
Geeks For Hoops


It was about break time and JaeMi and her posse headed towards the restroom to talk.

“I really hope your plan works.” Seojin said.

“Sure it will. Those 2 would be so embarrassed that YongGuk and Himchan won’t look at them the same way. Hurry let’s post these on the bulletin board.” JaeMi smiled. All the girls split up fast and posted rumors about the 2 girls…

By lunch time, the hallway was packed with students with so much talk. You can see heads popping out of the classroom waiting for Junsol and Kaide come out. Both of them little did they were part of a plan.


Jinyoung walked out of the classroom and saw clatter everywhere. So many people whispering things as he passed by them. He then saw a crowd of student looking at the bulletin board. He pushed his way through and his eyes widen. He quickly tore it down but there was too many of them to take down. He had to see Junsol.


Meanwhile YongGuk and Himchan were in the cafeteria when his teams came up to him with a flyer.

“YongGuk, is this true?” His teams laughed. YongGuk took it from him and was not pleased at all. His serious face made his teammates look at him with fear. Himchan took it from his hands and shook his head. He then looked at the other paper behind it and his eyes widen.

“Where the hell did you get this?” Himchan raised his voice.

“The h-h-hallways are full of them.” His teammate stuttered. YongGuk and Himchan looked at each other and ran towards the classroom.


“Junsol! Junsol!” Jinyoung cried out as he entered her classroom where he saw her eating lunch with Kaide.

“What’s going on?” Junsol looked up at him.

“These…” He handed them to her. “I tried to take as many as I can down but there were too many.”

‘Choi Junsol asked Bang YongGuk out but has been rejected by him!!!’ She read in her mind. She saw a picture of her and YongGuk talking and she was looking down at her shoes as he looked down at her. “This is a lie. I never even asked him out. He was telling me that my shoe laces were untied.”

“Oh this about you…” Jinyoung handed to Kaide.

“Lee Kaide aka School slept with 500 men.” She read out loud. Kaide looked at JaeMi who was standing by the door with a smirk on her face. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, OH MY GOSH! Seriously? Is this all you got? AHAHAHAHA!!!”

JaeMi's smirk fell but just then YongGuk and Himchan got to the door and stared at Kaide who was laughing. They looked at each other with confused faces.

“Oppa, did you see this? Junsol tried asking you out! AHAHAHAHAHA!” JaeMi faked laughed. Junsol looked down and YongGuk responded by taking the piece of paper then crumpling it up with his firm grip.

“YAH! The one thing I hate is lies! Once I find out who did this you will feel my wrath. Away all of you. Go back to your damn class, these rumors are all lies. And one more thing, mess with Junsol; you will be answering to my fist.” He cracked his knuckles then grabbed a boy’s bag of chips and ate them angrily. Himchan was walking over to Kaide until they heard the PTA.


“Choi Junsol and Lee Kaide; Report to the principal’s office immediately!” The announcement said.

“Let’s go.” Kaide said who seemed to be not worried about the situation.

“Okay…” Junsol put her head down. Junsol headed out first and Kaide slowly followed behind but stopped and turned to JaeMi.

“You lost.  Again. You will get YongGuk’s wrath now, trust me. I know it was you.” Kaide leaned in and whispered.


The 2 girls walked in the principal’s office and sat down.

“So what is the meaning of this?” The principal asked calmly.

“Are you kidding me? If you think we wrote all that crap, then you’re wrong.” Kaide crossed her arms.

“Do you know who did it?” He asked.

“Duh.” Kaide said.

“Who?” He asked.

“Your niece.” She said. Junsol looked at her and it started to make sense.

“You must be mistaken. She wouldn’t do something like this. What proof do you have?” He looked at her with angry eyes.

“I don’t have any… But I’m confident it was her. I will prove it one way or another.” Kaide said confidently.

“You have 2 weeks to prove it was her. If you don’t, I have the authority to suspend you both for falsely accusing another student.” He said firmly.

“But that is unfair!” Junsol said in disbelief.

“Of course it is. It sounds like as if he approved JaeMi for doing it.” She rolled her eyes. “He wouldn’t do this for another student.”

“Watch your mouth, Lee Kaide. I will suspend you right now.” He said with his buttons pushed.

“Go ahead. I hope my proof will get you fired!” Kaide yelled.

“You both are on a week suspension! Pack your things now! I will notify both your parents! Now get out of my office!” He stood up and yelled. “Mrs. Jang! Notify their parents immediately!”


The 2 girls walked out and Junsol was feeling numb.

“Kaide…” Junsol said.

“Sorry Junsol… I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t mean to get you in this mess as well.” Kaide said.

“It’s fine but I think you are right. I think it was her but how are we going to get proof?” Junsol asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry. I will think of something.” Kaide said.

“I’ll help!” Junsol smiled.

“It’s okay; I got us in this mess.” Kaide patted her back.

They both interrupted class and silently packed up their things. Mr. Yang handed them the homework assignments for the week. YongGuk and Himchan looked at the 2 girls who were packing their stuff. ‘What the hell? It wasn’t even their fault.’ They both thought. After packing Kaide looked at Himchan for a brief second then shifted her gaze at JaeMi. Himchan got the hint and then Kaide looked backed at him. She turned and walked out with Junsol.

By the time they came back, both Junsol and Kaide’s parents were there. ‘That was fast.’ They thought.

“Principal Moon, what is the meaning of this? Why would we be called on Junsol’s behalf? She’s a good student.” Junsol’s mother said.

“Because of these.” The principal handed the flyers to both families.

“You got to be kidding me. I wasted my gas for this.” Junsol’s father said in disbelief.

“I certainly agree with him. You think my daughter wrote this about herself?” Kaide’s father shook his head.

“Principle Moon, why are they both suspended?” Mina asked calmly.

“They both accused my niece who happen to be a classmate of theirs thinking it was her. They both didn’t have any evidence it was my niece.” He said.

“It was her! I swear mother! I would never lie about this! Plus Junsol didn’t say anything. She shouldn’t even been suspended when I did all of the talking back.” Kaide yelled.

“It’s all right sweetie.” Mina said putting her daughter behind her. “Okay… What proof do you have that my daughter is lying, huh?”

“S-She didn’t come with any proof in the first place.” He was appalled by the question.

“Let me get this straight; my daughter and her friend is suspended for lacking any evidence of ‘supposedly’ your niece’s wrong doing, when you don’t have by all means of any evidence that my daughter is lying.” Mina crossed her arms.

“Of course you would believe your daughter!” Mr. Moon said.

“Is there even a doubt? You don’t even know my daughter by all means you could be favoring your niece. I bet you, yourself haven’t even asked her.” Mina chuckled.

“They have 2 weeks to prove to me that it was my niece.” Mr. Moon said firmly.

“This is ridiculous!” Junsol’s father said. “They are the victims here and now they are suspended?!”

“You're obviously biased in this occasion but no matter. If my daughter and her friends come with evidence, I will surely sue you.” Mina pointed at him. “Let’s go everyone. Obviously talking to a person who unqualified for this job is making my IQ go low with their stupidity.”

“Well said honey.” Her husband smiled.

“Don’t worry Mr. Moon. I assure you; you won’t see the last of me.” Mina waved.

“I-I…” He began to say but both families left.


“I’m very sorry about that. I didn’t even let you both say anything.” Mina apologized to Junsol parents. “How about I treat you to lunch?”

“That isn’t very necessary. What you said pretty much summed up what we had in our heads. It’s just our Junsol was called in the principal’s office. It is a first for us. But I don’t think it is right for both our daughters to be suspended for something they didn’t do.” Junsol’s mother said.

“Mom, I’m hungry. We both were called during lunch and didn’t get to eat because of all this ruckus.” Kaide said.

“Let’s go then.” Mina smiled.


After school, JaeMi and her posse left happily. YongGuk just stared at Junsol’s seat. Himchan waited until everyone was out to talk to YongGuk.

“Hyung, I think Kaide was telling me something when she looked at me.” Himchan said with a serious face.

“Like what?” YongGuk grew in interest.

“JaeMi had to do something with these.” He said talking out the 2 papers.

“That’s kinda bold to say. She’s the niece of the principal.” YongGuk said.

“True… but trust me hyung. I have a hunch.” He said.

“I don’t know…” YongGuk scratched his head.

“I mean if you really don’t want to do something. Junsol might change school.” Himchan said innocently.

“Let’s find out then!” YongGuk grabbed his stuff and left.

“Wait hyung! I think I might have a plan.” Himchan smirked.




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Chapter 21: So five weeks has turned into 3 yrs. I'll just think of an ending n they lived happily ever after. Thank you for the story and funny gifs. I enjoyed the ride.
Chapter 7: Lol me gusta
Chapter 21: Awesome update! \o/
Chapter 21: yay you updated!!

and good luck with school!!

hahaha, both brothers asking them to come over for dinner eh~ sweet!!
can't wait until they find out about it!!
and then they can rub that in the principle's face! :D
Chapter 20: Will be we having update to this story soon? ^^
Yay! Justice!~
colorfulmemoirs #7
WOOT, THAT B***H JAEMI HAS FINALLY BEEN CAUGHT! //happydance// And take your time updating! You don't have to kill yourself over it o.e I'll be waiting patiently for the next update! :3
ahaha... Jaemi you better run and find a new school~
Aww, fighting! Work hard! Your readers can wait! I'm sorry people have been rude. :( They can get over it. Its your story.