Smart Brother

Geeks For Hoops


They arrived at a fancy hotel restaurant locally and Junsol’s parents were a bit worried.

“Are you sure about this restaurant?” Junsol’s mother asked.

“Are you craving something else?” Mina asked.

“No, I mean I wouldn’t want you guys to spend money like this. Dear, why do we pay instead.” She nudged her husband.

“Oh it is quite all right. My daughter got your daughter in trouble, so it is the least I can do.” Mina said as she looked at Kaide who seem not to budge.

“It was not Kaide’s fault. I don’t know how all of this happened.” Junsol looked down.

“I think your principal is the one at fault not you guys. I will talk to my lawyer about this. Don’t worry my daughter. We will handle this.” Junsol’s father said then turned to Kaide’s parents. “I will report this immediately.”

“Same. We can both get lawyers. We can work together. But for now, let’s eat since the girls had such a long day.” Kaide’s father said.


“Honey, you really need to eat…” Junsol’s mother said.

“Mom, I’m just worked my job will fire me because of this if they ever find out. I’m praying they don’t find out.” She said poking at her eggs. “Don’t you guys have work to do?”

“Don’t worry, dear. I’m working at home for the time being until we have to fly out again. Your father went down to the company for a meeting but he asked if he can halt his work so he can investigate this preposterous situation. But tell me dear, did you make an enemy?” Her mother asked.

“Not that I know of; I know I’m in the school committee and such but I never knew someone hated me.” Junsol said as she pondered but then JaeMi’s image popped out.

“I remember Kaide saying during lunch yesterday that she knows who the culprit is.” She asked.

“Yes. Now I remember something. About more than a month ago this girl in my class threatened me to stay away from this guy because she said he belongs to her. But I don’t even know this boy well; we just happen to bump into each other a lot. That’s all. That girl is really a bully, mother. She told rumors that Kaide practices voo-doo when she really doesn’t. She’s crazy, mother.”

“Do you know how to get evidence? I mean your father is on the school but he can’t ask students any questions without the parents’ consent, which happens to be the biggest obstacle at the moment.” 

“I’m also worried about the school committee. I’m a part of it as well.” Junsol said trying to hold back her tears. “I’ll just start on homework for the mean time.”

“Okay, sweetie.” Junsol’s mother sighed.



“Seriously? Your plan is using Youngjae?” YongGuk looked at Himchan.

“Why not? He’s good at figuring things out.” Himchan said.

“True but how can we convince him when he always gets us good at payback?” YongGuk was skeptical.

“Like a said, I got a plan. Don’t worry hyung, I got this.” Himchan smirked.

“Okay, whatever.” YongGuk crossed his arms.


“Yah! YoungJae! What can you tell about these fliers?” Himchan handed it to their smart, younger brother.

“That they are pink?” YoungJae raised his eyebrows as if it was the stupidest question he heard all day.

“Would you like to sleep with one eye open tonight? I’ll give you a nightmare you’ll never forget.” Himchan rolled his eyes.

“I have something called a lock. It was invented a long time ago.” Youngjae smiled.

“If you don’t want me to open my big mouth and tell Soojin how you feel about her, I suggest you help us in figuring out these stupid rumors written here.” Himchan smirked looking at YongGuk who seemed to be pleased as well.

“H-hyung! Why w-would you read my diary?!” Youngjae stuttered while he gulped.

“Because I’m not stupid to leave it out in the open where my big, irresistible eyes can’t contain itself along with my delicate hands having a mind of its own.” Himchan praised himself.

“Anyways, before he black mails you again; can you help us find the idiot who did this?” YongGuk asked.

“Only if you both promise not to tell a soul about Soojin including her!” Youngjae said.

“Fine.” They both said and sighed.

“Let me see.” Youngjae examined after about a couple of minutes he came up with something. “These had to be made by girls.”

“Girls?” Himchan and YongGuk asked in confusion.

“Seriously? Out of all people Himchan hyung, you couldn’t come up with this conclusion yourself? I thought you were the women expert.” Youngjae shook his head. “Come on, do you really think guys would do something girly such as making rumors like this. If you think about, guys don’t start rumors. Plus this is pretty a girly thing for a guy to do, don’t you think?”

“Why though?” YongGuk stared in space.

“Hyung, I really think you need a girl.” Youngjae bluntly suggested.

“You sure do.” Himchan looked at YongGuk.

“How can we find who did this and make sure it’s accurate?” Himchan asked.

“They probably went on Paint or Word on the computer just to make these.” Youngjae said. “If I’m right, the culprit must have this as a saved file. I mean look at the picture; it had to be taken by someone and then placed in a computer.

“You’re a genius!” Himchan said.

“For what? Actually using my brain?” Youngjae said. “If you are going to ask to make me hack into someone’s computer, you have to ask someone else. Do you have any leads? Or suspect anyone?”

“Actually yeah, but I’m kinda doubtful…” Himchan held his chin.

“Who?” Youngjae asked.

“JaeMi.” Himchan said.

“Seriously? You know if you are wrong who knows what can happen to you.” Youngjae looked at him.

“I told him that already.” YongGuk sighed.

“I have a hunch, a pretty good hunch.” Himchan said confidently.

“I hope you’re right hyung.” Youngjae said. “I wonder if she saved her stuff on a flash drive or on a laptop.”

YongGuk straightened up. ‘She’s coming this weekend… for that stupid project…’

“Think of something you guys. I wanna blow off some steam.” YongGuk said, grabbing a basketball.




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Chapter 21: So five weeks has turned into 3 yrs. I'll just think of an ending n they lived happily ever after. Thank you for the story and funny gifs. I enjoyed the ride.
Chapter 7: Lol me gusta
Chapter 21: Awesome update! \o/
Chapter 21: yay you updated!!

and good luck with school!!

hahaha, both brothers asking them to come over for dinner eh~ sweet!!
can't wait until they find out about it!!
and then they can rub that in the principle's face! :D
Chapter 20: Will be we having update to this story soon? ^^
Yay! Justice!~
colorfulmemoirs #7
WOOT, THAT B***H JAEMI HAS FINALLY BEEN CAUGHT! //happydance// And take your time updating! You don't have to kill yourself over it o.e I'll be waiting patiently for the next update! :3
ahaha... Jaemi you better run and find a new school~
Aww, fighting! Work hard! Your readers can wait! I'm sorry people have been rude. :( They can get over it. Its your story.