your lips, noticing an odd taste to them. "Are you drunk?" you mumbled to him reaching the door and opening it, getting your buffle bag. He smiled and nodded to you, as he slung himself over your shoulders.

Getting your things then taking his car keys from him, you smiled excited to drive, you had driven before, just not for a while seeing to how you don't have a car. Walking out to the car, sitting in the drives side, as Jiyong got in softly singing 'Ego" as he snuggled himself into the seat, smiling. 

Listening to him sing for the ride to your place, made you smile, as you drove. Placing his hand on your thigh he smiled looking over to you, as you parked and turned the car off. Getting ou then getting out your buffle bag from the back of the car, then looking at jiyong light a cigarette, then sit on the side walk as you walked up to him. Sitting down next to him he put his arm around you shoulder pulling you closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder, you nuzzeled his neck smiling. 

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Sweet. I like it
Looking forward to an update
xXMaurix #2
Chapter 23: Nice update^^
Update soon~
Be waiting~
xXMaurix #3
Update soon~
GO JI! Keke