
Bad Girl, Good Boy

After rushing off of your plane, holding on to the coat tail of your body gaurd walking past crowds of people as camera flashed and people screamed out your name. Smiling and waving to a few people, you let go of his coat as someone held out something to you over the fence. Walking over to her then taking giving her a 90 degree bow and waving to her you walked away and heard her squeal out. 
Making your way to the car, you sat there and pulled out your phone.

To: Chanhee~
From: ______ <3
        I'm on my way to the stage now. Are you already that? 

From: Chanhee~
         We just arrived.... How was your flight?
  -Power Voice Chunji!

From: ______ <3
        I slept the whole flight, but other than that when  arrived a fan gave me a gift. ^^

From: Chanhee~
         Ne?! Did you open it? What is it?!
   -Power Voice Chunji

Form: ______ <3
         No, I haven't opened it yet.... I think I'm going to open when I'm not in the car. 
  - ________~

From: ______<3
          I'm here~! I'll meet you on the practice stage. :D
   - ________~

Walking out of the car grabbing your purse you thanked the driver, then being surounded by guards walking you down the sidewalk you saw all the fans lined up against the wall and in the streets. Hearing them all screaming out your name, and your stage name you pulled off your sunglassed and throw then in your purse smiling to them and waving.

"Hello everyone~!" you shouted to them. "I love you all!" you blew then all a kiss.
Hearing their screams and cries you felt your eyes starts to water, you quickly put back on your sunglasses and started to walk again. 

Going inside seeing other groups you waved to them smiling, and bowing. Walking to the practice stage you saw Chanhee and other dancers already practices, the other Teen Top members stood in the front of the stage leaning against the wall cheering them on. Laughing and smiling you walked over to them, leaning next to the now blonde Ricky. 

"Ricky!" you cheered smiling next to him as he noticed you. 
"_____!!" he jumped up hugging you tightly "I like your pajamas!" he laughed smiling. 
"Hey it's ____..." Daniel said walking over to you as the dancers noticed. 

Stoping the music the dancer and choreographer walked down to you smiling cheering at your arrival. 

"Come on, come on!" Chanhee pulled you away from Daniel smiling holding your arm tightly taking your purse placing it down. "I need to make sure I have my spets down!" he smiled pulling you up to the stage. 

Starting the music back up you smiled looking down to all of them mouthing the lyrics to the song starting to dance with Byunghun, and doing the part of looking back to Chanhee as he danced with the other dancers, smiling dancing closer to him, Chanhee moved in closer to you as he started to sing his part over the music, pulling you away from Byunghun dancing closer and closer to you then leaning into each other angling the fake kiss. Stopping the music you both pulled away and looked down to your choreographer in shock. 

"____, Chanhee.."  he called out to you two, walking on to the stage. 
"Ne?" you both looked over to him. 
"When you go in for the fake kiss, Chanhee you need to swoop your arm around her lower back... Like this." he held you to him show Chanhee what to do. 
"Ooohh..." Chanhee said wrapping his arm around you pulling you closely to him then looking to the choreographer. "Like this?" 

Hearing the members of Teen Top all gasp and cheer out, you looked up from Chanhee's chest to his face lightly blushing pulling away. Clapping and smiling the choreographer.

"Just like that." he smiled then looked at the time on his watch. "Okay, you all need to go and get ready! Hurry, off you with you all.." He laughed pulling you two off of the stage.

Walking to the back you looked over to Byunghun, who glared to Chanhee, biting his lips and looking over to you from the corner of his eyes, looking away from him you walked a little faster to your dressing room. Waving bye to them you walked into your dressing room. Sitting in your make-up chair you looked at your self in the mirror, smiling and greeting your hair dressers as they came in you moved your purse from your lap to the dest pulling out your phone, as they got started. 

From: Bingu Dragon <3
       Good luck tonight, I'll be watching. I love you! 
      Melody FIGHTING!!

From: _____ <333
       Thank you Jiyongie! 


Smiling to your phone as the two of you texted, you got up to get dressed locking your phone and setting it down you went to put on your outfit. Dancing the the music that played from a far you smiling to your self thinking of your comeback stage and how much fun it's going to be. Walking back to your seat, you smiled looking to the back to your phone as they started on your hair. Finishing up you put on your shoes and put your phone back into your purse, grabbing a piece of gum, hearing someone knock on the dressing room door you opened it poping your head out to see Minji and Bom and camera crew with them. 

"Melody-ah! " They yelled out as you popped your head through the door.
"Waaahhh.." you said blinking looking at them then to the camera, going back into your dressing room laughing.
"Yah!" Bom yelled as she kicked the door. "COME OUT HERE!"
Opening the door and coming out you stood there next to them smiling. "Hello." you said in English, then turned to them. "Bom sunbae, what do you want?" you whined playfully.
"I want to sing to me..." she smiled laughing. 
Nodding you clearded your throat smiling to her. "I love you~, I love you-uuu~" 

You smiled singing to her doing a part of their dance laughing. She blushed grabbin your hand, and you laughed covering your covering your mouth then waving your hand in front of the camera. 

"Okay, okay...." you laughed shaking your head leaving them. "Byee~" 

Walking away from them you smiled to the other groups as they past by, stopping by the lobby in the back looking to the live feedinf TV you watched Teen Top perform their song. Smiling watching them, you could feel a tap on your shoulder turning back see who it was you jumped up in surprise. 

"Chaerin!" you turned back to her smiling.
"Good luck tonight!" she smiled hugging you tightly. "I've missed you." 
"I missed you too~" you hugged back smiling. 

Having a small talk with Chaerin you noticed the boys of Teen Top walking to their dressing room, as a stage crew member walked up to you. 

"Melody-ssi, you're on in 10" minutes she assured you, checking off her clip board. 
"Ne, thank you." you bowed to her.

Chaerin waved to you as she saw Bom and Dara walking by, leaving to behind the the stage you watched Super Junior perform, as back up dancers and Byunghun walked up to you.

"____..." he whispered looking to you then looking back making sure no one else has come to the area. "I'm really happy to be preforming with yo--"
"____! I'm so excited!" Chanhee cut off Byunghun hugging us both. 

Bowing to Super Junior as they walked off stage then walk on to the dark stage getting into your formation, holding up the mic to your lips as the beat started to play and lightly started to flash starting to sing once the song started. You dance with Byunghun dancing closer with him then you were suppose to. Feeling Chanhee's hand warps around your waist you blush dancing with him as he sung out you smiles moving in to angle then kiss, but moving in a little to close acciedently touching lips. Widening your eyes pulling away from him going back to singing and dancing hearing your fans scream out fanchants and squealing out about the kiss you finished the song bowing to the fans walking off of the stage. 

Noticing Byunghun had stomped off you tried to caught up to him to see what happened stepping over a stage firework as it blew a shot of confetti directly up to your shot. 

Screaming out and jumping back falling on to the floor, you took of shoe on the side of the as other walked by. 

"Hey, ____?" Chanhee knelt behind you helping you up. "Are you okay?.." he helped you to the back lobby room. 

Crying you couldn't say anything as he set you down in a seat, looking down to your bloody foot. Leaning back crying he knelt down to your foot taking off your now covered in blood. Trying to stand up then  falling back down into the seat you, standing you wobbling your limped holding on to Chanhee dragging him behind you to your dressing room. Thanking for helping you walked into your dressing room, limping to the a seat then calling YG.

He didn't pick up. 

"YG, oppa..." you cried leaving him a message and your make crew came back into your dressing room. " I-I-I thi-think I broke my foot..." 

Leaving the voice make the make crew staw your foot, grabbin the  first aid kit wrapping up your foot then putting another sock on to your foot. Fixing your make-up you limped back on to the stage with all the other group for the annocning of the winner. Smiling everything the camera panned to you and lightly dancing, you looked down to your foot. You could feel the blood over flowing in your shoe. Holding back tears, someone bumped into you clenching your jaw shut crying out you shut your eyes a few tears fell out. You foot hurt so bad you couldn't focus bowing to everyone and waving you started to head off stage. 

Looking down to the floor you could see a trail of blood from behind you, collasping on to the floor you let it all out and started to cry back stage. Hearing a ruckus going on and someone saying your name you mumbled out to them quietly. Seeing Chanhee and Byunghun rush up to you with someone behind them, they pointed to you as he picked you up, it was their manger Andy. 

Carrying you to the ambulance out, sitting in the strecher put your hands over you face as they got in with you. Andy was on the phone with YG talking to him about how your foot looked as they removed your sock.

"I'm so sorry..." you repeated as they started to put the IV in your arm. 
"It's okay..." He held your hand smiling to you. "This isn't your fault ___." He assured you as he got off of the phone. "YG said he will meet us there, and Byunghun-ah will bring your things." 

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Sweet. I like it
Looking forward to an update
xXMaurix #2
Chapter 23: Nice update^^
Update soon~
Be waiting~
xXMaurix #3
Update soon~
GO JI! Keke