New Track

Bad Girl, Good Boy

Entering the meeting room, early on a Monday morning you sat down with everyone one else next to Seung Hyun and Deasung, holding your coffee then setting it down you looked at the papers that were being pasted out. Only you Tebby, Kush, and the members of Big Bang were attending the meeting, putting you in an uneased state, thinking you were going to be in trouble. Once everyone was in the meeting got started. 

"So." YG clapped his hands sitting at the table, looking to everyone. "It has come to my attention and the attention of the media about ____, and her relationship with Teen Top's L.Joe and Jiyong.." he smirked. "We think she should do a collab., with someone." he pointed to Teddy and Kush.
"A love song, or a slow song." Teddy added. "Maybe stepping out of youe element, of being a bad , to show your softer side, to others, and maybe get the attention of others."
"A lot of people want to see, pull out that soft side and show it off." Kush smiled to you with a giggle.
"But, I thought I was going on hiatus soon?" You looked up to them. "And who would i do the song with?"
"Well, yeah you are; but it can be your good bye stage song, and then when you do your next comeback you build on from that back to your state of being 'YG little attitude' haha." YG mocked your voice causing everyone to laugh out in the meeting. "Well, maybe it could be with Teen Top's L.Joe featured in the video, you two seem to be perrty close. What was your old relationship with him?" he asked noted somthing on his papers. 

Clearing your throat and noticing Jiyong grip on to the arms of his chair and the look on face change, waiting on your answer. You could tell he already knew what was going to come out of your mouth. 

"We dated in highschool, but before that we were really close friends." you said looking away from Jiyong as he bit on to his lips. 
"Oh, I see.." he said looking at you. "You know if there is going to be a problem with that, we don't ha--" you cut him off
"There is no problem." you smiled to him. "We are just really close friends, now." you sighed looking over to him.
"Oooh." he said taking more notes. "But I would still like to know about any othe relationships, or soon to be relationships before anything goes public." 

Feeling all color from your melt away, and your heart beat increase you looked at him shocked. *Does he know about Jiyong and me? But wait we aren't dating, all that has happened is that i stayed the night at his house a week ago, and we have kissed a few times.. Nothing else.*

"Mwo?" popped out of your mouth. "What do you mean?" you asked trying to compose your self as you felt like you had broke out into a cold sweat as Jiyong looked over to you.
"if there is anything going on with anyone, I would like to know; before you or anyone else release it to the public." He said clearly with a slight laugh. "Is there anything going on between you and anyone?"  He asked not looking away from his papers but rising an eyebrow to you. 

Everyone looked to you as you opened you mouth to say something, Jiyong cut you off befofe the words could come out of your mouth. 

"Do you really think, I would let her in a relationship?" He laughed looking over to from the corner of his eye. "Plus, the only person who she wants to be in a relationship with is Seunghyun-hyung. Didn't you watch her in the interview?" He added clearing his throat to mock you "Umm, my ideal type would be like T.O.P-Oppa~! He is so tall, and his voice is just perfect. If we didn't have such an e.." he made everyone laugh 
"Yah! Pabo!" you shouted playfully laughing fixing your hair as Seunghyun rubbed your head laughing.

After laughing and going through the paper. YG smiled then got to Big Bang. 

"Now, as the oppas of ____. You all have to watch out for her, and her dancing, and lyric in her song." He stated. "Everyone has to help out in some part of the song weither it being lyrics or dance. You will all be in this video." he smiled lightly then stood up tapping the table. "I need to make a few calls to Brave Sound Studio's now." 

Walking out behind everyone Jiyong smiled and walked over to you glidding infront of you with a huge smirk on his face looking aoround to make sure no one was around. Not paying attention to him you were texting and smiling at your phone then showing him the message. 

"My umma is coming to see me!" you smiled looking at the message, then replying back to her as you leaned again the wall. 
"So, I get to meet your mother; soon?" He smiled then leaned closer to your ear whispering. "I'm not even your boyfriend yet, and you already want me to your mother?" Pulling away and laughing you looked at him oddly then stood up straight. 
"And who said you will be?" you laughed starting to walk away from him to the studio room, with him trailing behind you.

Sitting on table writing out some lyrics that came to your mind about love, hitting your forehead then rooling on to the floor from the low table you rolled around groaning and whinning, as Jiyong looked at you, then sat infront of you as you stopped rolling and laid face down in defeat. Patting your back lightly he ran his fingers through his hair. 

"Are you trying to just write the song, or put your actually emotions into it?" he asked laying down with you. 
"Idunnoo.." you whinned lifting your head lightly, as he pulled your chin up. 
"How are you suppose to right a song about your love for me, when you won't put your emotions into it?!" he yelled laughing to you. 
"Yah!" you pushed him away and got up. "Who said the song was about you?" 
"Well.." he trailed off smiling. "It is a love song, and you do love me-" you cut him off by flicking his forehead.
"We need to get to work." you sat back down on the table, then picking up the pen and paper. 

Jiyong took the note book, and the pen walking over to the wall, and holding the notebook against it humming and writing out lyrics. Standing up then walking over to him he finished two lines. 

Clearing his throat the reading off of the paper. 
"Don't deny, don't try to hide it.." he rapped then slowed down moving closer to you. "when our lips first met, we both couldn;t flight it." 

Back up against the wall, Jiyong moved down closer to,smirking and muttering "You like it?" He closed his eyes as you nodded and he kissed you. 

your bottom lip, lightly bitting it he begged for enternce. Smirking with a slight giggle you opened your mouth slightly as he took his advantage, pulling you closer to him and pressing his body frimly on to yours, as his tongue explored your mouth, and he hands dropped the note book and pen moving to your back lifting you up off of your feet. Deepening the kiss as he held on to you tighter and tighter, you got ideas for lyric for the song.

Pulling out of the kiss, and opening your eyes you shouted out "I got it!" wiggling away from him you picked up the note book and sat on the floor and he looked down at you dumbfounded and watched you write out lyrics to the song. Standing up and rushing out of the room, Jiyong jaw dropped as he watched you leave not giving him any attention. 

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Sweet. I like it
Looking forward to an update
xXMaurix #2
Chapter 23: Nice update^^
Update soon~
Be waiting~
xXMaurix #3
Update soon~
GO JI! Keke