
Bad Girl, Good Boy

Bowing and thanking the host for having you on her show, you bowed to the camera crew as you left walking back stage. Seeing a few people who looked to be waiting for you you slowly tried walking past them looking over your shoulder to see who they were holding your head down so they couldn't see your face.

"Melody~!" a boy called out pointing to you causing you to freeze in your steps. 
"Hello.." you turned around to them smiling holding in yawns. 
"We are such big fans." a girl said smiling starting to shake. "C--caa-nn we take a picture with you?" she stuttered holding back tears. 

Smiling and nodding you moved in closely to them. "Of course, we can." you smiled to them as they pulled out a camera. 

Putting your arms around the girl and the boy in the middle of them smiling, holding up a peace sign. 
Smiling and bowing to you thanking you for the picture the boy cleared his throat asking. 
"May I have your autograph?" he held out a marker and your fan glow stick to sign. "If you don't mind?"
"No, I would never mind doing anything for a fan." you smiled talking the marker and the glow stick. "Where at?" you asked holding the cap in your mouth. 
"Right on the music note is fine." he smiled staring at you. 

Signing it then giving it back to them and walking away you went into your dressing, you turned your phone back on seeing 5 missed text messages.

From: Byung Hun Oppa
     Can't wait to see you, I am so excited what do you wanna do?


From: Bingu Dragon <3
      What do you mean you are busy tonight?! Who are you hanging out with??

From: Yang Hyung-Seok  
     We have the twitter account ready for you. 
   I will email you everything. Call me when you get the chance. 

From: Byung Hun Oppa
     I know what we can do. There is this carnival going on in the city, we can go to that. 
    How does that sound?

From: Bomie Unnie
     We are still having a our day together next Saturday night right?
     I really want to hang out with you~

Replying back to all your text you sat on the couch relaxing listening to your music. 

From: ______ 
To: Jiyong
     I do have friends ya'know ._____.*


From: ______ <3 
To: Byung Hun 
      OMG! That sounds like so much fun. 
     I just finished the show. What time are you coming?


From: ______ 
To: Yang Hyun-Seok
     I will call you when I get back home. 
    I am going to the carnival with an old friend of mine. Lee, Byung Hun. 
  He is one of the boys in Teen Top! 


From: _______~ ^-^
To: Bomie Unnie
    Yes! We are still hanging out no matter what Saturday. 
     I miss you too~! 
     I am so excited to see you when you come back from America Unnie~!! <3

Laying down on the couch relaxing you,popped up widending your eyes rushing to your bag digging then pulled a piece of paper out, turning off your music and writing down some lyrics that came into your head. Smiling as you wrote your phone started to go off. 

"Yo." you answered. 
"I am out side now." Byung Hun said. "We are in the front of the studio. 
"Here I come now." you said putting your things back into your bag. "Hold on, for just one moment." you pulled the phone away from your face pulling in your head phones."Okay..."
"Soo. umm, you don't mind if we aren't alone, right?" he asked, you knew he was kind of annoyed. 
"Umm, no." you said walking out of the studio in the front looking for L.joe's car. 
"Because Changhyun and Jonghyun, wanted to come." he sighed as Rickyed yelled out in english "Hi noona~!" 

Laughing to your self then finding his car, you hung up on him and opened the door, smiling and greeting them all. 

"Open the back, I need to put this back there." you smiled to L.Joe 
"Ne." he popped it open as you walked to the back, taking your purse out of it. 

Walking back to the door and sitting then closing the door you could see Changjo looking up at you from you from the back.

"Noona, you look so pretty." he smiled shyly to you as you looked back to them. 
"Thank you" you smiled back to them. 

Looking over to L.joe as he started to drive you noticed he has a slight smile on his face. Reaching your arms over to his face and poking his cheek lightly then looking forward on to the street. 

"Why did you poke?" he said laughing trying to have an attitude but failing. 
"I felt like it." you said rolling your eyes joking with a fake attitude. "Why are you so smile-y?" 
"It's because your here!" Changjo yelled out, as Ricky brusted with laughter. "All hyung did after seeing you the other was talk and think about you!"
"Aish..." you heard his say under his breath.

Opening your eyes starting to blush lightly looking out of the corner of your eye to see L.joe's blushing face giving Changjo a you-will-die look through the mirror. 
You grinned smirking a little, checking the new text message. 

From: Bingu Dragon <3
      That is not very nice of you. Ditching your oppa to hang out with your friends.
      You wouldn't like it if I ditch you to hang out with Seunghyun. :'<
     I'm worried what if something happens to my little dongsaeng??

your gums, tightening your jaw, you started to get annoyed with Jiyong yet again. 

From: _____<333
       You are always either working or hanging out with your friends! What are you talking about??
      > 3 >  And this is like the first time that I have hung out with someone that wasn't a part of YGE.. 
    And nothing is going to happen, I am just hangout with with some friends, please don't worry so much. 
    I will text you all night, until I get home if you want?.. (even though that would be rude)

"Who are you angry texting?" L.joe asked you looking over to you at a red light. 
"Jiyong-ssi..." you sighed locking your phone dropping it in your lap. "He is so annoying some times." 
"Wae?" Ricky asked from the back leaning up to the front.
"He is always worrying about what I am doing, if I am not with him." you laughed to your self. "and he is mean!" 

L.joe laughed lightly at your words while he parked the car in the lot, pulling out your phone smiling, and looking back at them you motioned for them to move up and come closer. 
Turning on your camera and taking a picture with them you smiled. 
"Send that to me Noona~" Changjo demanded. "I wanna post that on my me2day." 
"Okay.." you laughed smiling "I'll send it to you now." 

Going through your contacts and getting out of the car, you sent him the picture, walking next to L.joe he looked over to you and smile. 

"You haven't grown and inch, have you?" he laughed putting an arm around your shouler.
"Yah.." you pouted then mumbled "neither have you~"

Changjo and Ricky started to laugh walking up next you two as Ricky looked at the two of you and whinned then grabbed your hand pulling you to him. 

Selfishly saying "My noona!" sticking out his tongue and pointing at L.Joe who stood there shocked. "She is mine, she is my ride partner!!" he smiled still hugging on to you. "Mmm. Noona, you smell so sweet~" 
"Yahhh.." you sighed pinching his cheek roughly as he let you go.
"Fine, then I have the little maknae all to my self." he said giving Changjo a death glare remembering what he had said in the car.
"A-a-aniyo!" Changjo said backing behind you and Ricky away from L.Joe, "Noona, noona.." he tried to pull you out of Ricky's arms, but failed. "Hyung will beat me!" he cried as we walked to the ticket booth. 

"Hello~" a man greeted us. "How many tickets, would you like? Or would you like to buy a wrist band for all rides?" 
"Can I get two wrist bands, please?" L.joe pulled out his wallet paying for it, then taking the wrist bands putting one on him thn waking over to you and Ricky. 
"Hyung, you are too sweet," Ricky smiled holding out his wrist. "Buying me a wrist band so we can spend the whole night together!" 
"..." L.joe blinked looking at him blankly then pushing him aside and grabbing your wrist then looking to you smiling then winking. 
'T-Thank you." you smiled back at him fixing your hair, then reaching for your phone as you got a text. 

From: Bingu Dragon <3
      What time will you be home? Can I come over with Hyung?

From _____<333
     Idunno when I will be back home, but I know it is ggoing to be kinda late. 
     I guess if the two of you are still awake, then yeah, but you have to bring Gaho! <3

From: Bingu Dragon<3
     Wae? Where are you at?? :D 
      And he needs a bath, wanna give him one for me?

From: ______ <3333
     Carnival with my friends. :D 
    I gave him a bath last time! But sure I guess. 

Seeing a few people take pictures of you all, you smiled in some of them posing with Ricky. 
Walking to the bumper cars, waiting for the turn that was going on to be over, you looked over to L.Joe smiling, as he his lips and smiled back at you, pulling out his phone. 

From: Byung Hun Oppa~
       The others will be here soon... -___- 
      Wanna ditch them for awhile?

From: _____
        Sure, what ever you wanna do is fine. ^^

Walking on to the rink and picking out the one you want, you got into a pink and slim green one with the number 3 on it. 
Bucking your self in tightly and and adjusting to the seat, you looked for them making sure none of them were by you. 

Once the bumper cars started to drove around but then was bumped into a wall, turning around and seeing L.Joe smiling and laughing you backed up into him making him hit Changjo as you drove away from them laughing on the screach for Ricky. You looked and looked then found him in a corner being bumped by a group of girls that were squealing over him, as he laughed and smiled from all of the attention. 
Driving around you saw L.joe's car had gotten stuck, taking this in your favore you speed up and drove as fast as you could to bump him. Hitting him roughly you almost came out of your car as him and his car went flying to the other side of the rink hitting the wall, you sat in your car laughing, so hard that you started to cry. 

Getting off of the ride to meet up with the other L.joe had an evil smirk on his face as he turned his head to you ever now and then making a plan to get you back. Noticing his looks more and more, you made a face at him when he looked at you again. Noticing the sun had gone fully down you checked the time on your phone, then locked it ignoring your text messages from Jiyong. 

"Chan Hee~" you ran and hugged on to Chunji making him blush and laugh. Letting go of him you noticed that C.A.P wasn't there. "Where is Minsoo?" you asked as you hugged Niel.
"Hey stayed home to play video games, plus he said. "it would be an uneven number of people, and I wouldn't want to feel the rath of L.Joe if--"..." L.joe cut Niel off.
"Can we get cotton candy, ____?" He asked putting an arm around your shoulders smiling with his eyes looking down to you. 
"Mhmm!" you smiled starting to walk with him as the other followed. 

Being pulled again my Ricky, but this time not into his chest, he just held your hand wigning it laughing and smiling to you. Looking over at him, making a cute face at him he squealed out "aegyo~" as he held your hand tighter.  

Reaching the cotton candy booth, and looking at all of the different colors, you looked at the one was pink and blue. that had stars in the bag with it. 

"Which one do you want?" he guy on the other side smiled to you as you were still looking at the with the stars. "Ahh." he sighed following your eyes to the star one when you didn't reply back to him. 
Reaching up to that, he brought it down to you smiling still as the boys watched giving him dirty looks then looking over to L.Joe who was looking at you as were you looking away from the guy. L.Joe walked behind you putting his hands on your waiste resting his head on your shoulders looking to the guy who was smiling at you still. 

"How much?" He barked at the guy to back off. 
"Oh the house for Melody." he laughed noticing how L.joe was holding you. 

Turning ans facing L.Joe as he grabbed the cotton candy, his chin on your forhead, you smirked chuckling to your self. 

"Are you jealous?" you asked trying to open the bag inbetween the two of you, picking out a piece smirking then putting it in your mouth eating it, and walking away. 
"A-aniyo." he whispered to you grabbing your wrist as the others watched the two of you. 

Taking out, as L.Joe his lips then wipped them he smirked taking the piece from you and eating it smiling looking down at you and smiling. Letting out a slight chuckle you narrowed your eye brows to him, taking out more then eating it, and turning back to the other, who just watched with their mouths open, gasping. 

"Noona!" Ricky called out pushing L.Joe away from you. "Lets go on more rides?" 

Getting on a bunch of rides with them all then when you finally made it to the fairest wheel, you paused in the line, as everyone walked. Ricky looked to you as you looked up at the top of the fairest wheel tightening your grip on his hands and gluping down your saliva. 

"Noona, we don't have to go on it if you don't wanna." he smiled to you. 
"No, we can go on it.." you turned to him hiding you fear of heights behind a smile, as L.Joe turned from infront of the two of you. 
"I'm scared too, noona.." Ricky admitted. 
"Maybe you two should go with people who aren't scared so you actually get on the ride." Chunji said behind you laughing. 
"Yeah." L. Joe nodded. "____, you can come with me, and Changhyun and Jonghyun can go together?" he asked, as the line moved up more for us to get on. 
"Are you sure?" You aksed looking to them all. "I don't have go on." 
"We can't get separated." Neil smiled to you. 
"Fine.." you sighed moving up next to L.Joe then getting on with him. 

As it moved up for the next people to get on, he pulled out his phone, moving closer to you and smiling, you gave a warry smile. 
"This is going on twitter." he said while posting it and titling it "Melody-ah, scared of the ride! keke<3" 
"Yah!" you laughed playfully punching him, "My fans are going to go from thinking I'm bad and tough to soft and squishy.." you laughed as the ride had gotten started. 

Spinning faster and faster you gripped on to the metal bar for dear life trying to scream as L.Joe held his hands up laughing as the wind whipped by. Placing his hand on your, you looked at him then at your hands as the ride with faster and he held your hands up with his smiling and laughing, you smiled back giggling. Feeling the ride shake and start to slow down you gripped on to L.Joe's hand shutting your eyes. 

"____, everything is okay." he said touching your back. "Open your eyes." 
"Okay..." you said loosening your grip on him then seeing how high up you were you yelped out going back to gripping on to his hand. 
"Don't look down." he laughed, wrapping you in his arms. 
"Pabo, your so mean." you whinned to him holding on to him tighter. "You know I have a really bad fear of heights..." you frowned to him.

Wind blew shaking the ride more, making you shake in his arms. Both of you feeling your phone go off, you were too scared to get it, thinking you would drop and breaking your phone, or lose it. The ride still sat there, the two of you on top, starting to relax, you leaned back, and so did L.Joe, he still had his arm around you. 

"Hey, look." he pointed at the sky, as the stars were twinkling. 
"Heh," you smiled. "it's pretty.

Your phone started to go off, again. opening your purse and pulling it out. Noticing a call from Young Bae, " I am sorry," you said to L.joe answering it. 

"Hello?" you said. 
"____!" he said laughing. "Why haven't you picked up your text, or answered your phone?" 
"Because I am out with my friends.." you said oddly looking at him
"Are you sure you aren't on a date?" He asked curiously. "With the Teen Top boys?"
"No, why would I be?" you asked wondering what was going on. "What is happening?"
"It's because on twitter and me2day there are so many pictures of you and L.Joe guy and we are all worried." he admitted then sid away from the phone. "Hyung, I told you she wasn't on a date."
"Of course, I am not.. That would be breaking my contracted." you sighed. "I have to go though, I am on a ride." 
"Oh, okay." he said smiling through the phone to then said in a teasing tone joking. "Have fun on your date..." you could hear Jiyong in the back cursing at them.

Hanging up and looking back at L.Joe who was smiling and lightly blushing, as the ride got started again, you held back on to his hand tightly making his knuckles go white, going then stopping, going then stopping, over and over until it finally got to you two to get off. 

With shaking legs you held on to L.Joe until Ricky came and grabbed you. 

"Noona, that was so scary!" he said burying his head into your neck. 
"Ya' don't say?.." you glared at L.joe who just shrugged putting his hands behind his head and started to walk. 

Chunji was checking his phone, then he noticed the new twitpic, that L.Joe uploaded. Gasping out then looking at all the retweets and comments the picture had, he snuched up his nose laughing to him self. 
"You took a picture?" he showed everyone.
"Mhmm.." he smiled nodding still ahead of everyone, not slowing down.
"Wow.." Niel looked at the picture. "Noona you are so cute, I really like this one." 
"I wanna see~" Changjo said taking his phone to look for it. 
" I wanna play a game befeore we leave." you said wandering away from them to the games as they followed behind you, dancing around as you walked smiling Chunji ran up to you and danced along with you laughing. 

Walking around all the games looking at the prizing, stopping infront of a game that had a group of stuffed pastel colored llamas you looked at them then at the others.

"What do we have to do to win a llama?" you asked the lady. 
"They come in a group." she smiled. "you have to hit 5 out of 7 of the targets to get the llamas." cockly looking at you she pointed to a little girl who was walking to the next game with her mother. "They were just trying and they lost by one..."
"What if we hit all 7?" Chunji asked cockly back to her. 
"You win the llamas and the big Rilakkuma plushie" she smirked pointing the one hanging on the wall.


"How much for us all to play a round?" Niel asked taking on her challenge.
"Ya' know what.." she smiled. "Since you are all so pretty, your first two rounds are free." she laughed to her self getting out the balls then sitting down. 

Pressing the button for the targets to appear, you threw one to the right knocking it over, then to the top missing then throwing again as it popped up again. L.joe was detemined to win, hitting all the one that popped up on his side as Neil and Chunji threw at the random ones in the middle laughing. Having a good time laughing as the timer went off, dropped open, as she saw more then 7 or the targets were knocked down. 

"Noona, which one do want?" Changjo asked. 
"Give me all the llamas.." you took them then ran to the little girl who was with her mother.

Tapping her on the shoulder then kneeling down and holding out the llamas to her. 
"Which on do you want?" you asked smiling to her. 

She looked up to her mother, as she nodded to her. 
"I want that one." she pointed to the purple one. 
"Awe~" you smiled bigger giving it to her. "Good choose.It matches your little backpack." 
She giggled smiling to you, bowing. "Thank you Melody-Unnie~" she hugged on to it.
"You're welcome." you smile standing and patting her head then bowing to her mother, and walking back to the boys. 

"Here you go." you smiled to them, handing them the llamas. 
'What?" Ricky said holding the Rilakkuma. 
"I gave the little girl mine." you smiled to them. 

As they all took one, L.Joe was holding on to the huge Rilakkum then he handed it to you smiling. "Here." 
"Huh?" You pushed it back to him. "You keep it."
"_____..." he said plainly. "I only wanted to win so you could have it." he smiled to you pushing it in your face. 

Taking it L.Joe pulled out his phone motioning for you to all move in and telling you to hold up the prizes, standing the middle hugging on to the bear and smiling, he took it. Sending it to all our phones smiling. 

"___, it's getting pretty late." Chunji looked at his phone gettiong the time. 
"Yeahh.." you sighed looking at your phone. "I guess, I should call my ride." you smile dailing a number. 
"Ani, I'll take you home." L.joe offered knowing you were dailing Jiyongs number. "Plus your stuff is still in the tunk." he waved to the others. "I'll see you all when i get home." 

From: _____<333
 To: Jiyong
       I am on my way home now.. You still coming over? 


Walking to the car with L.Joe, you got into the car smiling, putting the car into the back seats, as he started the car and drove you home. Telling him the streets to your dorm, you got a text from Jiyong.

From: Bingu Dragon<3
       I will meet you there, Bae and Seunghyun and Minzy are coming too.

Talking about how much fun you had, had with them all, and thanking him to making you feel better on the fairest wheel. Stopping infront of your dorm building, smilede to him thanking him for the day that you had with him. Reaching in the back for the huge bear, he got out opening the trunk and taking out your buffle bag meeting you out of the car with it. 

Smiling and taking the bag from him hugging him tightly then kissing his cheek, turning away and waving bye to him, saying "Call me when you make it home."

Walking into the building and going to the elevator and getting in it, pressing the button leaning against the wall and relaxing and smiling, hugging on to the big bear, that smelled like L.Joe from being in his car. Getting out of the elevator and walking to your dorm you saw Minzy and Seunghyun waiting at your door, looking around for Jiyong you walked to them then felt someone tap your shoulders. 

Jumping up you fell back into Jiyong's arms dropping your keys and the bear. Turning to him as he hugged you, you playfully pounded on his chest trying to pull away. Picking up your things you handed Seunghyun the bear and he leaned on the wall. 

Opening the door then turning on the lights you smiled taking you shoes off then letting them in. 

"Make your selves at home." you called out, walking down the small hall to your bed room. "If your hungry Jiyong knows where everything is", you sighed. 
Putting your phone on the changer then walking out to them, and sitting on the couch with them smiling and turning on the tv, as Jiyong was in the kitchen getting out snacks. 

"Unnie, who got you the bear?" Minzy asked looking at it as it sat in the chair where Seunghyun placed it.
"I won it!" you smiled, then cursed under your breath, an ran to room getting your phone then running back to them. 

Sending YG a text saying you were home, you flipped through the chanels trying to find something as Seunghyun took the remote from you laughing. Picking out a random movie that was on Jiyong sat next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders, you knew he could smell the others on you. Looking to him then smiling trying to get his mind off the way you smelled you made a face at him, and ate some of his snack laughing.

"Yah, ___--" Seunghyun cut him off with a shush as the movie was getting started. 

Giggling to your self, you got up and got a blanket from your closet and dimming the lights in the livingroom, then sitting back in the middle with Jiyong, you put the blanket on over everyone.

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Sweet. I like it
Looking forward to an update
xXMaurix #2
Chapter 23: Nice update^^
Update soon~
Be waiting~
xXMaurix #3
Update soon~
GO JI! Keke