Idol Confessions YG Special

Bad Girl, Good Boy

Walking on to the set after leaving hair and make up, you were looking around as everyone stood in one area and people were explaining what to do. Standing next to Minji and Bom, you listened in turning your cell phone off. 

"So.." he cleared his throat, "Three people per seat, and sit with some one who is relavent to you." he explained showing us the seats and where they were. 

"Wanna sit with us?" Seunghyun asked point to him and Dongwook. "We are the choi family." he smiled laughing. "Even though you're a Kim, you fit in with us Choi's..."
"Ne, ne!" you smiled chearing to your self. "I get to sit with my two favorite oppas~" you sang smiling as Jiyong walked behind you. 

Hugging you and stopping your dance you pulling awt from him., reaching for help as everyone walked away. You laughed as he kissed your cheek whinning in your ear. 

"You're not gong to sit with me?" he started to fake cry. "Wae?"
"Because I am in the Choi family." You laughed blushing and moving away from him. 

Walking to everyone else as the hosts of the show introduced themselves to you all. 

"Annyeong" he smiled bowing then finishing with "I'm Yoo Jae, for those who don't know me." he smiled even bigger as he looked around.
Hello~! I'm Park Myungsoo." he cheared smiling. "It's really nice to see you all."
"And I am Jung Yonghwa." he smirked waving to us.

Going down the long line of everyone introducings them self, you were standing next to Jiyong who had decided that poking your tickle spots was what he wanted to do. 
Slapping away his hands and holding in laughter you were trying so hard to not draw attention to the two of you. Grabbing his hands and whispering to him narrowing your eyes to him, as everyine turned to you waiting on your introduction. 

"Hello, I am ____, or Melody." you threw Jiyong's hands away from you and bowed "It is nice to meet you all~" you smiled.
"Hi, I'm Kwon Jiyong, or G Dreagon" he laughed as moved away from him. 

"Okay, so everyone has a queue to come out, and what to do and say." YG walked down handing everyone pieces of paper. "After you do what you have to do, you take your seat and when everyone is done, you have to all answer questions, and if someone says it is a lie you have to find a way to prove it or you have to do something." Walking back over to you and smiling. "Now with you they are going to show your profile, and ask you things about it, please be as clear as possible about things."

Nodding and smiling, you went over you sheet of paper, remembering to your self that you walk on to the stage after Seungri.


Watching everyone walk on to stage you were sop amazed at how they all acted, and casually answered there questens. Wathcing Seungri walk on to stage doing his little dance to his song, you smiled laughing to your self. Then hearing the begining of your song and walking on to the stances that raised up to the stage smiling and winking, and biting doing a slight dance walking over to where you had to sit in the middle of Seunghyun and Dongwook. 

Smiling and hugging them and waving to the host smiling. 

Watching as Minjy walked out smiling her cute little smiling dancing along to the spelling of her name in "Follow Me", she sat down next to Seungri as they both smiling and waved to each other.

Getting the show started they all looked over to you, as you smiled awkwardly as they showed your profile picture on the screen behind you. 

Staring dumbfounded at the old picture of you from the begining of the year, you covered you mouth as everyone cooed and laughed, then looked rapidly at the picture then you then back. 

"Awwee~" CL shouted smiling looking over to you. "You were so cute pre-debut, what happened?" she asked joking laughing making the other laugh. 
"Yah! Unnie, you happened." you laughed smiling turning back to her. "Always stressin' me out making me work, when I wanna eat.." you sighed covering your face holding back laughter.

As everyone calmed down, Yonghwa cleared his throat looking over to you holding up his note cards. 

"You are younger than I thought." He smiled. "Are there things you get into trouble for?"
"All the time!" you shouted almost jumping up out of your seat. "Minzy, and I both get into trouble." you sighed sinking into your seat. 
"For what?" Jae asked interested. 
"Like with me I mostly get into trouble for hanging out with people older than me, my dancing, texting, and.." you mumbled quitely "in some of my songs for slang and cursing..." 
"What was that?" Pys said loudly standing holding his hand to his ear. "Speak up! We couldn't hear you!"
".." groaning then saying louder "In some of of my songs for using slang, and cursing." You slumped down more and more. 
"Oh, that is what you said." Tablo laughed along with the others.
Smiling then looking back down to his note cards. "So it seems that you really adore T.O.P, why?" Jae asked smiling looking at the two of you. 

Clearing your throat and smiling looking over to him, "Well, it is just that like my ideal man, would be TOP oppa," you smiled to him then looked to Jiyong out of the corner of your eye, your lips. "Like his height, deep voice, and just look at him, plus his rapping his amazing. I really admore him." 
"What do you feel about Mir, from MBLAQ?" Myung Soo asked smiling the pointing to the back screen.

Smiling then pulling up a clip on the screen of Mir from MBLAQ, as he blushed smiling covering his face, then saying. 

"Melody-ah, I know you admore TOP-ssi, but hopefully.." he cleared his voice. "I could be a rapper that you would soon admire as well."
As someone asked him "What and why do like Melody? And if you would like, please send her a message." 
Hearing all of the boys clap and cheer, he blushed more and more. "She is just very charismatic, and stylish. Her rapping is something that is on another level for someone her age and--" He was cut off as the camera with to Thunder behind him.
"He always watches her videos, and he is completely jealous of G Dragg-->" he cut him off jumping up and covering his mouth. 
"Please, Mir finish?" the announcer said to him.
"Call me for lunch?" he smiled holding up his hand as a phone. 

Turning back to the host smiling and laughing blushing more and more, you covered you face. 

"would you like to reply?" Jae asked smiling leaning over his stand.
"Reply back to him!!" they all shouted making you laugh more and more. 

Standing and smirking to the camera winking, then wipping your lip, and smiling. 

"Mir Oppa, you are so sweet and cute~" you smiled giggling. "and I would love for you to take me out for tea sometime." you smiled bwing them going back to your seat.

Hearing them all laugh and cheer you on you smiled more trying to gain compuser of your face as you looked over and around then made eye contact with him then smiling and turning away. 

"And our last personal question for you right now iss.." he trailed off. "Melody, is Melo-Dragin real?" 

Hearing everyone break out in laughter as you laughed more and more with them faking it and covering up your warried looked, then looking over to Bom who was laughing the hardest. 

"Saddly, but no." you said trying to stop your laughter, blushing covering your face bending over into your lap laughing. 

"That was the top asked question for you..." they said trying to stop laughing. "G Dragon, how do you feel about it?"
"well.." he said trying to stop his big gummy smile. "She is always too busy to talk to me, and the only time we get to hang out is when we try to practice her dances.." he pouted laughing. "She is so selfish, she never helps me but will ask me for help."
"I shouldn't have to help you.." you laughed smiling turning to him. "I am the rookie here." you laughed more to him. 

Moving on from you to everyone else taking short breaks and fixing your selves, then going back to the show as they asked everyone questions about there pesonal lives moving from everyone and thing about them. Finishing up the show and bowing to the host thank them you smiled more and more going on to twitter making a tweet about Mir's cute message to you. 

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Sweet. I like it
Looking forward to an update
xXMaurix #2
Chapter 23: Nice update^^
Update soon~
Be waiting~
xXMaurix #3
Update soon~
GO JI! Keke