The culprit

Geeks For Hoops


“Don’t say that.” Junsol shyly said.

“You should seriously get rid of these. You don’t need it. It could damage your eyes… You never know.” Yongguk said to her.

“Eh, I don’t know what to say. But anyways, thanks for you know being worried about me. It’s nice to see someone wanting to know that truth rather than making up rumors.” She smiled as she finished washing the dishes.

“Anytime.” He smiled down at her. “So will I see you next week?”

“Hopefully.” She shrugged.

“Um yeah, I think I should go.” He said awkwardly. “Say bye to you parents. They seem really nice.”

“Sure. Bye, Yongguk.” She said and watched him leave down the hallway.

“He seems like a nice young man.” Her mother said.

“He is.” Junsol smiled.

“So he’s not a boyfriend.” Her mother said just to make it clear.

“No mom, he isn’t.” She said letting out a sigh.


Both Yongguk and Himchan got home and sighed together as they entered in their room.

“Did you find out anything?” Yongguk asked.

“Nope.” Himchan sighed in frustration.

“I’m starting to think, if they were girls… what can we do? I mean, I don’t do girl fights, backstabbing, talking big, and all that junk.” Yongguk said.

“I know but helping the girls behind the scene will avoid all those.” Himchan said.

“So Kaide said it was okay to help?” Yongguk asked curiously.

“Well, even if she said no; I’m still going to help her.” Himchan said.

“So I take that as a no.” Yongguk laughed. “But it’s the same with Junsol. I offered to help but she said no.”

“So when are you going to ask Junsol out? It’s so obvious that you like her.” Himchan said as he was changing his shirt.

“I should be asking you the same thing.” Yongguk stared hard at him.

“Well soon, I hope. But she’s a tough one but I love a stubborn and challenging girl to fight with.” Himchan smiled.

“I really like Junsol but I tend to show how weak I am when she’s around. It’s a side I really don’t want her to see but I can’t help it.” Yongguk said.



Soon than the 2 boys thought, it was the weekend. Most students look forward to the weekend but the 2 boys didn’t. It only meant that they were going to spend the whole day doing a stupid project. On the other hand, Jaemi and Seojin took full advantage of every minute there with them.

“Oppa~” Jaemi cooed as Yongguk answered the door.

“Hi.” He said coolly.

“Let’s do our project!” She said coming inside his house.

“Yeah…” He groaned softly.


While they were doing the project Jaemi excused herself to talk to Seojin for awhile. He was at her laptop to finish up the power point presentation when curiosity began to come through his mind. He looks under her save files and found a file named “J&K: PLAN A and B”. Yongguk opens it and his jaw drops. ‘So she did do it!!!’ He thought.

“Oppa, I’m-” She began to say but was cut off when she saw her file being brought up.

“So it was you!” He yelled furiously.

“I- I can explain-n!” He began to panic.

“Take your stuff and get the hell out of my house!!!” He screamed on the top of his lungs but gripping on to the flashdrive. Jaemi scurried off with her stuff and didn’t realize that the flashdrive was still with him. She comes down and runs out the door.

“What’s going on?!” Himchan said running inside.

“I got the culprit.” Yongguk said angerly. Himchan looks at him. He knew Yongguk wasn’t please but then he was glad because he wanted to break the news to Kaide and he was sure Yongguk will go and tell Junsol.




Thanks for the encouraging comments. I will update soon!!! ^_^

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Chapter 21: So five weeks has turned into 3 yrs. I'll just think of an ending n they lived happily ever after. Thank you for the story and funny gifs. I enjoyed the ride.
Chapter 7: Lol me gusta
Chapter 21: Awesome update! \o/
Chapter 21: yay you updated!!

and good luck with school!!

hahaha, both brothers asking them to come over for dinner eh~ sweet!!
can't wait until they find out about it!!
and then they can rub that in the principle's face! :D
Chapter 20: Will be we having update to this story soon? ^^
Yay! Justice!~
colorfulmemoirs #7
WOOT, THAT B***H JAEMI HAS FINALLY BEEN CAUGHT! //happydance// And take your time updating! You don't have to kill yourself over it o.e I'll be waiting patiently for the next update! :3
ahaha... Jaemi you better run and find a new school~
Aww, fighting! Work hard! Your readers can wait! I'm sorry people have been rude. :( They can get over it. Its your story.