The Help

Geeks For Hoops



The week was going slow for both Yongguk and Himchan. It was just plain boring and lonely just looking at an empty seat. On the other hand, Jaemi was happy yet slightly annoyed. She was happy that there was nothing to distract Yongguk but then every time she would ask a question; he would only give a one-word or two-words response which bugged the heck out of her. 

“Morning oppa~” Jaemi cooed.

“Eh, morning…” Yongguk sighed and sat at his desk.

“Am I coming over this weekend?” She smiled.

“Like I have a choice; let’s just get it done.” He said not even looking at her.

“Oppa, why do you want to get it done so fast?” Jaemi pouted.

“Uh, finals are almost here as well as a few practice tournaments among the high school basketball teams in the district.” Yongguk said.

“Oh~ I get it! Good luck oppa! I will be cheering you on!” Jaemi said with excitement.

“Um, yeah.” He said putting his head down trying to hint that the conversation in over.


“Jaemi, I don’t mean to be a downer but he looks depressed. Maybe we took it too far…” One girl whispered.

“I want them out of the school so I can have them to myself. That stupid nerd is in my way. I seriously don’t know what he sees in her.” Jaemi scoffed.

“And I don’t know what Himchan oppa sees in that overrated delinquent.” Seojin crossed her arms in bitterness.

The other girls looked at them both and shrugged and then looked at Yongguk and Himchan who seems to be a bit dazed.


Later that evening, after dinner was done; Himchan was ready to go out for awhile.

“Yah, where you going?” Yongguk said.

“Just going out for a walk.” Himchan said zipping up his hoodie.

“Yeah right I bet you are going to see Kaide.” Yongguk said, crossing his arms.

“Yup, see ya!” Himchan whistled.

“I’m going to see Junsol then.” Yongguk said as he grabbed his jacket.


It was a quiet dinner for Kaide’s family. She had no idea what to say. She was too numb that she hardly even took a nibble at her dinner. She then excused herself and her parents looked at each other and sighed. After an hour, while Kaide was doing her homework when a knock on her door came.

“Kaide come quick open the door!” Her mother whispered then pushing her towards the door. She peeked through the door and her eyes opened wide.

“Himchan…” Kaide said as she opened the door. “What are you doing here?”

“Can we talk?” He smiled.

“Oh! Himchan! What a pleasant surprise! Did you have dinner yet?” Mina asked with glee.

“Yes, ma’am. I just wanted to talk to Kaide about something.” He grinned as Kaide just rolled her eyes.

“Sure, sure; please come inside.” Mina said. “I’ll get you guys drinks.”

“Oh no, that’s okay!” Himchan said but it was too late.

“Honey, have you seen my-” John said but was cut off by the sight of Himchan. “Who are you?”

“Dear, be nice! This is Kaide’s classmate. I’m pretty sure he is here about school related things after all Kaide isn’t in school to be updated in her class, isn’t that right Himchan.” Mina smiled.

“Pleasure to meet you sir.” Himchan extended his hand.

“Pleasure.” John said who seem quite unchanged.

“Let’s go dear. They need to talk. Here are your drinks.” Mina placed them down on the table then pushed her husband into the bedroom so he doesn’t give any more threats.

“He doesn’t like me huh?” Himchan smiled as he pulled the chair out for Kaide to sit on.

“Well, boys are never really in our house so he is skeptical.” She said. “So what brings you here?”

“Just visiting and like your mom said: updating you.” Himchan sat down.

“Well?” She sighed.

“I want to help you. You being suspended… I don’t know… is driving me crazy…” Himchan looked down trying so hard not to blush. Kaide just looks at him.

“How? It’s not like I asked for it.” She shrugged.

“So you know who did it right?” He asked carefully. “It seemed like you were telling me it was Jaemi.”

“I know it was her. I’m trying to figure out evidence but I’m stuck. I don’t know how to hack or do anything.” She frowned.

“We will figure something out…” He smiled and for the first time he saw her sincerely smile at him which took him by surprised.


Meanwhile, Junsol was washing the dished and heard a knock on the door. She closed the faucet and wiped her hands on the towel and peeked at the door.

“Yongguk? What are you doing here?” Junsol asked.

“Junsol, who is at the door?” Her mother asked.

“A classmate…” She responded.

“Let them in, sweetie.” She said.

“Um… Okay…” She opened the door wide to let Yongguk in.

“Good evening. My name is Bang Yongguk.” He bowed politely.

“Oh a boyfriend? You got a boyfriend while we were away?!” Her mother said in surprised.

“Wait, mom… it’s not what you think…” Junsol said in fear.

“Let me get your father!” Her mother scurried.

“Oh… did I come in a bad time?” Yongguk asked trying to hide his shaky voice.

“Just stand behind me.” She said anticipating what will happen next.

“Junsol, what is your mother-” Her father said but was cut off by the sight of Yongguk. “Step aside, Junsol.”

“Dad… please its not-” She began but her mother grabbed her by her side.

“Uh…” Yongguk gulped. “It’s a pleasure to meet you???”

“Oh my goodness… so it’s true.” He grabbed Yongguk’s hand and began shaking hands with him. “You have no idea how excited we are! I thought my Junsol will forever be alone.”

“Yes, Junsol doesn’t go out with friends a lot and it’s nice to see that she has a boyfriend.” Junsol’s mother began to cry with joy.

“Mom! Dad! You’re insane! He’s not my boyfriend!” Junsol hissed. “Yongguk, sorry.”

“Then why is he here?” Her father said crossing his arms.

“He wanted to… um why are you here?” Junsol finally asked.

“I wanted to know exactly what happened because there are too many rumors going on that it seemed all made up to me and if there is anything I can help with.” Yongguk said with a gummy smile.

“Hm, interesting.” Her father nudged his wife and smiled. “Do you expect anyone?”

“Well, my brother has this insane idea that it was the principle’s niece…” He began.

“Kaide said the same thing.” Her father rubbed his chin. “What do you think, son?”

“I’ll be honest; I seriously don’t know. But my other brother knows it has to be a girl. He said no guy will ever do sissy thing like that, which I think he’s spot on about.” Yongguk said.

“Well then we will leave you guys to talk.” Junsol’s mother said shooing her husband off so that Junsol and Yongguk more privacy.

“That turned out better than I thought.” Yongguk scratched the back of his head while giving a small chuckle.

“I’m so sorry about that. They are so embarrassing…” She said trying to hide her shy face.

“All parents as like that. So don’t worry.” He smiled.

“Junsol, do you believe Himchan and Kaide?” He asked.

“I don’t know but then again; I just know in my heart the way she argued with Principle Moon… She really stood her ground.” She said rolling up her sleeve to continue washing the dishes. “Oh would you like something to eat or drink?”

“I’m fine.” He said. “So is that why you are suspended? For talking back?” He asked, shaking her head.

“I didn’t do much talking because I was just overwhelmed that someone would do that to me and Kaide.” She shrugged.

“I want to help.” He stepped closer to her.

“Yongguk, I-” He turned her head but was cut off at how close he was.

“You?” He asked smiling at her.

“I uh- ahem- appreciate it but I don’t want to get you involved.” She looked down at the dishes.

“If I was your boyfriend, would you have let me?” He asked in a serious voice while taking her glasses off.




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Chapter 21: So five weeks has turned into 3 yrs. I'll just think of an ending n they lived happily ever after. Thank you for the story and funny gifs. I enjoyed the ride.
Chapter 7: Lol me gusta
Chapter 21: Awesome update! \o/
Chapter 21: yay you updated!!

and good luck with school!!

hahaha, both brothers asking them to come over for dinner eh~ sweet!!
can't wait until they find out about it!!
and then they can rub that in the principle's face! :D
Chapter 20: Will be we having update to this story soon? ^^
Yay! Justice!~
colorfulmemoirs #7
WOOT, THAT B***H JAEMI HAS FINALLY BEEN CAUGHT! //happydance// And take your time updating! You don't have to kill yourself over it o.e I'll be waiting patiently for the next update! :3
ahaha... Jaemi you better run and find a new school~
Aww, fighting! Work hard! Your readers can wait! I'm sorry people have been rude. :( They can get over it. Its your story.