Dinner with your idols.

Bad Girl, Good Boy

Chunji 19, L.Joe 19, C.A.P 20, Niel 19, Ricky 18, Changjo 17(going on 18) Teen Top!

Getting ready for your first talk show interveiw that you were personally invited to by, Teen Top and the host of the show, Mae Bong-Cha her self; to be their other idol guest.
Sitting in your dressing room, you were contanstly texting Jiyong agruing with him about how he has nothing to worry about while your there, and you will call him when you get home, to leave you alone, and not to come to the studio. Until your phone rang in the middle of a long text message you were sending him.

Standing up and bowing to the girls doing your make-up, you walked to the door of the room stepping out and answering the phone.
"What do you want?" you said answering.
"Yahh, ____" He shouted at you. "No hello for your Jiyong oppa~?" you could hear his pout through the phone.
"No! I need to be getting ready..." you sighed to him. "I am fine and nothing is going to happen. I am safe." you said looking around to make sure no one was around.
"I promise you, I won't come by to check on you if you say, "I love you Jiyong Oppa." Just once" he smirked giggling.

Looking around one more time grunting in agreement to him you sighed the mummbled out quitely. "I love you Jiyong Oppa."  bitting the inners of your lips you waited for his responce to you. 

"What was that?" He giggled. "I couldn't hear your mumbles over my car keys,  what did you say?" he giggeled the keys in the back ground. 
"Fine.." you cursed under your breath, then clearing your throat. "I love you Jiyong Oppa~" you said then walking back into the dressing room.
"I love you too my little dongsaeng." he beamed though the phone. "Call me when you arrive at home."
"Yeah, yeah.. Good bye." you hung up canceling the text mesage for him, sitting back into the chair as they went back to doing your maku-up and hair.

Watching from the host from the back of the stage with the Teen Top members waiting to be introduced to come to the stage, you smiled to them then lightly whispered. 
"Thank you, for inviting me to show." you smiled them.
"N-nnooo, problem.." Niel studdered blushing. 

Hearing our queue to come out we all smiled at eachother as they let me run out first and them behind me, waving and smiling cheekly to the camercas, then taking our seats at the table.

"Yo," you said cocking a smile to the camerca. "I'm YG's little attetude Medoly." in English 
"A- annyeong haseyo. I'm power voice Chunji." He winked to the camera bowing.
"Annyeong." the cute little waved smiling. "I'm Teen Top's Lovely Boy Ricky."
"Hello. I'm L. Joe." he smiled to the camerca lightly looking to your way.
"Hi." a little sweet voice came out of his mouth. "I'm Neil."
"Haiii, I'm daning boy Changjo~" he grinned waving to the camerca.
"And I am C.A.P" he smiled waving, in a deep voice. 
Hearing all of the fan cheer and say the fan charts you smiled even bigger 

"Welcome to Dinner with your idols~!" Bong-Cha cheered into her mic causing you all to cheer along with her smiling and putting your arms up. "Where you get your questions answered, and to see our your idols really are! Let us begin." As the crowd cheered along.

As the food started to come out she looked over at me first smiling, then to Ricky and Chanjgo, then back at me. 

"So, Medoly-ah, in Teen Top!" She smiled to us. "Who is your bias?" she giggled to her self.

Looking over to them seeing them all point at them self you smirked chuckling, then sitting back in your seat. "I think that my favorite has to be--" 

Ricky jumped up in his seat, smiling "Noona~ You know I am your favorite. It's okay you don't have to say it out loud." 
"Ani! I'm her favorite" Changjo whinned, "Noona, say it. Say I'm your favorite!"

The crowd cheered louder, with squeals and laughter.
"Pabo.." Niel called out to them, laughing.
"I really can't choose a favorite. I think they are all cute, and funny." you smiled laughing reaching over Chunji to get a roll. Then sitting back down using your arms and making a heart over your head.
"Aegyo." Chunji smiled pinching your cheeks as you ate.

"Our second question is for L.Joe." She looked at the card then showed a picture. "You and Melody knew each other in high school?"
his lips then smiling, "Ne, neh.." he leaned over the table looking over to you. "I guess, you could say we were kinda close." 
"Yah! Aniyo!" you called out covering your mouth. "You used to make fun of me, for being short..." you pouted then your tongue out to him.

Laughing they passed the picture of you two around and showed it to the camera then on the screen behind you, to show the crowd, as they all cheered and laughed.

"I look so different, now.: you smiled eating more and more.

"Yah.." CAP call out to L. Joe, "Why didn't we know you knew Melody?" 
"How was I suppose to know that you wanted to meet her?" He laughed starting to eat.
"Because we invited her!" Chunji yelled out to him throwing balled-up napkin at him. 
"I didn't think about it." he smirked throwing it back at him but missing him and hitting you. 

"Yah! Short-pabo!" you laughed with food in your mouth. "Watch where your throwing stuff! I'm trying to eat."

As everyone finished eating and answering questions that were being answered, another question came up for you after many other ones.

"Is Melo-Dragon real?" She asked covering hiding a smile that grew on to her face.

Almost chocking on your drink you looked over to her, coughing covering your mouth as Chunji patted your back blushing as you looked up at him, bowing you head and thanking him.

"No, it is not real." you sighed, looking away from everyone and down at the table. "We are just really close, he is always helping me with my writting, and there to "critize" or over see my raps."you said making your eye twitch.
"Noona!" Chanjgo called out.
"Ne?" you turned to him smiling. 
"Out of everyone in Big Bang, who is your favorite??" he asked as everyone gasped at his words.

Before you could answer the director called out cut, as you all stood up and bowing to the crowd then walking back stage. You left some tap your shoulders, turning to face them you were pulled into a tight hug. 

"Byung Hun." you smiled hugging back. 
"I missed you ___." he smiled back letting you go. "Sorry, I didn't get to talk to you much at the M Count Down..." He rubbed the back of his head. I was kinda rushing. 
"Ahh.. It is fine." you smiled back at him. "You guys are so much fun, I miss hanging out with you." 
"Yeah, me too." looking down at you his eyes glew. "We should hang out again sometime, like we used to."

Feeling your phone go off again you smiled pulling up one finger then turning away answering it.

"Hello?" You answered.
"____-ah, come home already so I have some one to mess with." Jiyong whinned. "Everyone is out, or busy." 
"I am busy.." you sighed rolling your eyes.
"_____, I'll be right back okay?" L.Joe said walking over to his friends, as you nodded to him.

"Who was that?" Jiyong asked a bit jealous. 
"Teen Top's lead rapper, L.Joe.." you said, "He is a friend of mine from High school." 
"Mhmm," he said. "Do you want a ride when it is over?"
"Ummm.. Fine!" you said laughing as L.Joe came back. "We should be over in about an hour."
Giggling he hung up knowing he was smiling. 

"L.Joe, and Melody you guys are needed back on stage." a crew member said.
Nodding you both walked back to the stage, wit the others smiling and waving then standing in the middle of the stage, as song played in the back ground.

"Now! To the fun stuff!!!" Bong-Cha shouted sitting down in a chair, as you all sat to. 

Chunji stood up then pulled up ricky who sat in the middle, pulling him by the collar of his shirt, and to the end of the chair by you. 
"Offer, ___.. The seat in the middle." He smiled still holding on to Ricky who was pouting.
"..N-nooonnaaaa~" he smiled as Chunji released him hugging on to you tightly. "Since you are so pretty, please sit in the middle?"
"Fine," you smiled still hugging on to him then jumping down from the chair, then letting go of him and moving to the middle between Niel and Chunji.

After settling down and calming the crowd, "Back to the question." she asked. "Who is it?"
"Well honestly I can't really say I have a favorite, but I guess of it even came down to it..." You paues I guess I would have to choose T.O.P." you smiled covering your mouth laughing.
"How was it like when you first met them?" she smiled giggling back at you.

Clearing your throat and sitting up. "Well I meant them all kind of at different times. When I met Daesungie, my manager was taking me to the YG Studio, when  I first saw him I couldn't believe it was really him, and all he did was smile then he came up to me and asked. "Are you lost? Want me to show you around?" I agreed and he showed us were to go. Then I met G Dragon in the reccording studio about a month later, he wanted to hear me rap in person and to finally meet me, then Seungri came in that day too, and his first words to me were," you cleared your throat to mock his voice, opening your mouth to a gage widening your eyes and standing beside Niel holding on to his hand staring at him. "I think I am in love, how old are you." you giggles letting go of his hand as he blushed sitting back down "Then at a dance practice I met Taeyang, he helping me talk to one of the music producers in English."  You said smiling.

"Oh so you met T.O.P last then?" she asked.
"Ne, neh.." you smiled nodding. "We, met at a meeting a week later. Once we met he quickly made a joke about my height, as I fangirled about meeting one of my favorite rappers, he just laughed at me." 

Laughing at you Teen Top smiled as their next question came up on to the screen. 
"How did you all meet Melody?" 

"I met her in high school," L.Joe said. "She was in the middle of a circle at lunch rapping against some really tall guy, pushing my way there, while she rapped I caught her eye and she made a charistic smile while she rapped then when it was done, I went up and talked to her." he laughed "That day, I was I got detention for being late from lunch." he sighed.
"I went to one of her fan signings." Changjo admitted, "then she asked me for mine smiling."
"Back stage on the M Count Down," Niel smiled, "I heard her yelling at G Dragon-ssi, telling him to go away."
"At the M Count down practice stage, I was staring at her while she was going over her dance, and she saw me." Chunji looked over you blushing lightly laughing as they all laughed him.
"I wet her back stage at M Count Down, she was sitting with the rest of the groups smilinging and making jokes smiling and dancing with other groups then she came up to me making up a freestyle rap about how I should get up and join them." CAP laughed smiling.
"She smiled at me and stool my heart." Ricky beamed smiling. "Just kidding, she was the only one was willing to help me, beat up L.Joe back stage before the show."

After playing around on the show answering more questions, saying out brust, hoping out of your saet and almost beating up L.Joe, as they did it to each other, mocking each other, and dancing around; the show was coming to an end you all walked back stage together as RIcky hugged you. 

"Noona, I don't want you to go." Ricky whinned letting go then holding your hand, as you walked around looking for Jiyong. "Come out with us, please. It will be so much fun."
"I am so sorry Ricky.." you pulled out your phone, "I have plans made, but I would love to make plans to hang out any other time." you handed your phone to him, as he gave you his. 
Exchanging numbers the other members came up to you with Jiyong. 

"____," he smiled hugging you as you tried to pull away. "You ready for our night together?"
"Ne," you said as he let go and you smiled to the other Teen Top members who put their numbers in your phone. 

Not paying ateention to the others as Jiyong latched to you resting his head on yours hugging you tightly grinning as you glared up at him. 

"What do you have planned?" you asked trying to move away again.
"Just a nice little time, to hang out." he grinned bigger.

"Noona~" Changjo called out to you holding out your phone showing you your new screen saver of them.
"Aegyo." you smiled moving away from Jiyong getting your phone back looking at it. "I wish i could just keep you all in my pockets, you are all too cute."
"Noona, thank you." Ricky clung to you again smiling, then seeing Jiyong's annoyed face he let go, moving back to the other members as you hugged them all.

L.Joe pulled you aside smiling, whispering. "Maybe you should stop by some time ya'--" but was cut off by a loud sigh from Jiyong.

"Yah!" you pushed the clingly man away. "Yes we should all hang out soon, but I have to go now." turning and walking back to the dressing rooms.

With Jiyong closely behind you, you opened the door and could feel ins warm chest on your back as you started to blush, and your hands started to shake as you reached for your bag, then grasping it and turning to bump into Jiyong's chest as you still blushed then looked up to him as he looked down at you. Smirking down at you, you bit your lips then playfully but roughly punching his his chest. 

"We shouldn't do this is in public." you blushed an even dark red, pushing your way through him as he walked behind you again.

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Sweet. I like it
Looking forward to an update
xXMaurix #2
Chapter 23: Nice update^^
Update soon~
Be waiting~
xXMaurix #3
Update soon~
GO JI! Keke