
Bad Girl, Good Boy

Jumping up and down surprused, screaming out then rushing into the car and hugging on to a woman tightly. 

"Umma..." you gripped on to her tightly, burying your face into her shoulders crying, you squeezed tighter and tighter.  "Umma, I thought you weren't coming anymore.." you pulled away looking to her then your sister. 

Hugging her tightly as well, then looking over to the boys who smiled and took pictures and cooed at you, then patted your back smiling. Hugging on to the boys then smiling you pulled away from them shocked. 

"Thank you so much for doing this.." you cleared your eyes, "But why.." you looked at them confused. "It's not my birthday for an other 3 months, and--"  you were cut off. 

"For your pre-come back with your 2nd mini album!" Jonghyun said smiling hugging you again tightly and picking you up. "Aren't you happy? Byung Hun called and begged your umma to come and told her how much you missed her, and that when you two were talking one night you told him about how much you missed her cooking for you.." he started to go on and on, as you tried to break free, and hug you mother again. 

"So are you and Byung Hun, together again?" you little sister asked smiling, linking her arms with your and his. 
"WHAT?" you both said blushing. "Wae?" 
"So, I can have TOP oppa to my self.." she smiled laughing to her self. 
"Yah!" you yanked your arm away from her and pushed her head away. "You are like 14! Plus..." you paused looking away. "He is all mine!" you said smiling hugging her to your chest. "I missed you (insert sister's name). You need to call me more."

Getting into the van with them you smiled looking to your mother then resting your head on her shoulders smiling. 

"____. You're hair, why do you always dye your hair red, and let it fade?" she asked kissing your forehead, then playing with your hair. "I like it better bright fresh." she smiled kissing your head again. "After tonight, want me to dye it for you night after dinner?" 
"I would love that." you softly smiled up to her. 
"Then after that we can talk about your boyfriend.." she said quitely patting you lap smiling. "Umma, wants to know it all." she laughed to her self. 
"Umma!" you said embarassed. 

Arriving at the dorm of the Teen Top members, they covered your eyes with a sheet of cloths, and guided you where to go. Setting into the door way and almost tripping, Min Soo caught you as you hastely pulled the cloth off of your face looking around to the the front oth the dorm completely decorated, as they popped party streamers on you, getting it caught in you hair. 

"Do you all know that, my comeback isn't for another month.. Right?" you asked looking around to their smiling faces. 
"Yeah, but this is the only time umma could get off, and I could get out of school..." you sister whinned hugging you tightly "Don't you want to spend as much time with us a you can before we have to go home? Plus, I get to hang out with Teen Top." she added under her breath. 
"Pabo.." you smiled hugging her tightly. 

Sitting down with them all at the table Byung Hun sat infront of you smiling looking over to you as you ate and made convo with the others. Reaching his foot over to your and tickling it under the table he trailed up your leg making you laugh as he and the other laughed at you. 

Finishing eat you all put your dishes into the kitchen offerening to help clean with your mother, Min Soo denied the request from the both of you telling you to have fun and relax. 

Playing games with them on the wii, you sat next to ybour little sister who was sitting really closely to Jonghyun. 

"You look so much like your sister, just" he paused smiling. "Shorter and with brown hair." 
"Awe, you forgot to say more annoying~" you laughed hugging on to them both joking. 

Smiling then watching Daneil change the game to Just Dance 3, standing up and picking up a free remote you, pulled your sister up with you. 

"We go first." you smiled to them as they laughed watching the two of you as you set up and picked the song. "Beautiful Liar.." you said picking it as Chunji picked up another remote standing on the other side of you.

Starting the dance moving your hips the right way and bellingdancing along with the song you could hear everyone laughing and cheering in the back as you looked over to Chan Hee who was struggling and groaning.

"Not fair ___-ah!" he whinned "I can't move my hips like you can." 
"Let's finish this song then you can pick the next one oppa" you said as she was hitting all the right moves. 

"Fine" he exhaled as he tried harder.

"Chan Hee fighting!" Ricky cheered laughing. 

Finishing the song, you little jumped up and down excited. "I won!" she repeated over and over. 
"Only because Chan Hee distracted me.." you pouted flopping down on the couch then leaning on Byung Hun, who patted your shoulder smiling, as you checked your phone.

From: Bingu Dragon<3 
       I really wish I could be there with you to meet your umma, and sister. 
     Tell them hi for me. I'll be back home in a few days now. 
    I can't wait to see you ___ I miss you.
    Hopw you're having fun with the Teen Top boys... -___-*

Watching them all play the game Byung pulled you up when it was his turn giving you a remote and picking a song. Doing a soing thqat was meant for two people you smiled and laughed with him as the scores wnet neck and neck between the two of you. Playfully pushing him as the song was about to end making your score move up more than his, you jumped around cheering at your winnings. 

After finishing up the games and joking and talking ewith your friends and family, you umma smiled sweetly to you and hugged you to her tightly pulling Byung Hun in too. 

"I am so happy the two of you are talking again." she smiled kissing the top of both of your heads. "You guys are like brother and sister." she smiled laughing then lettging go. "C'mom, let's get going ___." she pulled your little sister away from Chunji as she clung to him

"Bye Oppas." she smiled waving and bowing. "Thank you so much for having us over."  She sat to put on her shoes. 

Hugging them all and thanking each of them you walked over to the quiet Byung Hun, who smiled to you as you walked over to him. Hugging on to him tightly gripping on to his back, burring your face in his chest. 

"I know you planned this.." you smiled looking up tp him. "Thank you so much Byung Hun; you have no clue how much this means to me." you gripped tighter as you heard a camera on a phone go off, and the people in the back in awe cooing at you. 

Pulling away and you laughed at Ricky who was typing something on his phone. 

"Yah! What are you doing?" you asked as you walked to the door. 
"Posting this on twitter and me2day! To show how close you and Hyung are again!" he smiled laughing and giggling showing you the editing that he was doing to the picture. 

Standing with tyour shoes on and exiting the door you smiled and waved bye to them all thanking them once more. 


Arriving home, you opened the front door to your dorm, you turned the light on taking off your shoes. 

"Here is the kitchen, living, and dining room." you pointed to them out. "And down that hall too the right is my room, all the way down in the restroom, then to the left is the guest room." 
"Wow," you sister looked around amazed. "Cleaner than I thought it would be..." she smiled patted your back.
"Only, because she is never home." you mother joked laughing. "Show (insert little sister name) the shower." you mother said handing her her bag. 

"Oh." you said reaching to your phone dailing a number then reaching for her hand, as your mother sat down in the living room. 

"Unnie?" she asked as you both enter the rest room. 
"Ne?"  you turned to her, turning on the water. 
"...Is G Dragon Oppa, your boyfriend?" she asked unsure of her self. 

Sighing deeply not wanting to lie to your sister, you held out your pinky. "Promise not to ever tell anyone, and never talk about it?" you said to her as she locked hers in yours. 

Gulping down she said yes nodding. 

"Well, we aren't really official, but I guess you can say that we are together.." you admited to her, biting your lip nervously. 
"REALLY!?" she jumped up excited. "I knew it.." she said sitting back down. "I am happy for you ___." she hugged you tightly then pushed you out of the restroom as she started to undress. 

Walking out of the restroom, you heard your mother calling your name.

"Ne, umma?" you said walking to her sitting next to her. 
"So, about the boyfriend thing, you and Jiyong-ah.." she paused. "Are together?" she asked rising an eye brow. 
"Mhmm.." you said nodding. "Please don't tell anyone." you begged as she hugged you tightly. 
"My little girl is growing up so fast, and doing so many great things." she said proudly. "You, she wants to be just like you, she wants to sing and dance just like you." 
"I know, and I promise you that I will keep in better contact now." you said leaning into her lap as she played with your hair. "I hate the felling of missing you both so much, and appa too." 

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Sweet. I like it
Looking forward to an update
xXMaurix #2
Chapter 23: Nice update^^
Update soon~
Be waiting~
xXMaurix #3
Update soon~
GO JI! Keke