Getting to know the dorm

That Girl, That Boy

Until around 1, you spent your time with Lu Han as he showed you around the dorm, school grounds and local area. 

'Okay so first here's the kitchen. You're most likely going to find D.O here. He makes all our food and he's a genius when it comes to cooking. He makes us special soup when we're ill and whenever its Chuseok or a birthday, he'll make us the best feast ever. If he wakes up early, he'll make lunch for us all too so we don't have to eat in the canteen area'

'Wow. That's amazing of him'

'Yeah. He also likes everything neat so if you want to go to the kitchen, make sure you don't mess anything. Everything has to be organised wherever he goes.'

'Sounds like a mum...'

'Yeah haha, you could say that I guess.'

You moved on to the living room. Chanyeol was still sitting on the sofa but this time he was watching the news. 

'Okay so this is Chanyeol... the one that saved you last night'

'Yes, thank you Chanyeol-ssi... I owe you big time...'

'Haha, you're part of our family now, so don't worry about it'


Lu Han lead you to the room nearest to the kitchen. 

'This is Tao and Xiu MIn's room. You haven't met Xiu Min yet, right?'

'Nope, not yet'

'That's okay, you'll meet him eventually. Oh, Tao might seem scary at first-'

'Yeah, he looks so angry'

Lu Han howled with laughter.

'Oh Haneul-ssi, you're too funny! But don't worry. The better you get to know him, the less scary he'll seem. He's actually really cute'

'Okay, I'll trust you on this one'


'Right this room is mine and I share with Chen. You probably know that Chen's a ladies man. There's only 3 girls he hasn't gone out with in the year, you know.'

'Really? Who?'

'Well Eun Mi, Yun Hee and erm, you'

'Ah, I see' you giggled. 

'Yeah so this is our room and this... this is Kris and Lay's room'

'I haven't met Lay before'

'I'm sure you'll like him. He's fluent in Chinese too'

'Is his real name Lay?'

'Why do you ask?'

'Oh, cause it's not very Korean or Chinese and well... I used to eat these crisps called Lays so his name kinda reminded me of that'

'Really?! Crisps called Lays? Thats pretty cool...but no, its not his real name'


You moved on to the next room. 

'This is where Chanyeol and Baekhyun sleep. Chanyeol is extremely lazy but he's a nice guy as you already know... Baekhyun is... he's the socialable one. He has the most friends out of us and he likes to talk to the other kids in our year. I think most of us just stick to the 12, well 13 of us'

'Ah I see'

'Baekyun is pretty much always cheerful. You can count on him to make you smile'

'That's a good characteristic to have'

'Well I can make you smile too, right?'

'Huh? Yeah, of course you can Lu Han'

'Good answer... Okay! Kai and D.O's room! You know Kai and you know D.O so theres no need for me to go into special details, right?'


'And finally we have Sehun and Su Ho's room. You haven't met either, right?'

'Not yet'

'Okay well Sehun is our maknae and he's constantly getting into trouble so Kai and Su Ho always have to deal with him. Except I think you're younger than Sehun so now you're the maknae...'

'Oh jeez'

'Don't worry, I'm sure everyone will carry on beating Sehun up and not you.'

'Lets hope so. By the way... where will I sleep?'

'Oh... erm, that's a good question. We'll probably sort it out over dinner when everyone's here. Xiu Min and Chanyeol don't have to work on Saturdays'

'Ah.. okay'

'Hey, don't be nervous. We all want you here, okay?'



Once the dorm tour was over, it was time for the school tour. 

'Get a jacket, it might be cold'

You ran to Kris' room and took your coat from your case and hurried back. Lu Han was holding two scarves and put on around his neck and the other around yours. 

'They'll kill me if you get ill again so wear this'

'Thank you'


You walked out and to your horror, Yun Hee and Nana had just stepped out of their dorm too. 

Oh , I'll never hear the end of this. 

'Good Morning, Yun Hee. Good Morning, Nana!' Lu Han was trying his hardest to make the situation as least awkward as possible. 

'Ah, good morning Lu Han-oppa!' 

You winced. 

Were they really that close with him? Or were they just like desperate fan girls?

'Where are you girls off to then?'

'Just a morning walk, that's all. Wanna join us, oppa?'

They were making it obvious that you weren't invited. You shifted your eyes to Lu Han.

'Sorry girls, I'm on a date with Haneul-ssi'

A DATE?! Why the would you say that?! Now they're really going to grill me

'Ah keurae (I see)? Araso oppa' and with that they left. 


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To anyone who wasn't aware of this: THE SEQUEL ('That Girl, Which Boy?') IS UP!!!!!


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